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Integrate Azure Automation State Configuration with Azure Monitor Logs


Azure Automation State Configuration will be retired on September 30, 2027, please transition to Azure Machine Configuration by that date. For more information, see the blog post announcement. The Azure Machine Configuration service combines features of DSC Extension, Azure Automation State Configuration, and the most commonly requested features from customer feedback. Azure Machine Configuration also includes hybrid machine support through Arc-enabled servers.

Azure Automation State Configuration retains node status data for 30 days. You can send node status data to Azure Monitor Logs if you prefer to retain this data for a longer period. Compliance status is visible in the Azure portal or with PowerShell, for nodes and for individual DSC resources in node configurations.

Azure Monitor Logs provides greater operational visibility to your Automation State Configuration data and can help address incidents more quickly. With Azure Monitor Logs you can:

  • Get compliance information for managed nodes and individual resources.
  • Trigger an email or alert based on compliance status.
  • Write advanced queries across your managed nodes.
  • Correlate compliance status across Automation accounts.
  • Use custom views and search queries to visualize your runbook results, runbook job status, and other related key indicators or metrics.


This article was recently updated to use the term Azure Monitor logs instead of Log Analytics. Log data is still stored in a Log Analytics workspace and is still collected and analyzed by the same Log Analytics service. We are updating the terminology to better reflect the role of logs in Azure Monitor. See Azure Monitor terminology changes for details.


To start sending your Automation State Configuration reports to Azure Monitor Logs, you need:

Set up integration with Azure Monitor Logs

To begin importing data from Azure Automation State Configuration into Azure Monitor Logs, complete the following steps. For steps using the Portal, see Forward Azure Automation job data to Azure Monitor Logs.

  1. From your machine, sign in to your Azure subscription with the PowerShell Connect-AzAccount cmdlet and follow the on-screen directions.

    # Sign in to your Azure subscription
    $sub = Get-AzSubscription -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if (-not($sub)) {
    # If you have multiple subscriptions, set the one to use
    # Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId "<SUBSCRIPTIONID>"
  2. Provide an appropriate value for the variables automationAccount with the actual name of your Automation account, and workspaceName with the actual name of your Log Analytics workspace. Then execute the script.

    $automationAccount = "automationAccount"
    $law = "workspaceName"
  3. Get the resource ID of your Automation account by running the following PowerShell commands.

    # Find the ResourceId for the Automation account
    $AutomationResourceId = (Get-AzResource -ResourceType 'Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts' |
       Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $automationAccount}).ResourceId
  4. Get the resource ID of your Log Analytics workspace by running the following PowerShell commands.

     # Find the ResourceId for the Log Analytics workspace
     $WorkspaceResourceId = (Get-AzResource `
         -ResourceType 'Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces' |
         WHERE {$_.Name -eq $law}).ResourceId
  5. To configure diagnostic settings on the Automation account to forward DSC node status log data to Azure Monitor Logs, the following PowerShell cmdlet creates a diagnostic setting using that destination.

    $setAzDiagnosticSettingSplat = @{
        ResourceId = $AutomationResourceId
        WorkspaceId = $WorkspaceResourceId
        Enabled = $true
        Category = 'DscNodeStatus'
    Set-AzDiagnosticSetting @setAzDiagnosticSettingSplat

    When you want to stop forwarding log data from Automation State Configuration to Azure Monitor Logs, run the following PowerShell cmdlet.

    $setAzDiagnosticSettingSplat = @{
        ResourceId = $AutomationResourceId
        WorkspaceId = $WorkspaceResourceId
        Enabled = $false
        Category = 'DscNodeStatus'
    Set-AzDiagnosticSetting @setAzDiagnosticSettingSplat

View the State Configuration logs

You can search the State Configuration logs for DSC operations by searching in Azure Monitor Logs. After you set up integration with Azure Monitor Logs for your Automation State Configuration data, navigate to your Automation account in the Azure portal. Then under Monitoring, select Logs.


Close the Queries dialog box. The Log Search pane opens with a query region scoped to your Automation account resource. The records for DSC operations are stored in the AzureDiagnostics table. To find nodes that aren't compliant, type the following query.

| where Category == "DscNodeStatus"
| where OperationName contains "DSCNodeStatusData"
| where ResultType != "Compliant"

Filtering details:

  • Filter on DscNodeStatusData to return operations for each State Configuration node.
  • Filter on DscResourceStatusData to return operations for each DSC resource called in the node configuration applied to that resource.
  • Filter on DscResourceStatusData to return error information for any DSC resources that fail.

To learn more about constructing log queries to find data, see Overview of log queries in Azure Monitor.

