Configure IP network connectivity - Training
This module explores configuring Windows clients to communicate over IPv4 and IPv6 networks.
הדפדפן הזה אינו נתמך עוד.
שדרג ל- Microsoft Edge כדי לנצל את התכונות, עדכוני האבטחה והתמיכה הטכנית העדכניים ביותר.
Overview of the IP Helper technology.
To develop IP Helper, you need these headers:
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
DNS_SERVER_PROPERTY_TYPE Defines constants that specify the validity of the property held in the DNS_SERVER_PROPERTY::Property member. |
IF_OPER_STATUS The IF_OPER_STATUS enumeration specifies the operational status of an interface. |
NET_ADDRESS_FORMAT The NET_ADDRESS_FORMAT enumeration specifies the format of a network address returned by the ParseNetworkString function. |
NL_DAD_STATE The IP_DAD_STATE enumeration specifies information about the duplicate address detection (DAD) state for an IPv4 or IPv6 address. |
NL_NETWORK_CONNECTIVITY_COST_HINT Defines constants that specify hints about the usage charge for a network connection. |
NL_NETWORK_CONNECTIVITY_LEVEL_HINT Defines constants that specify hints about a level of network connectivity. |
NL_PREFIX_ORIGIN The IP_PREFIX_ORIGIN enumeration specifies the origin of an IPv4 or IPv6 address prefix, and is used with the IP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS structure. |
NL_SUFFIX_ORIGIN The IP_SUFFIX_ORIGIN enumeration specifies the origin of an IPv4 or IPv6 address suffix, and is used with the IP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS structure. |
SCOPE_LEVEL The SCOPE_LEVEL enumeration is used with the IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES structure to identify scope levels for IPv6 addresses. |
TCP_BOOLEAN_OPTIONAL Defines the states that a caller can specify when updating a member in the read/write information for a TCP connection. |
TCP_ESTATS_TYPE Defines the type of extended statistics for a TCP connection that is requested or being set. |
TCP_SOFT_ERROR Defines the reason for non-fatal or soft errors recorded on a TCP connection. |
TCP_TABLE_CLASS Defines the set of values used to indicate the type of table returned by calls to GetExtendedTcpTable. |
TCPIP_OWNER_MODULE_INFO_CLASS Defines the type of module information structure passed to calls of the GetOwnerModuleFromXXXEntry family. |
UDP_TABLE_CLASS Defines the set of values used to indicate the type of table returned by calls to GetExtendedUdpTable. |
AddIPAddress The AddIPAddress function adds the specified IPv4 address to the specified adapter. |
AllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack Retrieves the TCP connection table and allocates memory from the local heap to store the table. |
AllocateAndGetUdpExTableFromStack Retrieves the UDP connection table and allocates memory from the local heap to store the table. |
CancelIfTimestampConfigChange This function is reserved for system use, and you should not call it from your code. (CancelIfTimestampConfigChange) |
CancelIPChangeNotify Cancels notification of IPv4 address and route changes previously requested with successful calls to the NotifyAddrChange or NotifyRouteChange functions. |
CancelMibChangeNotify2 Deregisters for change notifications for IP interface changes, IP address changes, IP route changes, Teredo port changes, and when the unicast IP address table is stable and can be retrieved. |
CaptureInterfaceHardwareCrossTimestamp Retrieves cross timestamp info for a network adapter. |
ConvertInterfaceAliasToLuid Converts an interface alias name for a network interface to the locally unique identifier (LUID) for the interface. |
ConvertInterfaceGuidToLuid Converts a globally unique identifier (GUID) for a network interface to the locally unique identifier (LUID) for the interface. |
ConvertInterfaceIndexToLuid Converts a local index for a network interface to the locally unique identifier (LUID) for the interface. |
ConvertInterfaceLuidToAlias Converts a locally unique identifier (LUID) for a network interface to an interface alias. |
ConvertInterfaceLuidToGuid Converts a locally unique identifier (LUID) for a network interface to a globally unique identifier (GUID) for the interface. |
ConvertInterfaceLuidToIndex Converts a locally unique identifier (LUID) for a network interface to the local index for the interface. |
ConvertInterfaceLuidToNameA Converts a locally unique identifier (LUID) for a network interface to the ANSI interface name. |
ConvertInterfaceLuidToNameW Converts a locally unique identifier (LUID) for a network interface to the Unicode interface name. |
