שתף באמצעות

SETRANGE Function (Query)

Sets a filter on a range of values on a column of a query dataset.


Query.SETRANGE(Column[, FromValue][, ToValue])  


Type: Query

A variable of the Query data type that specifies the query that you want to filter.

Type: Text

The name of the column in the query that you want to filter. The name is defined by the column's Name Property in Query Designer.

Type: Any

The lower limit of the range. The data type of this parameter must match the data type of Column.

If you set only the FromValue parameter, then the ToValue parameter is set to the same value as FromValue.

Type: Any

The upper limit of the range. The data type of this parameter must match the data type of Column. If you omit the ToValue parameter, then the only the value that is specified for FromValue is used, which enables you to filter on a single column value instead of a range.


If you omit both the FromValue and ToValue parameters, then the function removes all filters that are already set on the column.


SETRANGE is a quick way to set a simple filter on a field. The SETRANGE function is functionally equivalent to calling Query.SetFilter(ColumnName, ‘FromValue..ToValue’).

To apply filters to a dataset, the SETRANGE function must be called before the OPEN, SAVEASXML, and SAVEASCSV functions, as shown in the following example. To remove filters, you call the CLEAR Function or SETRANGE without values for the FromValue and ToValue parameters.

Query.SETRANGE(Column1, FromValue, ToValue);  

A call to the SETRANGE function automatically closes a query dataset that is currently open. Therefore, the following code is unauthorized and will fail because there is no open dataset for the READ function to read.

Query.SETRANGE(Column1, FromValue, ToValue);  

In addition to the SETRANGE function, you can apply filters to a query using the SETFILTER function and the DataItemTableFilter Property and ColumnFilter Property in Query Designer.

If the SETRANGE function... then...
Sets a filter on the same field as the DataItemTableFilter property The two filters are joined into a resulting filter.
Sets a filter on the same field as the ColumnFilter property The SETRANGE function overwrites the ColumnFilter property, so the filter that is set by the SETRANGE function that is applied to the dataset.
Sets a filter on the same field as the SETFILTER function The function that is called last is applied to the dataset.
Sets a filter on a field that has global filters that are applied by the FILTERGROUP(1) function The filters of the SETRANGE function are added to the global filters.

For example, a query has the following filters set on the Quantity column in Query Designer:

  • DataItemTableFilter property: Quantity=FILTER(<>10)

  • ColumnFilter property: Quantity=FILTER(<>5)

    Query.setRange(Quantity, 1, 15) will result in a filter that is equivalent to: 1 < Quantity <15, except for 10.

    For more information about how to set filters in Query Designer, see Understanding Query Filters.


The following C/AL code example demonstrates how to use the SETRANGE function on a query. The example code sets a filter on a query column and saves the resulting dataset as a CSV file. A message also displays when the query is run that indicates the filter on the column.

This example requires that you do the following:

  1. Create a query called Customer_SalesQuantity that has the following characteristics:

    • Links table 18 Customer with table 37 Sales Lines from the CRONUS International Ltd. demonstration database.

    • Includes columns for the Name and No. fields from the Customer table and the Quantity field from Sales Lines table.

      For step-by-step instructions for creating this query, see Walkthrough: Creating a Query to Link Two Tables.

  2. Create the following C/AL variables and text constant in the object that will run the query, such as a codeunit.

    Variable name DataType Subtype
    MyQuery Query Customer_SalesQuantity
    Text constant name ENU Value
    Text000 Customer name = %1, Quantity = %2

    The following C/AL code uses the SETRANGE function to filter a query dataset over a range of values on the Quantity column. You can add the code to a codeunit, and then run the codeunit to see the results.

// Sets a filter to display only sales quantities greater than 10.  
MyQuery.SETRANGE(Quantity, '10', '50');  
// Sets a filter to display the columns with the value Selangorian Ltd. only.  
MyQuery.SETFILTER(NAME, 'Selangorian Ltd.');  
// Runs the query.  
// Reads each row in the dataset and displays message with column values.  
// Stops reading when there are no more rows remaining in the dataset (READ is FALSE).  
  MESSAGE(Text000, MyQuery.Name, MyQuery.Quantity);  
// Saves the resulting dataset as a CSV file.  

When the code is run, a message that resembles the following appears for each row in the dataset:

Customer name = Selangorian Ltd., Quantity = 30