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IEqualityComparer<T>.Equals(T, T) Method


Determines whether the specified objects are equal.

 bool Equals(T x, T y);
public bool Equals (T x, T y);
public bool Equals (T? x, T? y);
abstract member Equals : 'T * 'T -> bool
Public Function Equals (x As T, y As T) As Boolean



The first object of type T to compare.


The second object of type T to compare.


true if the specified objects are equal; otherwise, false.


Implement this method to provide a customized equality comparison for type T.

Notes to Implementers

Implementations are required to ensure that if the Equals(T, T) method returns true for two objects x and y, then the value returned by the GetHashCode(T) method for x must equal the value returned for y.

The Equals(T, T) method is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive. That is, it returns true if used to compare an object with itself; true for two objects x and y if it is true for y and x; and true for two objects x and z if it is true for x and y and also true for y and z.

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