ConvertInterfaceNameToLuidA Converts an ANSI network interface name to the locally unique identifier (LUID) for the interface. |
ConvertInterfaceNameToLuidW Converts a Unicode network interface name to the locally unique identifier (LUID) for the interface. |
ConvertIpv4MaskToLength Converts an IPv4 subnet mask to an IPv4 prefix length. |
ConvertLengthToIpv4Mask Converts an IPv4 prefix length to an IPv4 subnet mask. |
CreateAnycastIpAddressEntry Adds a new anycast IP address entry on the local computer. |
CreateIpForwardEntry The CreateIpForwardEntry function creates a route in the local computer's IPv4 routing table. |
CreateIpForwardEntry2 Creates a new IP route entry on the local computer. |
CreateIpNetEntry The CreateIpNetEntry function creates an Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) entry in the ARP table on the local computer. |
CreateIpNetEntry2 Creates a new neighbor IP address entry on the local computer. |
CreatePersistentTcpPortReservation Creates a persistent TCP port reservation for a consecutive block of TCP ports on the local computer. |
CreatePersistentUdpPortReservation Creates a persistent UDP port reservation for a consecutive block of UDP ports on the local computer. |
CreateProxyArpEntry The CreateProxyArpEnry function creates a Proxy Address Resolution Protocol (PARP) entry on the local computer for the specified IPv4 address. |
CreateSortedAddressPairs Takes a supplied list of potential IP destination addresses, pairs the destination addresses with the host machine's local IP addresses, and sorts the pairs according to which address pair is best suited for communication between the two peers. |
CreateUnicastIpAddressEntry Adds a new unicast IP address entry on the local computer. |
DeleteAnycastIpAddressEntry Deletes an existing anycast IP address entry on the local computer. |
DeleteIPAddress The DeleteIPAddress function deletes an IP address previously added using AddIPAddress. |
DeleteIpForwardEntry Deletes an existing route in the local computer's IPv4 routing table. |
DeleteIpForwardEntry2 Deletes an IP route entry on the local computer. |
DeleteIpNetEntry The DeleteIpNetEntry function deletes an ARP entry from the ARP table on the local computer. |
DeleteIpNetEntry2 Deletes a neighbor IP address entry on the local computer. |
DeletePersistentTcpPortReservation Deletes a persistent TCP port reservation for a consecutive block of TCP ports on the local computer. (DeletePersistentTcpPortReservation) |
DeletePersistentUdpPortReservation Deletes a persistent TCP port reservation for a consecutive block of TCP ports on the local computer. (DeletePersistentUdpPortReservation) |
DeleteProxyArpEntry The DeleteProxyArpEntry function deletes the PARP entry on the local computer specified by the dwAddress and dwIfIndex parameters. |
DeleteUnicastIpAddressEntry Deletes an existing unicast IP address entry on the local computer. |
DisableMediaSense The DisableMediaSense function disables the media sensing capability of the TCP/IP stack on a local computer. |
EnableRouter The EnableRouter function turns on IPv4 forwarding on the local computer. EnableRouter also increments a reference count that tracks the number of requests to enable IPv4 forwarding. |
FlushIpNetTable The FlushIpNetTable function deletes all ARP entries for the specified interface from the ARP table on the local computer. |
FlushIpNetTable2 The FlushIpNetTable2 function flushes the IP neighbor table on the local computer. |
FlushIpPathTable The FlushIpPathTable function flushes the IP path table on the local computer. |
FreeInterfaceDnsSettings Frees the settings object returned by GetInterfaceDnsSettings. |
FreeMibTable Frees the buffer allocated by the functions that return tables of network interfaces, addresses, and routes (GetIfTable2 and GetAnycastIpAddressTable, for example). |
GetAdapterIndex The GetAdapterIndex function obtains the index of an adapter, given its name. |
GetAdapterOrderMap The GetAdapterOrderMap function obtains an adapter order map that indicates priority for interfaces on the local computer. |
GetAdaptersAddresses Retrieves the addresses associated with the adapters on the local computer. |
GetAdaptersInfo The GetAdaptersInfo function retrieves adapter information for the local computer. |
GetAnycastIpAddressEntry Retrieves information for an existing anycast IP address entry on the local computer. |
GetAnycastIpAddressTable Retrieves the anycast IP address table on the local computer. |
GetBestInterface The GetBestInterface function retrieves the index of the interface that has the best route to the specified IPv4 address. |
