Tutorial: Prepare data to perform clustering in R with SQL machine learning
Applies to:
SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later
Azure SQL Managed Instance
In part two of this four-part tutorial series, you'll prepare the data from a database to perform clustering in R with SQL Server Machine Learning Services or on Big Data Clusters.
In part two of this four-part tutorial series, you'll prepare the data from a database to perform clustering in R with SQL Server Machine Learning Services.
In part two of this four-part tutorial series, you'll prepare the data from a database to perform clustering in R with SQL Server 2016 R Services.
In part two of this four-part tutorial series, you'll prepare the data from a database to perform clustering in R with Azure SQL Managed Instance Machine Learning Services.
In this article, you'll learn how to:
- Separate customers along different dimensions using R
- Load the data from the database into an R data frame
In part one, you installed the prerequisites and restored the sample database.
In part three, you'll learn how to create and train a K-Means clustering model in R.
In part four, you'll learn how to create a stored procedure in a database that can perform clustering in R based on new data.
- Part two of this tutorial assumes you have completed part one.
Separate customers
Create a new RScript file in RStudio and run the following script. In the SQL query, you're separating customers along the following dimensions:
- orderRatio = return order ratio (total number of orders partially or fully returned versus the total number of orders)
- itemsRatio = return item ratio (total number of items returned versus the number of items purchased)
- monetaryRatio = return amount ratio (total monetary amount of items returned versus the amount purchased)
- frequency = return frequency
In the connStr function, replace ServerName with your own connection information.
# Define the connection string to connect to the tpcxbb_1gb database
connStr <- "Driver=SQL Server;Server=ServerName;Database=tpcxbb_1gb;uid=Username;pwd=Password"
#Define the query to select data
input_query <- "
SELECT ss_customer_sk AS customer
(orders_count = 0)
OR (returns_count IS NULL)
OR (orders_count IS NULL)
OR ((returns_count / orders_count) IS NULL)
THEN 0.0
ELSE (cast(returns_count AS NCHAR(10)) / orders_count)
END, 7) AS orderRatio
(orders_items = 0)
OR (returns_items IS NULL)
OR (orders_items IS NULL)
OR ((returns_items / orders_items) IS NULL)
THEN 0.0
ELSE (cast(returns_items AS NCHAR(10)) / orders_items)
END, 7) AS itemsRatio
(orders_money = 0)
OR (returns_money IS NULL)
OR (orders_money IS NULL)
OR ((returns_money / orders_money) IS NULL)
THEN 0.0
ELSE (cast(returns_money AS NCHAR(10)) / orders_money)
END, 7) AS monetaryRatio
WHEN (returns_count IS NULL)
THEN 0.0
ELSE returns_count
END, 0) AS frequency
SELECT ss_customer_sk,
-- return order ratio
COUNT(DISTINCT (ss_ticket_number)) AS orders_count,
-- return ss_item_sk ratio
COUNT(ss_item_sk) AS orders_items,
-- return monetary amount ratio
SUM(ss_net_paid) AS orders_money
FROM store_sales s
GROUP BY ss_customer_sk
) orders
SELECT sr_customer_sk,
-- return order ratio
count(DISTINCT (sr_ticket_number)) AS returns_count,
-- return ss_item_sk ratio
COUNT(sr_item_sk) AS returns_items,
-- return monetary amount ratio
SUM(sr_return_amt) AS returns_money
FROM store_returns
GROUP BY sr_customer_sk
) returned ON ss_customer_sk = sr_customer_sk";
Load the data into a data frame
Now use the following script to return the results from the query to an R data frame.
# Query using input_query and get the results back
# to data frame customer_data
ch <- odbcDriverConnect(connStr)
customer_data <- sqlQuery(ch, input_query)
# Take a look at the data just loaded
head(customer_data, n = 5);
You should see results similar to the following.
customer orderRatio itemsRatio monetaryRatio frequency
1 29727 0 0 0.000000 0
2 26429 0 0 0.041979 1
3 60053 0 0 0.065762 3
4 97643 0 0 0.037034 3
5 32549 0 0 0.031281 4
Clean up resources
If you're not going to continue with this tutorial, delete the tpcxbb_1gb database.
Next steps
In part two of this tutorial series, you learned how to:
- Separate customers along different dimensions using R
- Load the data from the database into an R data frame
To create a machine learning model that uses this customer data, follow part three of this tutorial series: