שתף באמצעות

SQLDriverConnect (dBASE Driver)


This topic provides dBASE Driver-specific information. For general information about this function, see the appropriate topic under ODBC API Reference.

SQLDriverConnect enables you to connect to a driver without creating a data source (DSN).

The following keywords are supported in the connection string for all drivers: DSN, DBQ, and FIL.

When the Paradox driver is used, after a password-protected file has been opened by a user, other users are not allowed to open the same file.

The following table shows the minimum keywords required to connect to each driver, and provides an example of keyword/value pairs used with SQLDriverConnect. For a full list of DRIVERID values, see SQLConfigDataSource.


If DBQ or DefaultDir is not specified for the dBASEdriver, the driver will connect to the current directory.

Driver Keywords required Examples
dBASE Driver, DriverID Driver={Microsoft dBASE Driver (*.dbf)}; DBQ=c:\temp; DriverID=277