
שתף באמצעות

Add text

Use a text box component to add text to your page.


Add a text component

  1. Open the design studio to edit the content and components of your page.

  2. Select the page you want to edit.

  3. Select the section you want to add the text component to.

  4. Hover over any editable canvas area, then select the Text icon from the component panel.

    The add component menu options.

  5. Enter your custom text in the box.

    Adding text to a page.

Edit a text control

After a text control is added, selecting the text control will open the properties bar where you can configure its properties.

Property Description
Style Choose the following text styles for the text box:

Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3
Subheading 1
Subheading 2
Small text
Format Style the selected text as bold, italics, or underlined.
Alignment Align the text in the component.
Hyperlink Link selected text to a URL or a page within the same site.
Color Select the text color based on the defined color palette.
Others Choose an option to duplicate the section, move it up or down within the page, or delete the text component entirely.
  1. Select the text you'd like to link.

  2. Choose the link button from the Text Component toolbar. The add text menu options with the Link icon emphasized.

  3. Fill out the fields.

    Field Description
    Display Text The text to display. The selected text is populated by default.
    Destination Link to a URL - provide a URL.
    Link to a page - select a page within the site.
    Link Style Overrides the global link styles (set in the Styling workspace) for a specific link. By default, the link style matches the styles of the surrounding Text Component.

To edit an existing link, select the link and choose Edit Link.

To remove an existing link, select the link and choose Remove Link.

A link inside the design studio.  Buttons with options to Edit Link and Remove Link are displayed directly above the selected link.