GetBestInterfaceEx The GetBestInterfaceEx function retrieves the index of the interface that has the best route to the specified IPv4 or IPv6 address. |
GetBestRoute The GetBestRoute function retrieves the best route to the specified destination IP address. |
GetBestRoute2 Retrieves the IP route entry on the local computer for the best route to the specified destination IP address. |
GetDefaultCompartmentId The GetDefaultCompartmentId function retrieves the default network routing compartment identifier for the local computer. |
GetExtendedTcpTable Retrieves a table that contains a list of TCP endpoints available to the application. |
GetExtendedUdpTable Retrieves a table that contains a list of UDP endpoints available to the application. |
GetFriendlyIfIndex Takes an interface index and returns a backward-compatible interface index, that is, an index that uses only the lower 24 bits. |
GetIcmpStatistics The GetIcmpStatistics function retrieves the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) for IPv4 statistics for the local computer. |
GetIcmpStatisticsEx The GetIcmpStatisticsEx function retrieves Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) statistics for the local computer. The GetIcmpStatisticsEx function is capable of retrieving IPv6 ICMP statistics. |
GetIfEntry The GetIfEntry function retrieves information for the specified interface on the local computer. |
GetIfEntry2 Retrieves information for the specified interface on the local computer. |
GetIfEntry2Ex Retrieves the specified level of information for the specified interface on the local computer. |
GetIfStackTable Retrieves a table of network interface stack row entries that specify the relationship of the network interfaces on an interface stack. |
GetIfTable The GetIfTable function retrieves the MIB-II interface table. |
GetIfTable2 Retrieves the MIB-II interface table. (GetIfTable2) |
GetIfTable2Ex Retrieves the MIB-II interface table. (GetIfTable2Ex) |
GetInterfaceActiveTimestampCapabilities Retrieves the currently enabled timestamp capabilities of a network adapter. |
GetInterfaceCurrentTimestampCapabilities This function is reserved for system use, and you should not call it from your code. (GetInterfaceCurrentTimestampCapabilities) |
GetInterfaceDnsSettings Retrieves the DNS settings from the interface specified in the Interface parameter. |
GetInterfaceHardwareTimestampCapabilities This function is reserved for system use, and you should not call it from your code. (GetInterfaceHardwareTimestampCapabilities) |
GetInterfaceInfo The GetInterfaceInfo function obtains the list of the network interface adapters with IPv4 enabled on the local system. |
GetInterfaceSupportedTimestampCapabilities Retrieves the supported timestamp capabilities of a network adapter. |
GetInvertedIfStackTable Retrieves a table of inverted network interface stack row entries that specify the relationship of the network interfaces on an interface stack. |
GetIpAddrTable The GetIpAddrTable function retrieves the interface�to�IPv4 address mapping table. |
GetIpErrorString The GetIpErrorString function retrieves an IP Helper error string. |
GetIpForwardEntry2 Retrieves information for an IP route entry on the local computer. |
GetIpForwardTable The GetIpForwardTable function retrieves the IPv4 routing table. |
GetIpForwardTable2 The GetIpForwardTable2 function retrieves the IP route entries on the local computer. |
GetIpInterfaceEntry Retrieves IP information for the specified interface on the local computer. |
GetIpInterfaceTable Retrieves the IP interface entries on the local computer. |
GetIpNetEntry2 Retrieves information for a neighbor IP address entry on the local computer. |
GetIpNetTable The GetIpNetTable function retrieves the IPv4 to physical address mapping table. |
GetIpNetTable2 The GetIpNetTable2 function retrieves the IP neighbor table on the local computer. |
GetIpNetworkConnectionBandwidthEstimates Retrieves historical bandwidth estimates for a network connection on the specified interface. |
GetIpPathEntry Retrieves information for a IP path entry on the local computer. |
GetIpPathTable The GetIpPathTable function retrieves the IP path table on the local computer. |
GetIpStatistics The GetIpStatistics function retrieves the IP statistics for the current computer. |
GetIpStatisticsEx The GetIpStatisticsEx function retrieves the Internet Protocol (IP) statistics for the current computer. |
GetMulticastIpAddressEntry Retrieves information for an existing multicast IP address entry on the local computer. |
GetMulticastIpAddressTable Retrieves the multicast IP address table on the local computer. |
