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Building tvOS User Interfaces with Xamarin

General User Experience (UX) coverage including User Interface (UI) controls, use Xcode's Interface Builder and UX design principles when working with Xamarin.tvOS.

When working with C# and .NET in a Xamarin-based tvOS, you have access to the same User Interface controls that a developer working in Objective-C or Swift and Xcode does. Xcode's Interface Builder can be used to create and maintain your User Interfaces (or optionally create them directly in C# code).

The guides listed below give detailed information about working with tvOS UI elements in a Xamarin.tvOS app. It is highly suggested that you work through the Hello, tvOS Quick Start Guide first, as it covers key concepts and techniques that we'll be using in every article.

Working with Alerts

This article covers working with UIAlertController to display an alert message to the user in Xamarin.tvOS.

Working with Buttons

This article covers designing and working with buttons inside of a Xamarin.tvOS app.

Working with Collection Views

This article covers designing and working with Collection Views inside of a Xamarin.tvOS app.

Working with Navigation Bars

This article covers designing and working with Navigation Bars inside of a Xamarin.tvOS app.

Working with Page Controls

This article covers designing and working with Page Controls inside of a Xamarin.tvOS app.

Working with Progress Indicators

This article covers designing and working with Progress Indicators inside of a Xamarin.tvOS app.

Working with Segmented Controls

This article covers designing and working with Segmented Controls inside of a Xamarin.tvOS app.

Working with Split View Controllers

This article covers designing and working with Split View Controllers inside of a Xamarin.tvOS app.

Working with Stack Views

This article covers designing and working with Stack Views inside of a Xamarin.tvOS app.

Working with Tab Bars

This article covers designing and working with Tab Bars inside of a Xamarin.tvOS app.

Working with Table Views

This article covers designing and working with Table Views and Table View Controllers inside of a Xamarin.tvOS app.

Working with Text and Search Fields

This article covers designing and working with Text and Search Fields inside of a Xamarin.tvOS app.