
שתף באמצעות

sp_indexes (Transact-SQL)

Applies to: SQL Server

Returns index information for the specified remote table.

Transact-SQL syntax conventions


    [ @table_server = ] N'table_server'
    [ , [ @table_name = ] N'table_name' ]
    [ , [ @table_schema = ] N'table_schema' ]
    [ , [ @table_catalog = ] N'table_catalog' ]
    [ , [ @index_name = ] N'index_name' ]
    [ , [ @is_unique = ] is_unique ]
[ ; ]


[ @table_server = ] N'table_server'

The name of a linked server running SQL Server for which table information is being requested. @table_server is sysname, with no default.

[ @table_name = ] N'table_name'

The name of the remote table for which to provide index information. @table_name is sysname, with a default of NULL. If NULL, all tables in the specified database are returned.

[ @table_schema = ] N'table_schema'

Specifies the table schema. @table_schema is sysname, with a default of NULL. In the SQL Server environment, this value corresponds to the table owner.

[ @table_catalog = ] N'table_catalog'

The name of the database in which @table_name resides. @table_catalog is sysname, with a default of NULL. If NULL, @table_catalog defaults to master.

[ @index_name = ] N'index_name'

The name of the index for which information is being requested. @index_name is sysname, with a default of NULL.

[ @is_unique = ] is_unique

The type of index for which to return information. @is_unique is bit, and can be one of the following values.

Value Description
1 Returns information about unique indexes.
0 Returns information about indexes that aren't unique.
NULL (default) Returns information about all indexes.

Result set

Column name Data type Description
TABLE_CAT sysname Name of the database in which the specified table resides.
TABLE_SCHEM sysname Schema for the table.
TABLE_NAME sysname Name of the remote table.
NON_UNIQUE smallint Whether the index is unique or not unique:

0 = Unique
1 = Not unique
INDEX_QUALIFER sysname Name of the index owner. Some database management system (DBMS) products allow for users other than the table owner to create indexes. In SQL Server, this column is always the same as TABLE_NAME.
INDEX_NAME sysname Name of the index.
TYPE smallint Type of index:

0 = Statistics for a table
1 = Clustered
2 = Hashed
3 = Other
ORDINAL_POSITION int Ordinal position of the column in the index. The first column in the index is 1. This column always returns a value.
COLUMN_NAME sysname The corresponding name of the column for each column of the TABLE_NAME returned.
ASC_OR_DESC varchar The order used in collation:

A = Ascending
D = Descending
NULL = Not applicable

SQL Server always returns A.
CARDINALITY int The number of rows in the table or unique values in the index.
PAGES int The number of pages to store the index or table.
FILTER_CONDITION nvarchar(4000) SQL Server doesn't return a value.


Requires SELECT permission on the schema.


The following example returns all index information from the Employees table of the AdventureWorks2022 database on the Seattle1 linked server.

EXEC sp_indexes @table_server = 'Seattle1',
    @table_name = 'Employee',
    @table_schema = 'HumanResources',
    @table_catalog = 'AdventureWorks2022';