
שתף באמצעות

Lesson 5-3: Modify the Directory property configuration value

Applies to: SQL Server SSIS Integration Runtime in Azure Data Factory

In this task, you modify the configuration setting, stored in the SSISTutorial.dtsConfig file, to set the Value property of the package-level variable User::varFolderName. The variable updates the Directory property of the Foreach Loop container. The modified value points to the New Sample Data folder that you created in the previous task. After you modify the configuration setting and run the package, the Directory property is updated from the variable in the configuration file. Previously, the Directory property value was part of the package.

Modify the configuration setting of the Directory property

  1. In Notepad or any other text editor, locate and open the SSISTutorial.dtsConfig configuration file that you created by using the Package Configuration Wizard in the previous task.

  2. Change the value of the ConfiguredValue element to match the path of the New Sample Data folder that you created in the previous task. Don't surround the path in quotes. If the New Sample Data folder is at the root level of your drive (for example, C:\), the updated XML should be similar to the following sample:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
        <DTSConfigurationFileInfo GeneratedBy="DOMAIN\UserName" GeneratedFromPackageName="Lesson 5" GeneratedFromPackageID="{F4475E73-59E3-478F-8EB2-B10AFEE1D3FA}" GeneratedDate="6/10/2018 8:16:50 AM"/>
      <Configuration ConfiguredType="Property" 
          Path="\Package.Variables[User::varFolderName].Properties[Value]" ValueType="String">
        <ConfiguredValue>C:\New Sample Data</ConfiguredValue>

    The heading information GeneratedBy, GeneratedFromPackageID, and GeneratedDate are different in your file. The element to note is the Configuration element. The Value property of the variable, User::varFolderName, now contains C:\New Sample Data.

  3. Save the change, and then close the text editor.

Go to next task

Step 4: Test the Lesson 5 package