
שתף באמצעות

Query data using portals Web API

You can use available Web API operations in Power Pages. Web API operations consist of HTTP requests and responses. This article provides sample read operations, methods, URI, and the sample JSON you can use in the HTTP request.


  • Your website version must be 9.4.1.x or higher.

  • Enable table and field for Web API operations. More information: Site settings for the Web API

  • The portals Web API accesses table records and follows the table permissions given to users through the associated web roles. Ensure you configure the correct table permissions. More information: Create web roles


When referring to Dataverse tables using the portals Web API, you need to use the EntitySetName, for example, to access the account table, the code syntax will use the EntitySetName of accounts.

Query records

The following example queries account records:

Operation Method URI
Retrieve table records GET [Portal URI]/_api/accounts


Sample response

"value": [
    "@odata.etag": "W/\"1066412\"",
    "name": "Fourth Coffee (sample)",
    "accountid": "d2e11ba8-92f6-eb11-94ef-000d3a5aa607"
    "@odata.etag": "W/\"1066413\"",
    "name": "Litware, Inc. (sample)",
    "accountid": "d4e11ba8-92f6-eb11-94ef-000d3a5aa607"

Use $select and $top system query options to return the name property for the first three accounts:

Operation Method URI
Retrieve first three entity records GET [Portal URI]/_api/accounts?$select=name,revenue&$top=3


Retrieve account by using account ID:

Operation Method URI
Retrieve specific property for a record GET [Portal URI]/_api/accounts(e0e11ba8-92f6-eb11-94ef-000d3a5aa607)?$select=name


Sample response

    "@odata.etag": "W/\"1066414\"",
    "name": "Adventure Works (sample)",
    "accountid": "d6e11ba8-92f6-eb11-94ef-000d3a5aa607"

Apply system query options

Each of the system query options you append to the URL for the entity set is added using the syntax for query strings. The first is appended after [?] and the following query options are separated using [&]. All query options are case-sensitive as shown in the following example:

Method URI
GET [Portal URI]/_api/accounts?$select=name,revenue&$filter=revenue gt 90000&$top=3

https://contoso.powerappsportals.com/_api/accounts?$select=name,revenue&$filter=revenue gt 90000&$top=3

Request specific properties

Use the $select system query option to limit the properties returned as shown in the following example:

Method URI
GET [Portal URI]/_api/accounts?$select=name,revenue&$top=3



This is a performance best practice. If properties aren't specified and you have configured the Webapi/<table name>/fields site setting value to *, then all properties will be returned using $select. If no properties are specified, then an error will be returned.

Filter results

Use the $filter system query option to set criteria for which rows will be returned.

Standard filter operators

The Web API supports the standard OData filter operators listed in the following table:

Operator Description Example
Comparison Operators
eq Equal $filter=revenue eq 100000
ne Not Equal $filter=revenue ne 100000
gt Greater than $filter=revenue gt 100000
ge Greater than or equal $filter=revenue ge 100000
lt Less than $filter=revenue lt 100000
le Less than or equal $filter=revenue le 100000
Logical Operators
and Logical and $filter=revenue lt 100000 and revenue gt 2000
or Logical or $filter=contains(name,'(sample)') or contains(name,'test')
not Logical negation $filter=not contains(name,'sample')
Grouping Operators
( ) Precedence grouping (contains(name,'sample') or contains(name,'test')) and revenue gt 5000

Standard query functions

The Web API supports these standard OData string query functions:

Function Example
contains $filter=contains(name,'(sample)')
endswith $filter=endswith(name,'Inc.')
startswith $filter=startswith(name,'a')

Dataverse query functions

The Web API supports Dataverse query functions to filter results. For more information, see Web API Query Function Reference.

Order results

Specify the order in which items are returned using the $orderby system query option. Use the asc or desc suffix to specify ascending or descending order respectively. The default is ascending if the suffix isn't applied. The following example shows retrieving the name and revenue properties of accounts ordered by ascending revenue and by descending name.

Method URI
GET [Portal URI]/_api/accounts?$select=name,revenue&$orderby=name asc,revenue desc&$filter=revenue gt 90000

https://contoso.powerappsportals.com/_api/accounts?$select=name,revenue&$orderby=name asc,revenue desc&$filter=revenue gt 90000

Aggregate and grouping results

By using $apply, you can aggregate and group your data dynamically as seen in the following examples:

Scenarios Example
List of unique statuses in the query accounts?$apply=groupby((statuscode))
Aggregate sum of the estimated value opportunities?$apply=aggregate(estimatedvalue with sum as total)
Average size of the deal based on estimated value and status opportunities?$apply=groupby((statuscode),aggregate(estimatedvalue with average as averagevalue)
Sum of estimated value based on status opportunities?$apply=groupby((statuscode),aggregate(estimatedvalue with sum as total))
Total opportunity revenue by account name opportunities?$apply=groupby((parentaccountid/name),aggregate(estimatedvalue with sum as total))
Primary contact names for accounts in 'WA' accounts?$apply=filter(address1_stateorprovince eq 'WA')/groupby((primarycontactid/fullname))
Last created record date and time accounts?$apply=aggregate(createdon with max as lastCreate)
First created record date and time accounts?$apply=aggregate(createdon with min as firstCreate)

Retrieve a count of rows

Use the $count system query option with a value of true to include a count of entities that match the filter criteria up to 5,000.