Send an email when a State Configuration compliance check fails

  1. Return to your query created earlier.

  2. Click the + New Alert Rule button to start the alert creation flow.

  3. In the following query, replace NODENAME with the actual name of the managed node, and then paste the revised query into the Search query text box:

    | where Category == "DscNodeStatus"
    | where NodeName_s == "NODENAME"
    | where OperationName == "DscNodeStatusData"
    | where ResultType == "Failed"

    If you configure logs for more than one Automation account or subscription, you can group your alerts by subscription and Automation account. Derive the Automation account name from the Resource property in the log search results of the DscNodeStatusData.

  4. Review Create, view, and manage metric alerts using Azure Monitor to complete the remaining steps.

Find failed DSC resources across all nodes

One advantage of using Azure Monitor Logs is that you can search for failed checks across nodes. To find all instances of failures, use the following query:

| where Category == "DscNodeStatus"
| where OperationName == "DscResourceStatusData"
| where ResultType == "Failed"

View historical DSC node status

To visualize your DSC node status history over time, you can use this query:

| where ResourceProvider == "MICROSOFT.AUTOMATION"
| where Category == "DscNodeStatus"
| where ResultType != "started"
| summarize count() by ResultType

This query displays a chart of the node status over time.

Azure Monitor Logs records

Azure Automation diagnostics create two categories of records in Azure Monitor Logs:

  • Node status data (DscNodeStatusData)
  • Resource status data (DscResourceStatusData)


Property Description
TimeGenerated Date and time when the compliance check ran.
OperationName DscNodeStatusData.
ResultType Value that indicates if the node is compliant.
NodeName_s The name of the managed node.
NodeComplianceStatus_s Status value that specifies if the node is compliant.
DscReportStatus Status value indicating if the compliance check ran successfully.
ConfigurationMode The mode used to apply the configuration to the node. Possible values are:
  • ApplyOnly: DSC applies the configuration and does nothing further. After initial application of a new configuration, DSC doesn't check for drift from a previously configured state. DSC attempts to apply the configuration until it's successful before the ApplyOnly value takes effect.
  • ApplyAndMonitor: This is the default value. The LCM applies any new configurations. After initial application of a new configuration, if the target node drifts from the desired state, DSC reports the discrepancy in logs. DSC attempts to apply the configuration until it's successful before the ApplyAndMonitor value takes effect.
  • ApplyAndAutoCorrect: DSC applies any new configurations. After initial application of a new configuration, if the target node drifts from the desired state, DSC reports the discrepancy in logs, and then reapplies the current configuration.
HostName_s The name of the managed node.
IPAddress The IPv4 address of the managed node.
Category DscNodeStatus.
Resource The name of the Azure Automation account.
Tenant_g GUID that identifies the tenant for the caller.
NodeId_g GUID that identifies the managed node.
DscReportId_g GUID that identifies the report.
LastSeenTime_t Date and time when the report was last viewed.
ReportStartTime_t Date and time when the report was started.
ReportEndTime_t Date and time when the report completed.
NumberOfResources_d The number of DSC resources called in the configuration applied to the node.
SourceSystem The source system identifying how Azure Monitor Logs was collected the data. Always Azure for Azure diagnostics.
ResourceId The resource identifier of the Azure Automation account.
ResultDescription The resource description for this operation.
SubscriptionId The Azure subscription ID (GUID) for the Automation account.
ResourceGroup The name of the resource group for the Automation account.
CorrelationId A correlation identifier of the compliance report.


Property Description
TimeGenerated Date and time when the compliance check ran.
OperationName DscResourceStatusData.
ResultType Whether the resource is compliant.
NodeName_s The name of the managed node.
Category DscNodeStatus.
Resource The name of the Azure Automation account.
Tenant_g GUID that identifies the tenant for the caller.
NodeId_g GUID that identifies the managed node.
DscReportId_g GUID that identifies the report.
DscResourceId_s The name of the DSC resource instance.
DscResourceName_s The name of the DSC resource.
DscResourceStatus_s Whether the DSC resource is in compliance.
DscModuleName_s The name of the PowerShell module that contains the DSC resource.
DscModuleVersion_s The version of the PowerShell module that contains the DSC resource.
DscConfigurationName_s The name of the configuration applied to the node.
ErrorCode_s The error code if the resource failed.
ErrorMessage_s The error message if the resource failed.
DscResourceDuration_d The time, in seconds, that the DSC resource ran.
SourceSystem How Azure Monitor Logs collected the data. Always Azure for Azure diagnostics.
ResourceId The identifier of the Azure Automation account.
ResultDescription The description for this operation.
SubscriptionId The Azure subscription ID (GUID) for the Automation account.
ResourceGroup The name of the resource group for the Automation account.
CorrelationId A correlation ID of the compliance report.

Next steps