
שתף באמצעות

ConfigurationSetting method - CreateSSLCertificateBinding

Creates a TLS/SSL certificate binding.


Public Sub CreateSSLCertificateBinding(ByVal Application As String, _  
    ByVal CertificateHash As String, ByVal IPAddress As String, _  
    ByVal Port As Int32, ByVal lcid As Int32, _  
    ByRef [Error] As String, ByRef HRESULT As Int32)  
public void CreateSSLCertificateBinding(string application,   
    string certificateHash, string IPAddress, int Port,   
    int lcid, out string error, out int HRESULT);  


The name of application that the certificate binding should be created for.

The hash for the certificate. The certificateHash expects a lowercase hash. If the hash contains uppercase characters it fails.

The IP address for the application.

The TLS port associated with the binding.

The locale to use for the error messages returned.

[out] The description of the errors that occurred.

[out] Value indicating whether the call succeeded or failed.

Return value

Returns an HRESULT indicating success or failure of the method call. A value of 0 indicates that the method call was successful; an error code indicates the call wasn't successful.


This method adds a binding to rsreportserver.config for the application. If a binding doesn't already exist in HTTP.SYS, one is created there.

Before it creates the binding, the method call examines the Url Reservations for the specified application to determine if the TLS/SSL Certificate Binding is valid.

The following conditions are validated and can result in errors:

  1. Certificate doesn't exist.

  2. The IPAddress specified doesn't correspond to an IPAddress of this computer.

  3. The IPAddress specified is a DHCP IPAddress (changes periodically) - use the Wildcard IP address instead (

  4. IPAddress specified doesn't match the IP address of a URL reservation AND a wildcard nor a host name URL reservation exist.

  5. A URL reservation that specifies a host name exists, but the host name doesn't match the certificate host name.


Namespace: root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ReportServer\<InstanceName>\v13\Admin