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Create and design model-driven app forms

With Power Apps model-driven apps, forms provide the user interface that people use to interact with the data they need to do their work. It's important that the forms people use are designed to allow them to find or enter the information they need efficiently.

Example model-driven App form

In the default solution or an unmanaged solution, it's possible to create new forms or edit existing forms for all tables that allow form customization.

Model-driven app form UI enhancements

Form UI enhancements consist of multiple small changes to improve data presentation and usability of model-driven app forms:

  • Forms have a light gray background, which removes the white-on-white section treatment that helps users by providing easier visual navigation.

  • There's a better delineation between sections as white space is reduced and shadow and rounded corners to borders are added.

  • Form field dividers are removed and consistent font styling is used across section labels.

  • The Related tab has an added chevron to indicate the dropdown flyout, which opens-ups when you select it.

    Form UI enhancements screenshot

Also, quick view form labels are displayed on top instead of icons.

Form UI enhancements screenshot of related records layout

Forms and solutions

This section describes form customization when the form is in an unmanaged or managed solution.

Forms inside unmanaged solutions

In an unmanaged solution, it's possible to edit the properties, including columns, views, and forms, for an unmanaged custom table that was created for the solution. Unmanaged solutions are where app makers and developers go to author changes that they require. Unmanaged solutions typically exist in a development environment.

Forms inside managed solutions

In a managed solution, typically in a production environment, it isn't possible by default to create new forms or edit existing forms for tables. However, if the managed properties for a table in the managed solution are set to allow customization, you can add or edit forms for that table.

Learn more about solutions

Form types

There are different types of forms, and each type has a specific functionality or use. Here are the form types:

  • Main. The main user interface.
  • Quick create. For rapid data entry.
  • Quick view. Used to see related data.
  • Card form. Shows a compact display of the form.

More information: Types of forms in Power Apps.

Create or edit a form

The fundamentals of building a model-driven app include creating a table, configuring data views, and creating and editing forms.

Before you begin to build forms, it's worth determining whether you have all the columns necessary to solve your business problem. Additionally, you should have an understanding how to organize columns by using sections and tabs. Broadly speaking, the complexity of your forms are a reflection of the number of columns in your table in addition to the complexity of your business process.

Learn to create, edit, or configure forms using the form designer

Delete a form

To delete a form, sign in to Power Apps and go to Solutions > Open the solution you want > select the table that you want > Forms area. Select the form, and then select Delete on the command bar.

There are a couple of reasons you might not be able to delete a form.

Reason Work around
Every table requires at least one main form and it's the only main form for the table. Create a new main form for the table. Then delete the main form you tried earlier. More information: Create a form
Every table requires one designated fallback form and it's the only fallback form. Create a new form for the table and set as the fallback. Or designate another existing form as the fallback form. Then delete the form you tried earlier. More information: Set the fallback form for a table

Controlling the display of a form within an app

Tables can have multiple forms. The use of a form is controlled through the model-driven app. This control allows makers to use the same table in different ways depending on the audience, by controlling the display.

By default all forms are made available to users. However, through the app designer a specific form can be restricted.

Change the forms displayed and form order

Makers change the forms displayed in an app from the app designer. More information: Add or remove forms from an app

Makers can also change the form order, fallback forms, and the default form for a table from the Forms area. More information: Set the form order

Updated versus classic tables

Power Apps provides many options for designing forms using the form designer.

There are still a number of tables, referred to here as classic tables, that retain the appearance and capabilities from earlier versions. These tables are used less often. They're listed here:



Article Comment

Bulk Delete Operation



Discount List

Document Location

Email Attachment



Goal Metric

Import Source File

Invoice Product

Order Product

Price List

Queue Item

Quote Product

Rollup Field

Rollup Query

Saved View


Service Activity

SharePoint Site




Unit Group

Main form dialogs

With the client API, you can use main form dialogs so users can open a related row table on a parent or base form without navigating away from the form. More information: Open main form in a dialog using client API

Next steps

Understanding the form types available

Assign form order
Control access to forms
How main forms appear in different clients