
שתף באמצעות

Get app reviews

Use this method in the Microsoft Store analytics API to get review data in JSON format for a given date range and other optional filters. This information is also available in the Reviews report in Partner Center.

After you retrieve reviews, you can use the get response info for app reviews and submit responses to app reviews methods in the Microsoft Store reviews API to programmatically respond to reviews.


To use this method, you need to first do the following:

  • If you have not done so already, complete all the prerequisites for the Microsoft Store analytics API.
  • Obtain an Azure AD access token to use in the request header for this method. After you obtain an access token, you have 60 minutes to use it before it expires. After the token expires, you can obtain a new one.


Request syntax

Method Request URI
GET https://manage.devcenter.microsoft.com/v1.0/my/analytics/reviews

Request header

Header Type Description
Authorization string Required. The Azure AD access token in the form Bearer <token>.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Description Required
applicationId string The Store ID of the app for which you want to retrieve review data. Yes
startDate date The start date in the date range of review data to retrieve. The default is the current date. No
endDate date The end date in the date range of review data to retrieve. The default is the current date. No
top int The number of rows of data to return in the request. The maximum value and the default value if not specified is 10000. If there are more rows in the query, the response body includes a next link that you can use to request the next page of data. No
skip int The number of rows to skip in the query. Use this parameter to page through large data sets. For example, top=10000 and skip=0 retrieves the first 10000 rows of data, top=10000 and skip=10000 retrieves the next 10000 rows of data, and so on. No
filter string One or more statements that filter the rows in the response. For more information, see the filter fields section below. No
orderby string A statement that orders the result data values. The syntax is orderby=field [order],field [order],.... The field parameter can be one of the following strings:
  • date
  • osVersion
  • market
  • deviceType
  • isRevised
  • packageVersion
  • deviceModel
  • productFamily
  • deviceScreenResolution
  • isTouchEnabled
  • reviewerName
  • reviewTitle
  • reviewText
  • helpfulCount
  • notHelpfulCount
  • responseDate
  • responseText
  • deviceRAM
  • deviceStorageCapacity
  • rating

The order parameter is optional, and can be asc or desc to specify ascending or descending order for each field. The default is asc.

Here is an example orderby string: orderby=date,market


Filter fields

The filter parameter of the request contains one or more statements that filter the rows in the response. Each statement contains a field and value that are associated with the eq or ne operators, and some fields also support the contains, gt, lt, ge, and le operators. Statements can be combined using and or or.

Here is an example filter string: filter=contains(reviewText,'great') and contains(reviewText,'ads') and deviceRAM lt 2048 and market eq 'US'

For a list of the supported fields and support operators for each field, see the following table. String values must be surrounded by single quotes in the filter parameter.

Fields Supported operators Description
market eq, ne A string that contains the ISO 3166 country code of the device market.
osVersion eq, ne One of the following strings:
  • Windows Phone 7.5
  • Windows Phone 8
  • Windows Phone 8.1
  • Windows Phone 10
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11
  • Unknown
deviceType eq, ne One of the following strings:
  • PC
  • Phone
  • Console-Xbox One
  • Console-Xbox Series X
  • IoT
  • Holographic
  • Unknown
isRevised eq, ne Specify true to filter for reviews that have been revised; otherwise false.
packageVersion eq, ne The version of the app package that was reviewed.
deviceModel eq, ne The type of device on which the app was reviewed.
productFamily eq, ne One of the following strings:
  • PC
  • Tablet
  • Phone
  • Wearable
  • Server
  • Collaborative
  • Other
deviceRAM eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le The physical RAM, in MB.
deviceScreenResolution eq, ne The device screen resolution in the format "width x height".
deviceStorageCapacity eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le The capacity of the primary storage disk, in GB.
isTouchEnabled eq, ne Specify true to filter for touch-enabled devices; otherwise false.
reviewerName eq, ne The reviewer name.
rating eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le The app rating, in stars.
reviewTitle eq, ne, contains The title of the review.
reviewText eq, ne, contains The text contents of the review.
helpfulCount eq, ne The number of times the review was marked helpful.
notHelpfulCount eq, ne The number of times the review was marked not helpful.
responseDate eq, ne The date that the response was submitted.
responseText eq, ne, contains The text contents of the response.
id eq, ne The ID of the review (this is a GUID).

