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Applies to: Exchange Server 2007 SP1, Exchange Server 2007 SP2, Exchange Server 2007 SP3

Use the Update-StorageGroupCopy cmdlet to initiate or resynchronize replication for a specified storage group copy in a Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 cluster continuous replication (CCR) or local continuous replication (LCR) environment. The cmdlet can also be used to resynchronize replication in a standby continuous replication (SCR) environment.


Update-StorageGroupCopy -Identity <StorageGroupIdParameter> [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]] [-DataHostNames <String[]>] [-DeleteExistingFiles <SwitchParameter>] [-DomainController <Fqdn>] [-Force <SwitchParameter>] [-ManualResume <SwitchParameter>] [-StandbyMachine <String>] [-TargetPath <LocalLongFullPath>] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

Detailed Description

The Update-StorageGroupCopy cmdlet allows you to manually initiate or resynchronize replication for a CCR or LCR passive copy, or an SCR target. The cmdlet automatically resumes replication to the storage group copy. If you choose to manually resume replication, you can run the cmdlet with the ManualResume parameter.

This operation should be performed in the following situations:

  • You have created a storage group copy using LCR or SCR that does not have a baseline database.

  • The passive copy of the database or the SCR target is corrupt.

  • The passive copy of the database or the SCR target is out of date.

  • You have a continuous replication environment and need to get a new baseline database to the passive copy. This situation could be due to corruption, some configuration change, server loss, or invalid baseline database available on the passive copy.

  • You have run an offline defragmentation on either the active or passive copy of the database.

Be aware of the following when you use the Update-StorageGroupCopy cmdlet:

  • The TargetPath parameter is used to seed a database to a path that is different from the configured location for the passive copy of the database. For example, when you have an SCR target in a remote physical location, you can use the TargetPath parameter to perform the update locally on the SCR source, and then use a copy utility that provides data compression to move the copy over the network to the SCR target computer.

  • If the TargetPath parameter is not used, the Update-StorageGroupCopy cmdlet must be issued on the computer containing the passive copy.

  • If the StandbyMachine parameter is not specified, the Update-StorageGroupCopy cmdlet will apply to the local LCR or CCR passive copy.

  • You cannot run the Update-StorageGroupCopy command while any backups (Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) or legacy streaming backups) are running on the same storage group.

  • If communication is lost with the active copy, or if it fails, the operation must be completely restarted.

  • You must verify that there is sufficient space prior to initializing the cmdlet because there is no automatic check. Using the DeleteExistingFiles parameter requires space for two copies of the database on the target volume because the existing database is not deleted until a new database is successfully created.

  • The Update-StorageGroupCopy cmdlet may affect available network bandwidth and may have some effect on the production server's performance. You can use the DataHostNames parameter to specify which network to use for seeding or reseeding.

The Update-StorageGroupCopy cmdlet requires that no Exchange files exist in the target location when it is run, and that the storage group copy has replication activity suspended. Use the Suspend-StorageGroupCopy cmdlet to suspend the storage group copy. After the seed is successfully completed, replication to the storage group copy is automatically restarted unless the ManualResume parameter is specified.

To use the Update-StorageGroupCopy cmdlet on a computer that has a clustered mailbox server installed, the account you use must be delegated the Exchange Server Administrator role and local Administrators group for the target server. For more information about permissions, delegating roles, and the rights that are required to administer Exchange 2007, see Permission Considerations.


Parameter Required Type Description




The Identity parameter takes one of the following values:

  • GUID

  • Name of the storage group




The Confirm parameter causes the command to pause processing and requires the administrator to acknowledge what the command will do before processing continues. The default value is $true.




The DataHostNames parameter specifies which cluster networks should be used for seeding. A maximum of two host names can be specified.




The DeleteExistingFiles parameter causes the command to remove the existing log files at the target location. It removes only the files that it checks for and fails if other files are present. No action is taken on other files at the target location. Therefore, if other files are present, you must manually remove them.




The DomainController parameter can be used in the cmdlet to specify the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the domain controller that is used to access the storage group object.




Use the Force parameter when the task is run programmatically and prompting for administrative input is inappropriate. If Force is not provided in the cmdlet, administrative input is prompted. If Force is provided in the cmdlet, but the value is omitted, its default value is $true.




Use the ManualResume parameter when you do not want the Update-StorageGroupCopy cmdlet to automatically resume replication on the storage group copy. This parameter allows you to manually resume replication to the storage group copy.