GetNetworkConnectivityHint Retrieves the aggregate level and cost of network connectivity that an application or service is likely to experience. |
GetNetworkConnectivityHintForInterface Retrieves the level and cost of network connectivity for the specified interface. |
GetNetworkParams The GetNetworkParams function retrieves network parameters for the local computer. |
GetNumberOfInterfaces The GetNumberOfInterfaces functions retrieves the number of interfaces on the local computer. |
GetOwnerModuleFromTcp6Entry Retrieves data about the module that issued the context bind for a specific IPv6 TCP endpoint in a MIB table row. |
GetOwnerModuleFromTcpEntry Retrieves data about the module that issued the context bind for a specific IPv4 TCP endpoint in a MIB table row. |
GetOwnerModuleFromUdp6Entry Retrieves data about the module that issued the context bind for a specific IPv6 UDP endpoint in a MIB table row. |
GetOwnerModuleFromUdpEntry Retrieves data about the module that issued the context bind for a specific IPv4 UDP endpoint in a MIB table row. |
GetPerAdapterInfo The GetPerAdapterInfo function retrieves information about the adapter corresponding to the specified interface. |
GetPerTcp6ConnectionEStats Retrieves extended statistics for an IPv6 TCP connection. |
GetPerTcpConnectionEStats Retrieves extended statistics for an IPv4 TCP connection. |
GetRTTAndHopCount The GetRTTAndHopCount function determines the round-trip time (RTT) and hop count to the specified destination. |
GetTcp6Table Retrieves the TCP connection table for IPv6. (GetTcp6Table) |
GetTcp6Table2 Retrieves the TCP connection table for IPv6. (GetTcp6Table2) |
GetTcpStatistics The GetTcpStatistics function retrieves the TCP statistics for the local computer. |
GetTcpStatisticsEx The GetTcpStatisticsEx function retrieves the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) statistics for the current computer. |
GetTcpStatisticsEx2 The GetTcpStatisticsEx2 function retrieves the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) statistics for the current computer. |
GetTcpTable Retrieves the IPv4 TCP connection table. (GetTcpTable) |
GetTcpTable2 Retrieves the IPv4 TCP connection table. (GetTcpTable2) |
GetTeredoPort Retrieves the dynamic UDP port number used by the Teredo client on the local computer. |
GetUdp6Table Retrieves the IPv6 User Datagram Protocol (UDP) listener table. |
GetUdpStatistics The GetUdpStatistics function retrieves the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) statistics for the local computer. |
GetUdpStatisticsEx The GetUdpStatisticsEx function retrieves the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) statistics for the current computer. |
GetUdpStatisticsEx2 The GetUdpStatisticsEx2 function retrieves the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) statistics for the current computer. |
GetUdpTable Retrieves the IPv4 User Datagram Protocol (UDP) listener table. |
GetUnicastIpAddressEntry Retrieves information for an existing unicast IP address entry on the local computer. |
GetUnicastIpAddressTable Retrieves the unicast IP address table on the local computer. |
GetUniDirectionalAdapterInfo The GetUniDirectionalAdapterInfo function retrieves information about the unidirectional adapters installed on the local computer. A unidirectional adapter is an adapter that can receive datagrams, but not transmit them. |
Icmp6CreateFile The Icmp6CreateFile function opens a handle on which IPv6 ICMP echo requests can be issued. |
Icmp6ParseReplies The Icmp6ParseReplies function parses the reply buffer provided and returns an IPv6 ICMPv6 echo response reply if found. |
Icmp6SendEcho2 The Icmp6SendEcho2 function sends an IPv6 ICMPv6 echo request and returns either immediately (if Event or ApcRoutine is non-NULL) or returns after the specified time-out. The ReplyBuffer contains the IPv6 ICMPv6 echo response, if any. |
IcmpCloseHandle The IcmpCloseHandle function closes a handle opened by a call to the IcmpCreateFile or Icmp6CreateFile functions. |
IcmpCreateFile The IcmpCreateFile function opens a handle on which IPv4 ICMP echo requests can be issued. |
IcmpParseReplies Parses the reply buffer provided and returns the number of ICMP echo request responses found. |
IcmpSendEcho The IcmpSendEcho function sends an IPv4 ICMP echo request and returns any echo response replies. The call returns when the time-out has expired or the reply buffer is filled. |
IcmpSendEcho2 The IcmpSendEcho2 function sends an IPv4 ICMP echo request, and returns either immediately (if Event or ApcRoutine is non-NULL), or returns after the specified time-out. The ReplyBuffer contains the ICMP echo responses, if any. |
