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Product upgrade resources

You can use the following resources for information about Partner Center product upgrades from a Microsoft Azure (MS-AZR-0145P) subscription to an Azure plan.


The ProductUpgradesRequest resource provides information about the product upgrades request object.

Property Type Description
customerId string A GUID-formatted string that identifies the customer.
productFamily string The product family for which the upgrade is requested.
attributes ResourceAttributes The metadata attributes.


The ProductUpgradesEligibility resource provides information about the customer's eligibility for upgrading a product.

Property Type Description
customerId string A GUID-formatted string that identifies the customer.
productFamily string The product family for which the upgrade is requested.
isEligible bool The bool value indicates whether the customer is eligible for requested upgrade.
upgradeId string The upgrade ID if a product upgrade for given family is already in place.
reason string The reason for which customer isn't eligible for product upgrade.
productFamily string The product family for which the upgrade is requested.
attributes ResourceAttributes The metadata attributes.


The ProductUpgradesStatus resource provides information about the status of a product upgrade.

Property Type Description
Id string A GUID-formatted string that identifies the upgrade.
productFamily string The product family for which the upgrade is requested.
status string The status of the product upgrade.
lineItems array of UpgradesLineItem resources An array of objects that provides information of the upgrade details for each line item that was part of the request body.
errorDetails ErrorDetails resource The error details for upgrade requested.
attributes ResourceAttributes The metadata attributes.


The UpgradesLineItem resource describes the status of product upgrade details for each line item of the request.

Property Type Description
sourceProduct UpgradeProduct object Information of the source product being upgraded.
targetProduct UpgradeProduct object Information of the target product post upgrade.
upgradedDate string in UTC date-time format The date the subscription was upgraded.
status string The status of the product upgrade.
errorDetails ErrorDetails resource The error details for upgrade requested.
attributes ResourceAttributes The metadata attributes.


The UpgradeProduct resource provides information about the product being upgraded.

Property Type Description
id string A GUID-formatted string that identifies the product.
name string The friendly name of product being upgraded.
attributes ResourceAttributes The metadata attributes.


The ErrorDetails resource provides details about errors during the upgrade process.

Property Type Description
code string An error code when the product upgrade fails.
message string The error message when the product upgrade fails.
attributes ResourceAttributes The metadata attributes.