The StandbyMachine parameter specifies the name of a server that is configured as a target for SCR. This parameter must be used when updating the storage group copy for an SCR target. If the StandbyMachine parameter is not specified, the Update-StorageGroupCopy cmdlet will apply to the local LCR or CCR passive copy




The TargetPath parameter specifies the location for the database file on the local computer. This is the directory that will contain the database. The last part of the path is determined by the source's base name. In a CCR environment, Update-StorageGroupCopy must be run on the passive node when the TargetPath parameter is omitted. In an SCR environment, Update-StorageGroupCopy must be run on the SCR target computer when the TargetPath parameter is omitted.




The WhatIf parameter instructs the command to simulate the actions that it would take on the object. By using the WhatIf parameter, the administrator can view what changes would occur without having to apply any of those changes. The default value is $true.


Error Description

Update-StorageGroupCopy: Online database seeding error: MSExchangeIS (Information Store) is not online on '<CMSNameorServerName>'.

The task was unable to connect to the server due to a communication issue.

Update-StorageGroupCopy: Online database seeding error: '<SGName>' is not suspended. The storage group must be suspended before seeding.

The storage group must be suspended before it can be seeded.

Update-StorageGroupCopy: This task must be run on the second copy's machine if the 'TargetPath' parameter is omitted.

This task must be run on the passive copy if the TargetPath parameter is omitted.

Update-StorageGroupCopy is unable to update the storage group copy because this task is only supported on servers running Exchange Server 2007. <ServerName> is not running Exchange Server 2007.

LCR and CCR are only supported in Exchange 2007. SCR is only supported in Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1 (SP1).

Access denied. The account used to run this task does not have sufficient privileges to update storage group copy from <ServerName>. Please use an account that has been assigned the Exchange Server Admin role.

User does not have Exchange Server Administrator authority on the specified server.

<ServerName> or <StorageGroupName> does not exist.

The specified identity does not exist.

Update-StorageGroupCopy: Continuous replication is not configured on '<SGName>'.

CCR (when no second node):

Update-StorageGroupCopy: Continuous replication is not configured on '<SGName>'.

The storage group specified is not configured to support replication.


Update-StorageGroupCopy: Online database seeding error: Target database ('<thePath>') already exists. It must be removed.


Update-StorageGroupCopy : Online database seeding error: Log files already exist at '<thePath>'. They must be removed.

Log files and a database were not deleted prior to running an update without a target path. Delete the log, database, checkpoint, and .jtx files in the target location.

Update-StorageGroupCopy: Online database seeding error: The database is not mounted.

The production database is not mounted. Mount the database, and reissue the task.

Specified path is not available.

The specified path is not available or writable.

Update-StorageGroupCopy: Online database seeding error: The database is currently being backed up.

Storage group <StorageGroupName> failed to seed at <DatabaseLocation>. Reason: Error Code (0x50d).

The source database already has a backup in progress.

Update-StorageGroupCopy: Online database seeding error: Communication failure; Exchange Information Store (MSExchangeIS) on '<ServerName>' is unavailable.

Communication was lost with the source. The update was terminated.

Update-StorageGroupCopy: Online database seeding error: <ErrorCode>.

Seeding failed due to one of the following conditions:

  • Unspecified error

  • Invalid input or parameter

  • Out of RAM

  • Out of disk space

  • Failed to acquire process right

  • Seeding directory does not exist

  • Log files already exist

  • *.jtx files already exist

  • Storage group does not exist

Update-StorageGroupCopy: Failed to create the directory '<DirectoryPath>'. The error code is '<error code>'.

The action failed to create a directory required to host the database.

The DataHostNames switch does not accept more than two host names.

Only two continuous replication host names can be specified with the DataHostNames parameter.

The DataHostNames parameter did not contain any local machine names.

You must specify a continuous replication host name that is registered to the local node.


The first example shows how to reseed the passive copy of a storage group named SG1 on Server1.

The second example shows how to reseed the passive copy of a storage group named SG1 on a clustered mailbox server named Server1 using two continuous replication host names, NET1 and NET2.

The third example shows how to reseed an SCR target copy of a storage group named SG1 on Server1 where the SCR target copy is hosted on a server named Server2.

Update-StorageGroupCopy -Identity Server1\SG1
Update-StorageGroupCopy -Identity Server1\SG1 -DataHostNames {Net1,Net2}
Update-StorageGroupCopy -Identity Server1\SG1 -StandByMachine Server2