
שתף באמצעות

Help and support tenant settings

These settings are configured in the tenant settings section of the Admin portal. For information about how to get to and use tenant settings, see About tenant settings.

Publish "Get Help" information

Screenshot that shows the interface for Publish get help information.

Admins can specify internal URLs to override the destination of links on the Power BI help menu and for license upgrades. If custom URLs are set, users in the organization go to internal help and support resources instead of the default destinations. The following resource destinations can be customized:

  • Learn. By default, this help menu link targets a list of all our Power BI learning paths and modules. To direct this link to internal training resources instead, set a custom URL for Training documentation.

  • Community. To take users to an internal forum from the help menu, instead of to the Power BI Community, set a custom URL for Discussion forum.

  • Licensing upgrades. Users with a Fabric (Free) license can be presented with the opportunity to upgrade to Power BI Pro (Pro) or Power BI Premium Per User (PPU). Users with a Fabric (Free) or Power BI Pro license can be presented with the opportunity to upgrade their account to a Power BI Premium Per User license. If you specify an internal URL for Licensing requests, you redirect users to an internal request and purchase flow and prevent self-service purchase. You might want to prevent users from buying licenses, but are okay with letting users start a Power BI Pro or PPU trial or a trial of a Fabric capacity. For this scenario, see Users can try Microsoft Fabric paid features to separate the buy and try experiences.

  • Get help. To take users to an internal help desk from the help menu, instead of to Microsoft Fabric Support, set a custom URL for Help Desk.

Receive email notifications for service outages or incidents

If this tenant is impacted by a service outage or incident, mail-enabled security groups receive email notifications. Learn more about Service interruption notifications.

Users can try Microsoft Fabric paid features

Screenshot showing Users can try Microsoft Fabric paid features.

The setting to Users can try Microsoft Fabric paid features is enabled by default. This setting increases your control over how users get license upgrades. In scenarios where you block self-service purchase, this setting lets users use more features free for 60 days. Users can start a Power BI pro or PPU trial or a trial of a Fabric capacity. Changing Users can try Microsoft Fabric paid features from enabled to disabled blocks self-service trials of new licenses and of the Fabric capacity trial. It doesn't impact purchases that were already made.

The user's license upgrade and trial experience depends on how you combine license settings. The following table shows how the upgrade experience is affected by different setting combinations:

Self-service purchase setting Users can try Microsoft Fabric paid features End-user experience
Enabled Disabled User can buy an upgraded license, but can't start a trial
Enabled Enabled User can start a free trial and can upgrade to a paid license
Disabled Disabled User sees a message to contact the IT admin to request a license
Disabled Enabled User can start a trial, but must contact the IT admin to get a paid license


You can add an internal URL for licensing requests in Help and support settings. If you set the URL, it overrides the default self-service purchase experience. It doesn't redirect sign-up for a trial. Users who can buy a license in the scenarios described in the table are redirected to your internal URL.

To learn more, see Enable or disable self-service sign-up and purchasing.

Show a custom message before publishing reports

Admins can provide a custom message that appears before a user publishes a report from Power BI Desktop. After you enable the setting, you need to provide a custom message. The custom message can be plain text or follow markdown syntax, as in the following example:

### Important Disclaimer 

Before publishing the report to a workspace, be sure to validate that the appropriate users or groups have access to the destination workspace. If some users or groups should *not* have access to the content and underlying artifacts, remove or modify their access to the workspace, or publish the report to a different workspace. Learn about [giving access to workspaces](/power-bi/collaborate-share/service-give-access-new-workspaces). 

The custom message text area supports scrolling, so you can provide a message up to 5,000 characters.

Screenshot of the custom message box.

When your users publish reports to workspaces in Power BI, they see the message you wrote.

Screenshot of the dialog box your users see when publishing reports.

As with other tenant settings, you can choose who the custom message applies to:

  • The entire organization.
  • Specific security groups.
  • Or Except specific security groups.