Method URI
GET [Portal URI/_api/accounts?$select=name&$filter=contains(name,'sample')&$count=true


Sample response

"@odata.count": 10,
"value": [
    "@odata.etag": "W/\"1066412\"",
    "name": "Fourth Coffee (sample)",
    "accountid": "d2e11ba8-92f6-eb11-94ef-000d3a5aa607"
    "@odata.etag": "W/\"1066413\"",
    "name": "Litware, Inc. (sample)",
    "accountid": "d4e11ba8-92f6-eb11-94ef-000d3a5aa607"
    "@odata.etag": "W/\"1066414\"",
    "name": "Adventure Works (sample)",
    "accountid": "d6e11ba8-92f6-eb11-94ef-000d3a5aa607"

If you don't want to return any data except for the count, you can apply $count to any collection to get just the value.

Method URI
GET [Portal URI/_api/accounts/$count


Sample response


Column comparison

The following example shows how to compare columns using the Web API:

Method URI
GET [Portal URI]/_api/contacts?$select=firstname&$filter=firstname eq lastname

https://contoso.powerappsportals.com/_api/contacts?$select=firstname&$filter=firstname eq lastname

Use the $expand system query option in the navigation properties to control what data from related entities is returned.

Lookup associated navigation property

You will need to use the Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.associatednavigationproperty as the lookup attribute when using the $expand query option.

To determine the Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.associatednavigationproperty of an attribute, you can make the following http GET request for the column using the following naming convention: _name_value.

In the following example, we can determine the associated navigation property of the Primary Contact column of the Account table by specifying the column name primarycontactid by formatting the name in the request: _primarycontactid_value.

Method URI
GET [Portal URI]/_api/accounts?$select=_primarycontactid_value


Sample response

"value": [
        "@odata.etag": "W/\"2465216\"",
        "_primarycontactid_value@OData.Community.Display.V1.FormattedValue": "Yvonne McKay (sample)",
        "_primarycontactid_value@Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.associatednavigationproperty": "primarycontactid",
        "_primarycontactid_value@Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.lookuplogicalname": "contact",
        "_primarycontactid_value": "417319b5-cd18-ed11-b83c-000d3af4d812",
        "accountid": "2d7319b5-cd18-ed11-b83c-000d3af4d812"

We see from the response that the associated navigation property is primarycontactid. The associated navigation property can be either the lookup column's logical name or schema name depending how the table was created.

For more information see Retrieve data about lookup properties.

The following example shows how to retrieve the contact for all the account records. For the related contact records, we're only retrieving the contactid and fullname.

Method URI
GET [Portal URI]/_api/accounts?$select=name&$expand=primarycontactid($select=contactid,fullname)


Sample response

"value": [
    "@odata.etag": "W/\"1066412\"",
    "name": "Fourth Coffee (sample)",
    "accountid": "d2e11ba8-92f6-eb11-94ef-000d3a5aa607",
        "primarycontactid": {
        "contactid": "e6e11ba8-92f6-eb11-94ef-000d3a5aa607",
        "fullname": "Yvonne McKay (sample)"
    "@odata.etag": "W/\"1066413\"",
    "name": "Litware, Inc. (sample)",
    "accountid": "d4e11ba8-92f6-eb11-94ef-000d3a5aa607",
        "primarycontactid": {
        "contactid": "e8e11ba8-92f6-eb11-94ef-000d3a5aa607",
        "fullname": "Susanna Stubberod (sample)"

If you expand on collection-valued navigation parameters to retrieve related tables for entity sets, only one level of depth is returned if there's data. Otherwise, the collection will return an empty array.

Method URI
GET [Portal URI]/_api/accounts?$top=5&$select=name&$expand=Account_Tasks($select=subject,scheduledstart)


The following example demonstrates how you can expand related entities for entity sets using both single and collection-valued navigation properties. You will need to specify the table relationship name in the syntax of your code.

Method URI
GET [Portal URI]/_api/accounts?$top=5&$select=name&$expand=primarycontactid($select=contactid,fullname),Account_Tasks($select=subject,scheduledstart)


Next Step

Portals write, update and delete operations using the Web API

See also