
שתף באמצעות

Create a Classification Property

Classification properties are used to assign values to files within a specified folder or volume. There are many property types that you can choose from, depending on your needs. The following table defines the available property types.

Property Description
Yes/No A Boolean property that can be Yes or No. When combining multiple values during classification or from file content, a No value is overridden by a Yes value.
Date-time A simple date/time property. When combining multiple values during classification or from file content, conflicting values prevent reclassification.
Number A simple number property. When combining multiple values during classification or from file content, conflicting values prevent reclassification.
Ordered List A list of fixed values. Only one value can be assigned to a property at a time. When combining multiple values during classification or from file content, the value highest in the list is used.
String A simple string property. When combining multiple values during classification or from file content conflicting values prevent reclassification.
Multi-choice A list of values that can be assigned to a property. More than one value can be assigned to a property at a time. When combining multiple values during classification or from file content, each value in the list is used.
Multi-string A list of strings that can be assigned to a property. More than one value can be assigned to a property at a time. When combining multiple values during classification or from file content, each value in the list is used.

To create a Classification property

The following procedure guides you through the process of creating a classification property.

  1. In Classification Management, select the Classification Properties node.

  2. Right-select Classification Properties, and then select Create property (or select Create property in the Actions pane). This opens the Classification Property Definitions dialog box.

  3. In the Property Name text box, type a name for the property.

  4. In the Description text box, add an optional description for the property.

  5. In the Property Type drop-down menu, select a property type from the list.

  6. Select OK.