שתף באמצעות

Upgrade System Center Service Manager

This article provides the upgrade information for System Center 2022 - Service Manager (SM)

Upgrade to System Center 2022 - Service Manager

The following sections provide information about how to upgrade to System Center 2022 - Service Manager (SM).


The order in which you perform component upgrades is important. Failure to follow the correct upgrade sequence might result in component failure for which no recovery options exist. The affected System Center components are:

  1. Orchestrator
  2. Service Manager
  3. Data Protection Manager
  4. Operations Manager
  5. Configuration Manager
  6. Virtual Machine Manager
  7. App Controller

You can only upgrade to System Center 2022 from System Center 2019.


It's assumed in this guide that you're performing an upgrade to an existing System Center version. For information about installing System Center 2022 - Service Manager on a computer where no previous version of Service Manager exists, see deploying System Center - Service Manager.

Plan the upgrade to System Center 2022 - Service Manager

This section outlines the procedures necessary to upgrade to System Center 2022.

An in-place upgrade from Service Manager 2019 is supported. An in-place upgrade is an upgrade of all Service Manager parts on the same hardware. Other approaches, such as side-by-side upgrades or rolling upgrades, aren't supported.

Upgrading to Service Manager 2022 requires preparation. We recommend that you install Service Manager in a lab environment and then replicate your production databases into the lab. After that perform an upgrade of the new installation in the lab.

Evaluation and Select versions

The release of System Center 2019 - Service Manager was available in two different versions:

  • Evaluation version (180-day time-out)
  • Select license version

The following upgrade paths are supported to Service Manager 2022.

Current Version Upgraded Version Status
System Center 2019 - Service Manager Eval System Center 2022 - Service Manager Eval Evaluation period remains unchanged
System Center 2019 - Service Manager Select System Center 2022 - Service Manager Select Licensed


Upgrading from an evaluation version of Service Manager to an evaluation version of Service Manager 2022 doesn't extend the 180 days evaluation period.

Installation location

The default folder for installing Service Manager is \Program Files\Microsoft System Center\Service Manager. However, when you perform the upgrade to Service Manager, the software is installed in the folder that Service Manager previously used. If Service Manager 2016/1801 was previously upgraded, then the following folder could be used:

\Program Files\Microsoft System Center\Service Manager 

Hardware requirements for System Center 2022 - Service Manager

All hardware requirements for System Center 2022 - Service Manager are fully documented in Hardware Requirements.

Software requirements for System Center 2022 - Service Manager

All software requirements for System Center 2022- Service Manager are fully documented in Software Requirements.

Preventing MPSync jobs from railing

Before Upgrade

Description: A problem with the upgrade process causes MPSync job to fail after the upgrade is complete. To prevent this problem before you upgrade, you must run the SQL script mentioned below on the DWRepository database to get the actual SQL scripts that drop and add a constraint on the primary key in fact tables in the DWRepository database to correct the problem. Additionally, transform and load jobs might also fail. This error can occur because of erroneous database grooming.

;WITH FactName  
AS (  
       select w.WarehouseEntityName from etl.WarehouseEntity w  
       join etl.WarehouseEntityType t on w.WarehouseEntityTypeId = t.WarehouseEntityTypeId  
       where t.WarehouseEntityTypeName = 'Fact'  
AS (  
    SELECT  PartitionName, p.WarehouseEntityName,  
            RANK() OVER ( PARTITION BY p.WarehouseEntityName ORDER BY PartitionName ASC ) AS RK  
    FROM    etl.TablePartition p  
       join FactName f on p.WarehouseEntityName = f.WarehouseEntityName  
, FactPKList  
AS (  
    SELECT  f.WarehouseEntityName, a.TABLE_NAME, a.COLUMN_NAME, b.CONSTRAINT_NAME, f.RK,  
            CASE WHEN b.CONSTRAINT_NAME = 'PK_' + f.WarehouseEntityName THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS DefaultConstraints  
    FROM    FactList f  
, FactWithoutDefaultConstraints  
AS (  
    SELECT  a.*  
    FROM    FactPKList a  
    LEFT JOIN FactPKList b ON b.WarehouseEntityName = a.WarehouseEntityName AND b.DefaultConstraints = 1  
    WHERE   b.WarehouseEntityName IS NULL AND a.RK = 1  
, FactPKListStr  
AS (  
    FROM    FactWithoutDefaultConstraints f1  
                    SELECT  '[' + COLUMN_NAME + '],'  
                    FROM    FactWithoutDefaultConstraints f2  
                    WHERE   f2.TABLE_NAME = f1.TABLE_NAME  
                    ORDER BY COLUMN_NAME  
                   XML PATH('')  
                ) AS F (COLUMN_NAME)  
        'ALTER TABLE [dbo].[' + f.TABLE_NAME + '] ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_' + f.WarehouseEntityName + '] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED (' + SUBSTRING(f.PKList, 1, LEN(f.PKList) -1) + ')' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)  
FROM    FactPKListStr f  

Workaround 1: If you've already upgraded and you don't have problems with transform or load job failures but do have a management pack deployment failure, then follow the steps in the Before Upgrade section. In addition, after the default primary keys have been restored, restart the failed management pack deployment in the Service Manager console by navigating to the Data Warehouse workspace and then select Management Pack.

Workaround 2: If you've upgraded and you've problems with transform or load job failures, then determine if the SystemDerivedMp.Microsoft.SystemCenter.Datawarehouse.Base management pack exists in the DWStagingAndConfig database by running the following query.

select * from ManagementPack where mpname like '%SystemDerivedMp.Microsoft.SystemCenter.Datawarehouse.Base%'  

If the management pack doesn't exist, you need to restore your database to a state prior to upgrade. To restore your database, perform the following steps.

  1. Perform disaster recovery steps for the database backups.

  2. Disable the MPSyncJob schedule.

  3. Restore all the missing primary keys in the DWRepository manually. You can drop and recreate the primary key using the SQL script from the Before Upgrade section.

  4. Restart the failed base management pack deployment using the Service Manager console.

Testing the upgrade in a lab environment

We recommend that you test the upgrade to System Center 2022 - Service Manager in a lab environment.

Upgrade order and timing

The order of your upgrades is important. Perform the upgrade steps in the following order:

  1. Back up your databases and your management packs. See the sections Backing Up Service Manager Databases and Backing Up Unsealed Management Packs in the Disaster Recovery Guide for System Center - Service Manager.

  2. Start with the data warehouse management server.

  3. After the upgrade to the data warehouse management server is complete, upgrade the initial (primary) Service Manager management server. If you created more than one Service Manager management server, the initial Service Manager management server is the first one that you created.

  4. Then upgrade all Secondary management servers, Self-Service Portals, and Service Manager consoles.

After the installation, do the following:

  1. Disable all the Data Warehouse jobs. To do this, open the Service Manager shell, and then run the following commands:

    $DW ='DWMS Servername' 
    Get-scdwjob -Computername $DW | %{disable-scdwjobschedule -Computername $DW -jobname $_.Name} 
  2. Make the required changes in the following PowerShell script based on the data source views in your environment, and then run the script by using elevated privileges:

    $SSAS_ServerName = "ssas servername" # - to be replaced with Analysis Service instance Name 
    $Server = New-Object Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server 
    $Databases = $Server.Databases 
    $DWASDB = $Databases["DWASDataBase"] 
    #update DWDatamart dsv. Comment the below 3 commands if DWdatamart dsv is not present  
    $DWASDB.DataSourceViews["DwDataMart"].Schema.Tables["OperatingsystemDim"].Columns["PhysicalMemory"].DataType  =  [decimal]  
    $DWASDB.DataSourceViews["DwDataMart"].Schema.Tables["LogicalDiskDim"].Columns["Size"].DataType  =  [decimal]  
    #update CMDatamart dsv.Comment the below 2 commands if cmdatamart dsv is not present  
    $DWASDB.DataSourceViews["CMDataMart"].Schema.Tables["OperatingsystemDim"].Columns["PhysicalMemory"].DataType  =  [decimal]  
    #update OperatingsystemDim 
    $DWASDB.Dimensions["OperatingsystemDim"].Attributes["PhysicalMemory"].KeyColumns[0].DataType =  [System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType]::Double  
    $DWASDB.Dimensions["OperatingsystemDim"].Update([Microsoft.AnalysisServices.UpdateOptions]::ExpandFull + [Microsoft.AnalysisServices.UpdateOptions]::AlterDependents) 
    #update LogicalDiskDim  
    $DWASDB.Dimensions["LogicalDiskDim"].Attributes["Size"].KeyColumns[0].DataType =  [System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType]::Double  
    $DWASDB.Dimensions["LogicalDiskDim"].Update([Microsoft.AnalysisServices.UpdateOptions]::ExpandFull + [Microsoft.AnalysisServices.UpdateOptions]::AlterDependents)  
  3. Enable the job schedules by running the following commands:

    $DW ='DWMS Servername' 
    Get-scdwjob -Computername $DW | %{enable-scdwjobschedule -Computername $DW -jobname $_.Name} 
  4. Restart the Data Warehouse management server.

  5. Apply the Update Rollup 2 for System Center 2022 Service Manager to the Data Warehouse management server, Primary management server, Secondary management server(s), Self-Service Portal(s), and all Analyst consoles.

Database impacts

With System Center 2022 - Service Manager, you've the option to install Operations Manager and Configuration Manager data marts. Selecting this option will result in additional space requirements on the hard disk drive for the two databases, as well as associated file groups and log files.

Back up Service Manager before you upgrade

Before you start any upgrade, we recommend that you back up your Service Manager and data warehouse databases and the encryption key. If you've already backed up your databases and encryption key, you can continue to run the upgrade. Otherwise, review the backup procedures in the Disaster Recovery Guide for System Center - Service Manager before you continue the upgrade.

Register the Service Manager data warehouse

If you've installed a data warehouse management server in your environment, as part of the upgrade process, you must be able to view the status of the data warehouse jobs. You can't perform this task if you've not registered with the Service Manager data warehouse. If the Data Warehouse button isn't visible in the Service Manager console, complete the procedure in Registering with the Service Manager Data Warehouse to Enable Reporting in the Deployment Guide for System Center - Service Manager.

Encryption keys

When you've finished running Setup to either install or upgrade to System Center 2022 - Service Manager, you're prompted to open the Encryption Backup or Restore Wizard. If you've previously backed up the encryption keys, no additional action is required. If you never backed up the encryption keys, use the Encryption Key Backup or Restore Wizard to back up the encryption keys on the Service Manager management servers.

Known issue

After a successful Data Warehouse upgrade, the MPSyncJob fails


After a successful Data Warehouse upgrade, the MPSyncJob fails due to a deployment failure in the management pack Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager Data Warehouse Library. The OperationsManager event log shows the following error:

  • Incorrect syntax near the keyword IF
  • Incorrect syntax near END


Run the script documented here.

This article provides the upgrade information for System Center 2019 - Service Manager (SM)

Upgrade to System Center 2019 - Service Manager

The following sections provide information about how to upgrade to System Center 2019 - Service Manager (SM).


The order in which you perform component upgrades is important. Failure to follow the correct upgrade sequence might result in component failure for which no recovery options exist. The affected System Center components are:

  1. Orchestrator
  2. Service Manager
  3. Data Protection Manager
  4. Operations Manager
  5. Configuration Manager
  6. Virtual Machine Manager
  7. App Controller

You can only upgrade to System Center 2019 from System Center 2016 or 1801 or 1807.


It's assumed in this guide that you're performing an upgrade to an existing System Center version. For information about installing System Center 2019 - Service Manager on a computer where no previous version of Service Manager exists, see deploying System Center - Service Manager.

Plan the upgrade to System Center 2019 - Service Manager

This section outlines the procedures necessary to upgrade to System Center 2019.

An in-place upgrade from Service Manager 2016, 1801, 1807 is supported. An in-place upgrade is an upgrade of all the Service Manager parts on the same hardware. Other approaches, such as side-by-side upgrades or rolling upgrades, aren't supported.

Upgrading to Service Manager 2019 requires preparation. We recommend that you install Service Manager in a lab environment and then replicate your production databases into the lab. After that, perform an upgrade of the new installation in the lab.

Evaluation and Select versions

The release of System Center 2016 and 1801 - Service Manager was available in two different versions:

  • Evaluation version (180-day time-out)
  • Select license version

The following upgrade paths are supported to Service Manager 2019.

Current Version Upgraded Version Status
System Center 2016/1801 - Service Manager Eval System Center 2019 - Service Manager Eval Evaluation period remains unchanged
System Center 2016/1801/1807 - Service Manager Select System Center 2019 - Service Manager Select Licensed


Upgrading from an evaluation version of Service Manager to an evaluation version of Service Manager 2019 does not extend the 180 days evaluation period.

Installation location

The default folder for installing Service Manager is \Program Files\Microsoft System Center\Service Manager. However, when you perform the upgrade to Service Manager, the software is installed in the folder that Service Manager previously used. If Service Manager 2016/1801 was previously upgraded, then the following folder could be used:

\Program Files\Microsoft System Center\Service Manager 

Hardware requirements for System Center 2019 - Service Manager

All hardware requirements for System Center 2019 - Service Manager are fully documented in Hardware Requirements.

Software requirements for System Center 2019 - Service Manager

All software requirements for System Center 2019- Service Manager are fully documented in Software Requirements.

Impact on custom development

With the System Center 2016 - Service Manager release, the product has moved to support .NET 4.5.1. The tool set to support this movement to .NET 4.5.1 required to break a few dependencies and has led to the movement of classes across the assemblies.

Preventing MPSync jobs from railing

Before Upgrade

Description: A problem with the upgrade process causes MPSync job to fail after the upgrade is complete. To prevent this problem from occurring before you upgrade, you must run the SQL script below on the DWRepository database to get the actual SQL scripts that drop and add a constraint on the primary key in fact tables in the DWRepository database to correct the problem. Additionally, transform and load jobs might also fail. This error can occur because of erroneous database grooming.

;WITH FactName  
AS (  
       select w.WarehouseEntityName from etl.WarehouseEntity w  
       join etl.WarehouseEntityType t on w.WarehouseEntityTypeId = t.WarehouseEntityTypeId  
       where t.WarehouseEntityTypeName = 'Fact'  
AS (  
    SELECT  PartitionName, p.WarehouseEntityName,  
            RANK() OVER ( PARTITION BY p.WarehouseEntityName ORDER BY PartitionName ASC ) AS RK  
    FROM    etl.TablePartition p  
       join FactName f on p.WarehouseEntityName = f.WarehouseEntityName  
, FactPKList  
AS (  
    SELECT  f.WarehouseEntityName, a.TABLE_NAME, a.COLUMN_NAME, b.CONSTRAINT_NAME, f.RK,  
            CASE WHEN b.CONSTRAINT_NAME = 'PK_' + f.WarehouseEntityName THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS DefaultConstraints  
    FROM    FactList f  
, FactWithoutDefaultConstraints  
AS (  
    SELECT  a.*  
    FROM    FactPKList a  
    LEFT JOIN FactPKList b ON b.WarehouseEntityName = a.WarehouseEntityName AND b.DefaultConstraints = 1  
    WHERE   b.WarehouseEntityName IS NULL AND a.RK = 1  
, FactPKListStr  
AS (  
    FROM    FactWithoutDefaultConstraints f1  
                    SELECT  '[' + COLUMN_NAME + '],'  
                    FROM    FactWithoutDefaultConstraints f2  
                    WHERE   f2.TABLE_NAME = f1.TABLE_NAME  
                    ORDER BY COLUMN_NAME  
                   XML PATH('')  
                ) AS F (COLUMN_NAME)  
        'ALTER TABLE [dbo].[' + f.TABLE_NAME + '] ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_' + f.WarehouseEntityName + '] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED (' + SUBSTRING(f.PKList, 1, LEN(f.PKList) -1) + ')' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)  
FROM    FactPKListStr f  

Workaround 1: If you've already upgraded and you don't have problems with transform or load job failures but do have a management pack deployment failure, then follow the steps in the Before Upgrade section. In addition, after the default primary keys have been restored, restart the failed management pack deployment in the Service Manager console by navigating to the Data Warehouse workspace and then select Management Pack.

Workaround 2: If you've upgraded and you've problems with transform or load job failures, then determine if the SystemDerivedMp.Microsoft.SystemCenter.Datawarehouse.Base management pack exists in the DWStagingAndConfig database by running the following query.

select * from ManagementPack where mpname like '%SystemDerivedMp.Microsoft.SystemCenter.Datawarehouse.Base%'  

If the management pack doesn't exist, you need to restore your database to a state prior to upgrade. To restore your database, perform the following steps.

  1. Perform disaster recovery steps for the database backups.

  2. Disable the MPSyncJob schedule.

  3. Restore all the missing primary keys in the DWRepository manually. You can drop and recreate the primary key using the SQL script from the Before Upgrade section.

  4. Restart the failed base management pack deployment using the Service Manager console.

Testing the upgrade in a lab environment

We recommend that you test the upgrade to System Center 2019 - Service Manager in a lab environment.

Upgrade order and timing

The order of your upgrades is important. Perform the upgrade steps in the following order:

  1. Back up your databases and your management packs. See the sections Backing Up Service Manager Databases and Backing Up Unsealed Management Packs in the Disaster Recovery Guide for System Center - Service Manager.

  2. Start with the data warehouse management server. You will be stopping the data warehouse jobs, and you won't be able to start them again until after you've completed the upgrade.

  3. After the upgrade to the data warehouse management server is complete, upgrade the initial Service Manager management server. If you created more than one Service Manager management server, the initial Service Manager management server is the first one that you created.

  4. Upgrade the Service Manager consoles and any additional Service Manager management servers.

  5. Restart the data warehouse jobs.

  6. Deploy the new Self-Service Portal.

The timing of your upgrades is also important. After you upgrade your data warehouse management server, you must update the Service Manager management server and also deploy the new Self-Service Portal. After you upgrade your initial Service Manager management server, you must be prepared to upgrade your Service Manager console or Service Manager consoles, additional Service Manager management servers, and Self-Service Portal at the same time.

Database impacts

With System Center 2019 - Service Manager, you've the option to install Operations Manager and Configuration Manager data marts. Selecting this option will result in additional space requirements on the hard disk drive for the two databases, as well as associated file groups and log files.

Back up Service Manager before you upgrade

Before you start any upgrade, we recommend that you back up your Service Manager and data warehouse databases and the encryption key. If you've already backed up your databases and encryption key, you can continue to run the upgrade. Otherwise, review the backup procedures in the Disaster Recovery Guide for System Center - Service Manager before you continue the upgrade.

Register the Service Manager data warehouse

If you've installed a data warehouse management server in your environment, as part of the upgrade process, you must be able to view the status of the data warehouse jobs. You can't perform this task if you haven't registered with the Service Manager data warehouse. If the Data Warehouse button isn't visible in the Service Manager console, complete the procedure in Registering with the Service Manager Data Warehouse to Enable Reporting in the Deployment Guide for System Center - Service Manager.

Encryption keys

When you've finished running Setup to either install or upgrade to System Center 2019 - Service Manager, you're prompted to open the Encryption Backup or Restore Wizard. If you've previously backed up the encryption keys, no additional action is required. If you never backed up the encryption keys, use the Encryption Key Backup or Restore Wizard to back up the encryption keys on the Service Manager management servers.

This article provides the upgrade information for System Center 2016 - Service Manager (SM)

Upgrade to System Center 2016 - Service Manager

The following sections provide the information about how to upgrade from System Center 2012 R2 - Service Manager to System Center 2016 - Service Manager (SM).


If you're planning to upgrade two or more System Center components, it's imperative that you first consult the guide Upgrade to System Center 2016. The order in which you perform component upgrades is important. Failure to follow the correct upgrade sequence might result in component failure for which no recovery options exist. The affected System Center components are:

  1. Orchestrator
  2. Service Manager
  3. Data Protection Manager
  4. Operations Manager
  5. Configuration Manager
  6. Virtual Machine Manager
  7. App Controller

You can only upgrade to System Center 2016 from System Center 2012 R2 - Service Manager with Update Rollup 9 or later installed.


It's assumed in this guide that you're performing an upgrade to System Center 2012 R2. For information about installing System Center 2016 - Service Manager on a computer where no previous version of Service Manager exists, see the Deploying System Center 2016 - Service Manager.

Plan for your upgrade to System Center 2016 - Service Manager

This section outlines the procedures necessary to upgrade to System Center 2016.

An in-place upgrade from Service Manager 2012 R2 to Service Manager 2016 is supported. An in-place upgrade is an upgrade of all Service Manager parts on the same hardware. Other approaches, such as side-by-side upgrades or rolling upgrades, aren't supported.

Upgrading to Service Manager 2016 requires preparation. We recommend that you install Service Manager in a lab environment and then replicate your production databases into the lab. You then perform an upgrade of the new installation in the lab, and once that has proven successful, perform the same upgrade to Service Manager SP1 in the production environment.

Evaluation and Select versions

The release of System Center 2012 R2 - Service Manager was available in two different versions:

  • Evaluation version (180-day time-out)

  • Select license version

The following upgrade paths are supported to Service Manager 2016.

Current Version Upgraded Version Status
System Center 2012 R2 - Service Manager Eval System Center 2016 - Service Manager Eval Evaluation period remains unchanged
System Center 2012 R2 - Service Manager Select System Center 2016 - Service Manager Select Licensed


Upgrading from an evaluation version of Service Manager 2012 R2 to an evaluation version of Service Manager 2016 does not extend the 180-day evaluation period.

Installation location

The default folder for installing Service Manager is \Program Files\Microsoft System Center\Service Manager. However, when you perform the upgrade to Service Manager, the software is installed in the folder that Service Manager previously used. If Service Manager 2010 or Service Manager 2012 was previously upgraded, then the following folders could be used:

\Program Files\Microsoft System Center\Service Manager 2010
\Program Files\Microsoft System Center\Service Manager 2012

Hardware requirements for System Center 2016 - Service Manager

All hardware requirements for System Center 2016 - Service Manager are fully documented in Hardware Requirements for System Center 2016 - Service Manager.

Software requirements for System Center 2016 - Service Manager

To upgrade to System Center 2016, you must first apply the Update Rollup 9 or later for System Center 2012 R2 - Service Manager.

All software requirements for System Center 2016 - Service Manager are fully documented in Software Requirements for System Center 2016 - Service Manager.

Impact on custom development

With the System Center 2016 - Service Manager release, the product has moved to support .NET 4.5.1. The tool set to support this movement to .NET 4.5.1 required to break a few dependencies and has led to the movement of classes across the assemblies. Hence, the upgrade to Service Manager 2016 may break the custom solutions made in house or by third party (non-Microsoft). Please refer the steps to upgrade your custom solutions, to avoid getting into this problem.

Preventing MPSync jobs from failing

Before Upgrade

Description: A problem with the upgrade process causes MPSync job to fail after the upgrade is complete. To prevent this problem from occurring before you upgrade, you must run the SQL script below on the DWRepository database to get the actual SQL scripts that drop and add a constraint on the primary key in fact tables in the DWRepository database to correct the problem. Additionally, transform and load jobs might also fail. This error can occur because of erroneous database grooming.

;WITH FactName  
AS (  
       select w.WarehouseEntityName from etl.WarehouseEntity w  
       join etl.WarehouseEntityType t on w.WarehouseEntityTypeId = t.WarehouseEntityTypeId  
       where t.WarehouseEntityTypeName = 'Fact'  
AS (  
    SELECT  PartitionName, p.WarehouseEntityName,  
            RANK() OVER ( PARTITION BY p.WarehouseEntityName ORDER BY PartitionName ASC ) AS RK  
    FROM    etl.TablePartition p  
       join FactName f on p.WarehouseEntityName = f.WarehouseEntityName  
, FactPKList  
AS (  
    SELECT  f.WarehouseEntityName, a.TABLE_NAME, a.COLUMN_NAME, b.CONSTRAINT_NAME, f.RK,  
            CASE WHEN b.CONSTRAINT_NAME = 'PK_' + f.WarehouseEntityName THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS DefaultConstraints  
    FROM    FactList f  
, FactWithoutDefaultConstraints  
AS (  
    SELECT  a.*  
    FROM    FactPKList a  
    LEFT JOIN FactPKList b ON b.WarehouseEntityName = a.WarehouseEntityName AND b.DefaultConstraints = 1  
    WHERE   b.WarehouseEntityName IS NULL AND a.RK = 1  
, FactPKListStr  
AS (  
    FROM    FactWithoutDefaultConstraints f1  
                    SELECT  '[' + COLUMN_NAME + '],'  
                    FROM    FactWithoutDefaultConstraints f2  
                    WHERE   f2.TABLE_NAME = f1.TABLE_NAME  
                    ORDER BY COLUMN_NAME  
                   XML PATH('')  
                ) AS F (COLUMN_NAME)  
        'ALTER TABLE [dbo].[' + f.TABLE_NAME + '] ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_' + f.WarehouseEntityName + '] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED (' + SUBSTRING(f.PKList, 1, LEN(f.PKList) -1) + ')' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)  
FROM    FactPKListStr f  

Workaround 1: If you've already upgraded and you don't have problems with transform or load job failures but do have a management pack deployment failure, then follow the steps in the Before Upgrade section. In addition, after the default primary keys have been restored, restart the failed management pack deployment in the Service Manager console by navigating to the Data Warehouse workspace and then select Management Pack.

Workaround 2: If you've upgraded and you've problems with transform or load job failures, then determine if the SystemDerivedMp.Microsoft.SystemCenter.Datawarehouse.Base management pack exists in the DWStagingAndConfig database by running the following query.

select * from ManagementPack where mpname like '%SystemDerivedMp.Microsoft.SystemCenter.Datawarehouse.Base%'  

If the management pack doesn't exist, you need to restore your database to a state prior to upgrade. To restore your database, perform the following steps.

  1. Perform disaster recovery steps for the database backups.

  2. Disable the MPSyncJob schedule.

  3. Restore all the missing primary keys in the DWRepository manually. You can drop and recreate the primary key using the SQL script from the Before Upgrade section.

  4. Restart the failed base management pack deployment using the Service Manager console.

Testing the upgrade in a lab environment

We recommend that you test the upgrade to System Center 2016 - Service Manager in a lab environment.

Upgrade order and timing

The order of your upgrades is important. Perform the upgrade steps in the following order:

  1. Back up your databases and your management packs. See the sections Backing Up Service Manager Databases and Backing Up Unsealed Management Packs in the Disaster Recovery Guide for System Center 2016 - Service Manager.

  2. Start with the data warehouse management server. You will be stopping the data warehouse jobs, and you won't be able to start them again until after you've completed the upgrade.

  3. After the upgrade to the data warehouse management server is complete, upgrade the initial Service Manager management server. If you created more than one Service Manager management server, the initial Service Manager management server is the first one that you created.

  4. Upgrade the Service Manager consoles and any additional Service Manager management servers.

  5. Restart the data warehouse jobs.

  6. Deploy the new Self-Service Portal.

The timing of your upgrades is also important. After you upgrade your data warehouse management server, you must both update the Service Manager management server and deploy the new Self-Service Portal. After you upgrade your initial Service Manager management server, you must be prepared to upgrade your Service Manager console or Service Manager consoles, additional Service Manager management servers, and Self-Service Portal at the same time.

Database impacts

With System Center 2016 - Service Manager, you've the option to install Operations Manager and Configuration Manager data marts. Selecting this option will result in additional space requirements on the hard disk drive for the two databases, as well as associated file groups and log files.

Back up Service Manager before you upgrade

Before you start any upgrade, we recommend that you back up your Service Manager and data warehouse databases and the encryption key. If you've already backed up your databases and encryption key, you can continue to run the upgrade. Otherwise, review the backup procedures in the Disaster Recovery Guide for System Center - Service Manager before you continue the upgrade.

Register the Service Manager data warehouse

If you've installed a data warehouse management server in your environment, as part of the upgrade process, you must be able to view the status of the data warehouse jobs. You can't perform this task if you haven't registered with the Service Manager data warehouse. If the Data Warehouse button isn't visible in the Service Manager console, complete the procedure in Registering with the Service Manager Data Warehouse to Enable Reporting in the Deployment Guide for System Center 2016 - Service Manager.

Encryption keys

When you've finished running Setup to either install or upgrade to System Center 2016 - Service Manager, you're prompted to open the Encryption Backup or Restore Wizard. If you've previously backed up the encryption keys, no additional action is required. If you never backed up the encryption keys, use the Encryption Key Backup or Restore Wizard to back up the encryption keys on the Service Manager management servers.

Next steps