
שתף באמצעות


Connects to and enters into an interactive session with a local process.


     [-Id] <Int32>
     [[-AppDomainName] <String>]
     [-Process] <Process>
     [[-AppDomainName] <String>]
     [-Name] <String>
     [[-AppDomainName] <String>]
     [-HostProcessInfo] <PSHostProcessInfo>
     [[-AppDomainName] <String>]
     -CustomPipeName <String>


The Enter-PSHostProcess cmdlet connects to and enters into an interactive session with a local process. Beginning in PowerShell 6.2, this cmdlet is supported on non-Windows platforms.

Instead of creating a new process to host PowerShell and run a remote session, the remote, interactive session is run in an existing process that is already running PowerShell. When you are interacting with a remote session on a specified process, you can enumerate running runspaces, and then select a runspace to debug by running either Debug-Runspace or Enable-RunspaceDebug.

The process that you want to enter must be hosting PowerShell (System.Management.Automation.dll). You must be either a member of the Administrators group on the computer on which the process is found, or you must be the user who is running the script that started the process.

After you have selected a runspace to debug, a remote debug session is opened for the runspace if it is either currently running a command or is stopped in the debugger. You can then debug the runspace script in the same way you would debug other remote session scripts.

Detach from a debugging session, and then the interactive session with the process, by running exit twice, or stop script execution by running the existing debugger quit command.

If you specify a process by using the Name parameter, and there is only one process found with the specified name, the process is entered. If more than one process with the specified name is found, PowerShell returns an error, and lists all processes found with the specified name.

To support attaching to processes on remote computers, the Enter-PSHostProcess cmdlet is enabled in a specified remote computer, so that you can attach to a local process within a remote PowerShell session.


Example Part 1: Start debugging a runspace within the PowerShell ISE process

In this example, you run Enter-PSHostProcess from within the PowerShell console to enter the PowerShell ISE process. In the resulting interactive session, you can find a runspace that you want to debug by running Get-Runspace, and then debug the runspace.

PS C:\> Enter-PSHostProcess -Name powershell_ise
[Process:1520]: PS C:\>  Get-Runspace
Id    Name          InstanceId                               State           Availability
--    -------       -----------                              ------          -------------
1     Runspace1     2d91211d-9cce-42f0-ab0e-71ac258b32b5     Opened          Available
2     Runspace2     a3855043-cb16-424a-a616-685360c3763b     Opened          RemoteDebug
3     MyLocalRS     2236dbd8-2105-4dec-a15a-a27d0bfaacb5     Opened          LocalDebug
4     MyRunspace    771356e9-8c44-4b70-9de5-dd17cb41e48e     Opened          Busy
5     Runspace8     3e517382-a97a-49ba-9c3c-fd21f6664288     Broken          None

Example part 2: Debug a specific runspace

Next, debug runspace ID 4, that is running another user's long-running script. From the list returned from Get-Runspace, note that the runspace State is Opened, and Availability is Busy, meaning that the runspace is still running the long-running script. The runspace objects returned by Get-Runspace also have a NoteProperty called ScriptStackTrace of the running command stack, if available.

[Process:1520]: PS C:\>  (Get-Runspace -Id 4).ScriptStackTrace
Command                    Arguments                           Location
-------                    ---------                           --------
MyModuleWorkflowF1         {}                                  TestNoFile3.psm1: line 6
WFTest1                    {}                                  TestNoFile2.ps1: line 14
TestNoFile2.ps1            {}                                  TestNoFile2.ps1: line 22
<ScriptBlock>              {}                                  <No file>

[Process: 1520]: PS C:\>  Debug-Runspace -Id 4
Hit Line breakpoint on 'C:\TestWFVar1.ps1:83'

At C:\TestWFVar1.ps1:83 char:1
+ $scriptVar = "Script Variable"
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

[Process: 1520]: [RSDBG: 4]: PS C:\>

Start an interactive debugging session with this runspace by running the Debug-Runspace cmdlet.

Example part 3: Finish the debugging session and exit

After you are finished debugging, allow the script to continue running without the debugger attached by running the exit debugger command. Alternatively, you can quit the debugger with the q or Stop commands.

When you are finished working in the process, exit the process by running the Exit-PSHostProcess cmdlet. This returns you to the PS C:\> prompt.

[Process:346]: [RSDBG: 3]: PS C:\> exit
[Process:1520]: PS C:\>
[Process:1520]: PS C:\>  Exit-PSHostProcess
PS C:\>



Specifies an application domain name to connect to if omitted, uses DefaultAppDomain. Use Get-PSHostProcessInfo to display the application domain names.

Default value:DefaultAppDomain
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Gets or sets the custom named pipe name to connect to. This is usually used in conjunction with pwsh -CustomPipeName.

This parameter was introduced in PowerShell 6.2.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies a PSHostProcessInfo object that can be connected to with PowerShell. Use Get-PSHostProcessInfo to get the object.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies a process by the process ID. To get a process ID, run the Get-Process cmdlet.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies a process by the process name. To get a process name, run the Get-Process cmdlet. You can also get process names from the Properties dialog box of a process in Task Manager.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies a process by the process object. The simplest way to use this parameter is to save the results of a Get-Process command that returns process that you want to enter in a variable, and then specify the variable as the value of this parameter.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False




Enter-PSHostProcess cannot enter the process of the PowerShell session in which you are running the command. You can, however, enter the process of another PowerShell session, or a PowerShell ISE session that is running at the same time as the session in which you are running Enter-PSHostProcess.

Enter-PSHostProcess can enter only those processes that are hosting PowerShell. That is, they have loaded the PowerShell engine.

To exit a process from within the process, type exit, and then press Enter.

Prior to PowerShell 7.1, remoting over SSH did not support second-hop remote sessions. This capability was limited to sessions using WinRM. PowerShell 7.1 allows Enter-PSSession and Enter-PSHostProcess to work from within any interactive remote session.