IcmpSendEcho2Ex Sends an IPv4 ICMP echo request and returns either immediately (if Event or ApcRoutine is non-NULL) or returns after the specified time-out. The ReplyBuffer contains the ICMP responses, if any. |
if_indextoname Converts the local index for a network interface to the ANSI interface name. |
if_nametoindex Converts the ANSI interface name for a network interface to the local index for the interface. |
InitializeIpForwardEntry Initializes a MIB_IPFORWARD_ROW2 structure with default values for an IP route entry on the local computer. |
InitializeIpInterfaceEntry Initializes the members of an MIB_IPINTERFACE_ROW entry with default values. |
InitializeUnicastIpAddressEntry Initializes a MIB_UNICASTIPADDRESS_ROW structure with default values for a unicast IP address entry on the local computer. |
INTERFACE_TIMESTAMP_CONFIG_CHANGE_CALLBACK A callback function that you implement in your app in order to be notified of changes to the timestamp capabilities of a network adapter. |
IpReleaseAddress The IpReleaseAddress function releases an IPv4 address previously obtained through the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). |
IpRenewAddress The IpRenewAddressfunction renews a lease on an IPv4 address previously obtained through Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). |
LookupPersistentTcpPortReservation Looks up the token for a persistent TCP port reservation for a consecutive block of TCP ports on the local computer. |
LookupPersistentUdpPortReservation Looks up the token for a persistent UDP port reservation for a consecutive block of TCP ports on the local computer. |
NhpAllocateAndGetInterfaceInfoFromStack The NhpAllocateAndGetInterfaceInfoFromStack function obtains adapter information about the local computer. |
NotifyAddrChange The NotifyAddrChange function causes a notification to be sent to the caller whenever a change occurs in the table that maps IPv4 addresses to interfaces. |
NotifyIfTimestampConfigChange This function is reserved for system use, and you should not call it from your code. (NotifyIfTimestampConfigChange) |
NotifyIpInterfaceChange Registers to be notified for changes to all IP interfaces, IPv4 interfaces, or IPv6 interfaces on a local computer. |
NotifyNetworkConnectivityHintChange Registers an application-defined callback function, to be called when the aggregate network connectivity level and cost hints change. |
NotifyRouteChange The NotifyRouteChange function causes a notification to be sent to the caller whenever a change occurs in the IPv4 routing table. |
NotifyRouteChange2 Registers to be notified for changes to IP route entries on a local computer. |
NotifyStableUnicastIpAddressTable Retrieves the stable unicast IP address table on a local computer. |
NotifyTeredoPortChange Registers to be notified for changes to the UDP port number used by the Teredo client for the Teredo service port on a local computer. |
NotifyUnicastIpAddressChange Registers to be notified for changes to all unicast IP interfaces, unicast IPv4 addresses, or unicast IPv6 addresses on a local computer. |
ParseNetworkString Parses the input network string and checks whether it is a legal representation of the specified IP network string type. If the string matches a type and its specification, the function can optionally return the parsed result. |
PNETWORK_CONNECTIVITY_HINT_CHANGE_CALLBACK An application-defined function called whenever there's a change in the network aggregate connectivity level and cost hints. |
RegisterInterfaceTimestampConfigChange Registers a user-implemented callback function, which the system calls to notify you of a timestamp capability change. |
ResolveIpNetEntry2 Resolves the physical address for a neighbor IP address entry on the local computer. (ResolveIpNetEntry2) |
ResolveNeighbor Resolves the physical address for a neighbor IP address entry on the local computer. (ResolveNeighbor) |
RestoreMediaSense The RestoreMediaSense function restores the media sensing capability of the TCP/IP stack on a local computer on which the DisableMediaSense function was previously called. |
RtlEthernetAddressToStringA Converts a binary Ethernet address to a string representation of the Ethernet MAC address. (ANSI) |
RtlEthernetAddressToStringW Converts a binary Ethernet address to a string representation of the Ethernet MAC address. (Unicode) |
RtlEthernetStringToAddressA Converts a string representation of an Ethernet MAC address to a binary format of the Ethernet address. (ANSI) |