Request example

The following examples demonstrate several requests for getting review data. Replace the applicationId value with the Store ID for your app.

GET https://manage.devcenter.microsoft.com/v1.0/my/analytics/reviews?applicationId=9NBLGGGZ5QDR&startDate=1/1/2015&endDate=2/1/2015&top=10&skip=0 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your access token>

GET https://manage.devcenter.microsoft.com/v1.0/my/analytics/reviews?applicationId=9NBLGGGZ5QDR&startDate=8/1/2015&endDate=8/31/2015&skip=0&filter=contains(reviewText,'great') and contains(reviewText,'ads') and deviceRAM lt 2048 and market eq 'US' HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your access token>


Response body

Value Type Description
Value array An array of objects that contain review data. For more information about the data in each object, see the review values section below.
@nextLink string If there are additional pages of data, this string contains a URI that you can use to request the next page of data. For example, this value is returned if the top parameter of the request is set to 10000 but there are more than 10000 rows of reviews data for the query.
TotalCount int The total number of rows in the data result for the query.


Review values

Elements in the Value array contain the following values.

Value Type Description
date string The first date in the date range for the review data. If the request specified a single day, this value is that date. If the request specified a week, month, or other date range, this value is the first date in that date range.
applicationId string The Store ID of the app for which you are retrieving review data.
applicationName string The display name of the app.
market string The ISO 3166 country code of the market where the review was submitted.
osVersion string The OS version on which the review was submitted. For a list of the supported strings, see the filter fields section above.
deviceType string The type of device on which the review was submitted. For a list of the supported strings, see the filter fields section above.
isRevised Boolean The value true indicates that the review was revised; otherwise false.
packageVersion string The version of the app package that was reviewed.
deviceModel string The type of device on which the app was reviewed.
productFamily string The device family name. For a list of the supported strings, see the filter fields section above.
deviceRAM number The physical RAM, in MB.
deviceScreenResolution string The device screen resolution in the format "width x height".
deviceStorageCapacity number The capacity of the primary storage disk, in GB.
isTouchEnabled Boolean The value true indicates that touch is enabled; otherwise false.
reviewerName string The reviewer name.
rating number The app rating, in stars.
reviewTitle string The title of the review.
reviewText string The text contents of the review.
helpfulCount number The number of times the review was marked helpful.
notHelpfulCount number The number of times the review was marked not helpful.
responseDate string The date a response was submitted.
responseText string The text contents of the response.
id string The ID of the review (this is a GUID). You can use this ID in the get response info for app reviews and submit responses to app reviews methods.

Request and Response example

The following code snippets demonstrates some example request and JSON response body for those request.

Sample Request

GET https://manage.devcenter.microsoft.com/v1.0/my/analytics/reviews?applicationId=9WZDNCRFJB4P&top=10&skip=0
Authorization: Bearer <your access token>

Sample Response

    "Value": [
            "date": "3/5/2021 12:48:33 PM",
            "applicationId": "9NBLGGGZ5QDR",
            "applicationName": "Contoso Demo",
            "market": "ES",
            "osVersion": "Windows 10",
            "deviceType": "PC",
            "isRevised": false,
            "packageVersion": "",
            "reviewerName": "Jose Antonio",
            "rating": 5,
            "reviewTitle": "Contoso Demo",
            "reviewText": "Un juego fantastico",
            "helpfulCount": 3,
            "notHelpfulCount": 0,
            "id": "b5e27de9-2334-4849-d17d-4eae3e1e7aa9"
            "date": "1/6/2021 8:41:42 AM",
            "applicationId": "9NBLGGGZ5QDR",
            "applicationName": "Contoso Demo",
            "market": "TR",
            "osVersion": "Windows 10",
            "deviceType": "PC",
            "isRevised": false,
            "packageVersion": "",
            "reviewerName": "fef",
            "rating": 5,
            "helpfulCount": 0,
            "notHelpfulCount": 0,
            "id": "f5d2510a-9796-45ee-01e5-6d5cc4550b09"
    "TotalCount": 2