RtlEthernetStringToAddressW Converts a string representation of an Ethernet MAC address to a binary format of the Ethernet address. (Unicode) |
RtlIpv4AddressToStringA Converts an IPv4 address to a string in Internet standard dotted-decimal format. (ANSI) |
RtlIpv4AddressToStringExA Converts an IPv4 address and port number to a string in Internet standard format. (ANSI) |
RtlIpv4AddressToStringExW Converts an IPv4 address and port number to a string in Internet standard format. (Unicode) |
RtlIpv4AddressToStringW Converts an IPv4 address to a string in Internet standard dotted-decimal format. (Unicode) |
RtlIpv4StringToAddressA Converts a string representation of an IPv4 address to a binary IPv4 address. (ANSI) |
RtlIpv4StringToAddressExA Converts a string representation of an IPv4 address and port number to a binary IPv4 address and port. (ANSI) |
RtlIpv4StringToAddressExW Converts a string representation of an IPv4 address and port number to a binary IPv4 address and port. (Unicode) |
RtlIpv4StringToAddressW Converts a string representation of an IPv4 address to a binary IPv4 address. (Unicode) |
RtlIpv6AddressToStringA Converts an IPv6 address to a string in Internet standard format. (ANSI) |
RtlIpv6AddressToStringExA Converts an IPv6 address, scope ID, and port number to a string. (ANSI) |
RtlIpv6AddressToStringExW Converts an IPv6 address, scope ID, and port number to a string. (Unicode) |
RtlIpv6AddressToStringW Converts an IPv6 address to a string in Internet standard format. (Unicode) |
RtlIpv6StringToAddressA Converts a string representation of an IPv6 address to a binary IPv6 address. (ANSI) |
RtlIpv6StringToAddressExA Converts a string representation of an IPv6 address, scope ID, and port number to a binary IPv6 address, scope ID, and port. (ANSI) |
RtlIpv6StringToAddressExW Converts a string representation of an IPv6 address, scope ID, and port number to a binary IPv6 address, scope ID, and port. (Unicode) |
RtlIpv6StringToAddressW Converts a string representation of an IPv6 address to a binary IPv6 address. (Unicode) |
SendARP The SendARP function sends an Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) request to obtain the physical address that corresponds to the specified destination IPv4 address. |
SetIfEntry The SetIfEntry function sets the administrative status of an interface. |
SetInterfaceDnsSettings Sets the per-interface DNS settings specified in the Settings parameter. |
SetIpForwardEntry The SetIpForwardEntry function modifies an existing route in the local computer's IPv4 routing table. |
SetIpForwardEntry2 Sets the properties of an IP route entry on the local computer. |
SetIpInterfaceEntry Sets the properties of an IP interface on the local computer. |
SetIpNetEntry The SetIpNetEntry function modifies an existing ARP entry in the ARP table on the local computer. |
SetIpNetEntry2 Sets the physical address of an existing neighbor IP address entry on the local computer. |
SetIpStatistics The SetIpStatistics function toggles IP forwarding on or off and sets the default time-to-live (TTL) value for the local computer. |
SetIpStatisticsEx Toggles IP forwarding on or off and sets the default time-to-live (TTL) value for the local computer. |
SetIpTTL The SetIpTTL function sets the default time-to-live (TTL) value for the local computer. |
SetPerTcp6ConnectionEStats Sets a value in the read/write information for an IPv6 TCP connection. This function is used to enable or disable extended statistics for an IPv6 TCP connection. |
SetPerTcpConnectionEStats Sets a value in the read/write information for an IPv4 TCP connection. This function is used to enable or disable extended statistics for an IPv4 TCP connection. |
SetTcpEntry The SetTcpEntry function sets the state of a TCP connection. |
SetUnicastIpAddressEntry Sets the properties of an existing unicast IP address entry on the local computer. |
UnenableRouter The UnenableRouter function decrements the reference count that tracks the number of requests to enable IPv4 forwarding. When this reference count reaches zero, UnenableRouter turns off IPv4 forwarding on the local computer. |
UnregisterInterfaceTimestampConfigChange Cancels notifications about timestamp capability changes by unregistering the callback function you registered in a call to RegisterInterfaceTimestampConfigChange. |
ARP_SEND_REPLY The ARP_SEND_REPLY structure stores information about an Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) reply messages. |
DNS_DOH_SERVER_SETTINGS Describes a DNS-over-HTTPS server. |
DNS_INTERFACE_SETTINGS Represents the DNS settings that can be configured on a given interface by calling the SetInterfaceDnsSettings function or retrieved for a given interface by calling the GetInterfaceDnsSettings function. (DNS_INTERFACE_SETTINGS) |
DNS_INTERFACE_SETTINGS_EX Represents the DNS settings that can be configured on a given interface by calling the SetInterfaceDnsSettings function or retrieved for a given interface by calling the GetInterfaceDnsSettings function. (DNS_INTERFACE_SETTINGS_EX) |
DNS_INTERFACE_SETTINGS3 Represents the DNS settings that can be configured on a given interface by calling the SetInterfaceDnsSettings function or retrieved for a given interface by calling the GetInterfaceDnsSettings function. (DNS_INTERFACE_SETTINGS3) |
DNS_SERVER_PROPERTY Describes a DNS server property, which is set in the DNS_INTERFACE_SETTINGS3 structure, and configured through the SetInterfaceDnsSettings function. |
DNS_SERVER_PROPERTY_TYPES Contains a pointer to a DNS server property. The type of the property depends on the value of DNS_SERVER_PROPERTY::Type. |
FIXED_INFO_W2KSP1 The FIXED_INFO structure contains information that is the same across all the interfaces on a computer. |
ICMP_ECHO_REPLY Describes the data returned in response to an IPv4 echo request. |
ICMP_ECHO_REPLY32 Describes the data returned in response to an IPv4 echo request on a 64-bit platform. |
ICMPV6_ECHO_REPLY_LH Describes the data returned in response to an IPv6 echo request. |
IN_ADDR The in_addr structure represents an IPv4 address. |
INTERFACE_HARDWARE_CROSSTIMESTAMP Describes a cross timestamp retrieved from a network adapter. |
INTERFACE_HARDWARE_TIMESTAMP_CAPABILITIES Describes the timestamping capabilities of a network interface card's (NIC's) hardware. |
INTERFACE_SOFTWARE_TIMESTAMP_CAPABILITIES Describes the software timestamping capabilities of a NIC's miniport driver. |
INTERFACE_TIMESTAMP_CAPABILITIES Describes the exact timestamp capabilities that a network adapter supports. |
INTERFACE_TIMESTAMP_CAPABILITY_FLAGS This structure is reserved for system use, and you should not use it in your code. |
IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES_LH The IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES_LH structure (iptypes.h) is the header node for a linked list of addresses for a particular adapter. |
IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES_XP The IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES_XP structure (iptypes.h) is the header node for a linked list of addresses for a particular adapter. |
IP_ADAPTER_ANYCAST_ADDRESS_XP Stores a single anycast IP address in a linked list of addresses for a particular adapter. |
IP_ADAPTER_DNS_SERVER_ADDRESS_XP The IP_ADAPTER_DNS_SERVER_ADDRESS structure stores a single DNS server address in a linked list of DNS server addresses for a particular adapter. |
IP_ADAPTER_DNS_SUFFIX The IP_ADAPTER_DNS_SUFFIX structure stores a DNS suffix in a linked list of DNS suffixes for a particular adapter. |
IP_ADAPTER_GATEWAY_ADDRESS_LH Stores a single gateway address in a linked list of gateway addresses for a particular adapter. |
IP_ADAPTER_INDEX_MAP The IP_ADAPTER_INDEX_MAP structure stores the interface index associated with a network adapter with IPv4 enabled together with the name of the network adapter. |
IP_ADAPTER_INFO Contains information about a particular network adapter on the local computer. |
IP_ADAPTER_MULTICAST_ADDRESS_XP The IP_ADAPTER_MULTICAST_ADDRESS structure stores a single multicast address in a linked-list of addresses for a particular adapter. |
IP_ADAPTER_ORDER_MAP The IP_ADAPTER_ORDER_MAP structure stores an array of information about adapters and their relative priority on the local computer. |
IP_ADAPTER_PREFIX_XP Stores an IP address prefix.I |
IP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS_LH The IP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS_LH structure (iptypes.h) stores a single unicast IP address in a linked list of IP addresses for a particular adapter. |
IP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS_XP The IP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS_XP structure (iptypes.h) stores a single unicast IP address in a linked list of IP addresses for a particular adapter. |
IP_ADAPTER_WINS_SERVER_ADDRESS_LH Stores a single Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) server address in a linked list of WINS server addresses for a particular adapter. |
IP_ADDR_STRING Represents a node in a linked-list of IPv4 addresses. |
IP_ADDRESS_PREFIX Stores an IP address prefix. (IP_ADDRESS_PREFIX) |
IP_ADDRESS_STRING Stores an IPv4 address in dotted decimal notation. |
IP_INTERFACE_INFO The IP_INTERFACE_INFO structure contains a list of the network interface adapters with IPv4 enabled on the local system. |
IP_INTERFACE_NAME_INFO_W2KSP1 Contains information about an IPv4 interface on the local computer. |
IP_MCAST_COUNTER_INFO The IP_MCAST_COUNTER_INFO structure stores statistical information about Multicast traffic. |
IP_OPTION_INFORMATION Describes the options to be included in the header of an IP packet. |
IP_OPTION_INFORMATION32 Describes the options to be included in the header of an IP packet on a 64-bit platform. |
IP_PER_ADAPTER_INFO_W2KSP1 The IP_PER_ADAPTER_INFO structure contains information specific to a particular adapter. |
IP_UNIDIRECTIONAL_ADAPTER_ADDRESS The IP_UNIDIRECTIONAL_ADAPTER_ADDRESS structure stores the IPv4 addresses associated with a unidirectional adapter. |
IPV6_ADDRESS_EX Stores an IPv6 address. |
NET_ADDRESS_INFO Contains IP address information returned by the ParseNetworkString function. |
NET_LUID_LH The locally unique identifier (LUID) for a network interface. |
NL_BANDWIDTH_INFORMATION Contains read-only information on the available bandwidth estimates and associated variance as determined by the TCP/IP stack. |
NL_NETWORK_CONNECTIVITY_HINT Describes a level of network connectivity, the usage charge for a network connection, and other members reflecting cost factors. |
SOCKADDR_IN6_PAIR Contains pointers to a pair of IP addresses that represent a source and destination address pair. |
SOCKADDR_INET Contains an IPv4, an IPv6 address, or an address family. |
TCP_ESTATS_BANDWIDTH_ROD_v0 Contains read-only dynamic information for extended TCP statistics on bandwidth estimation for a TCP connection. |
TCP_ESTATS_BANDWIDTH_RW_v0 Contains read/write configuration information for extended TCP statistics on bandwidth estimation for a TCP connection. |
TCP_ESTATS_DATA_ROD_v0 Contains read-only dynamic information for extended TCP statistics on data transfer for a TCP connection. |
TCP_ESTATS_DATA_RW_v0 Contains read/write configuration information for extended TCP statistics on data transfer for a TCP connection. |
TCP_ESTATS_FINE_RTT_ROD_v0 Contains read-only dynamic information for extended TCP statistics on fine-grained round-trip time (RTT) estimation for a TCP connection. |
TCP_ESTATS_FINE_RTT_RW_v0 Contains read/write configuration information for extended TCP statistics on fine-grained round-trip time (RTT) estimation statistics for a TCP connection. |
TCP_ESTATS_OBS_REC_ROD_v0 Contains read-only dynamic information for extended TCP statistics observed on the remote receiver for a TCP connection. |
TCP_ESTATS_OBS_REC_RW_v0 Contains read/write configuration information for extended TCP statistics observed on the remote receiver for a TCP connection. |
TCP_ESTATS_PATH_ROD_v0 Contains read-only dynamic information for extended TCP statistics on network path measurement for a TCP connection. |
TCP_ESTATS_PATH_RW_v0 Contains read/write configuration information for extended TCP statistics on path measurement for a TCP connection. |
TCP_ESTATS_REC_ROD_v0 Contains read-only dynamic information for extended TCP statistics on the local receiver for a TCP connection. |
TCP_ESTATS_REC_RW_v0 Contains read/write configuration information for extended TCP statistics on the local receiver for a TCP connection. |
TCP_ESTATS_SEND_BUFF_ROD_v0 Contains read-only dynamic information for extended TCP statistics on output queuing for a TCP connection. |
TCP_ESTATS_SEND_BUFF_RW_v0 Contains read/write configuration information for extended TCP statistics on output queuing for a TCP connection. |
TCP_ESTATS_SND_CONG_ROD_v0 Contains read-only dynamic information for extended TCP statistics on sender congestion related data for a TCP connection. |
TCP_ESTATS_SND_CONG_ROS_v0 Contains read-only static information for extended TCP statistics on the maximum congestion window for a TCP connection. |
TCP_ESTATS_SND_CONG_RW_v0 Contains read/write configuration information for extended TCP statistics on sender congestion for a TCP connection. |
TCP_ESTATS_SYN_OPTS_ROS_v0 Contains read-only static information for extended TCP statistics on SYN exchange for a TCP connection. |
TCP_RESERVE_PORT_RANGE The TCP_RESERVE_PORT_RANGE structure specifies a TCP port range to reserve. |
TCPIP_OWNER_MODULE_BASIC_INFO Contains pointers to the module name and module path values associated with a TCP connection. The TCPIP_OWNER_MODULE_BASIC_INFO structure is returned by the GetOwnerModuleFromTcpEntry and GetOwnerModuleFromTcp6Entry functions. |
Configure IP network connectivity - Training
This module explores configuring Windows clients to communicate over IPv4 and IPv6 networks.