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Queue<T>.Count Property


Gets the number of elements contained in the Queue<T>.

 property int Count { int get(); };
public int Count { get; }
member this.Count : int
Public ReadOnly Property Count As Integer

Property Value

The number of elements contained in the Queue<T>.



The following code example demonstrates several properties and methods of the Queue<T> generic class, including the Count property.

The code example creates a queue of strings with default capacity and uses the Enqueue method to queue five strings. The elements of the queue are enumerated, which does not change the state of the queue. The Dequeue method is used to dequeue the first string. The Peek method is used to look at the next item in the queue, and then the Dequeue method is used to dequeue it.

The ToArray method is used to create an array and copy the queue elements to it, then the array is passed to the Queue<T> constructor that takes IEnumerable<T>, creating a copy of the queue. The elements of the copy are displayed.

An array twice the size of the queue is created, and the CopyTo method is used to copy the array elements beginning at the middle of the array. The Queue<T> constructor is used again to create a second copy of the queue containing three null elements at the beginning.

The Contains method is used to show that the string "four" is in the first copy of the queue, after which the Clear method clears the copy and the Count property shows that the queue is empty.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Example
    public static void Main()
        Queue<string> numbers = new Queue<string>();

        // A queue can be enumerated without disturbing its contents.
        foreach( string number in numbers )

        Console.WriteLine("\nDequeuing '{0}'", numbers.Dequeue());
        Console.WriteLine("Peek at next item to dequeue: {0}",
        Console.WriteLine("Dequeuing '{0}'", numbers.Dequeue());

        // Create a copy of the queue, using the ToArray method and the
        // constructor that accepts an IEnumerable<T>.
        Queue<string> queueCopy = new Queue<string>(numbers.ToArray());

        Console.WriteLine("\nContents of the first copy:");
        foreach( string number in queueCopy )

        // Create an array twice the size of the queue and copy the
        // elements of the queue, starting at the middle of the
        // array.
        string[] array2 = new string[numbers.Count * 2];
        numbers.CopyTo(array2, numbers.Count);

        // Create a second queue, using the constructor that accepts an
        // IEnumerable(Of T).
        Queue<string> queueCopy2 = new Queue<string>(array2);

        Console.WriteLine("\nContents of the second copy, with duplicates and nulls:");
        foreach( string number in queueCopy2 )

        Console.WriteLine("\nqueueCopy.Contains(\"four\") = {0}",

        Console.WriteLine("\nqueueCopy.Count = {0}", queueCopy.Count);

/* This code example produces the following output:


Dequeuing 'one'
Peek at next item to dequeue: two
Dequeuing 'two'

Contents of the first copy:

Contents of the second copy, with duplicates and nulls:


queueCopy.Contains("four") = True


queueCopy.Count = 0
open System
open System.Collections.Generic

let numbers = Queue()
numbers.Enqueue "one"
numbers.Enqueue "two"
numbers.Enqueue "three"
numbers.Enqueue "four"
numbers.Enqueue "five"

// A queue can be enumerated without disturbing its contents.
for number in numbers do
    printfn $"{number}"

printfn $"\nDequeuing '{numbers.Dequeue()}'"
printfn $"Peek at next item to dequeue: {numbers.Peek()}"
printfn $"Dequeuing '{numbers.Dequeue()}'"

// Create a copy of the queue, using the ToArray method and the
// constructor that accepts an IEnumerable<T>.
let queueCopy = numbers.ToArray() |> Queue

printfn $"\nContents of the first copy:"
for number in queueCopy do
    printfn $"{number}"

// Create an array twice the size of the queue and copy the
// elements of the queue, starting at the middle of the
// array.
let array2 = numbers.Count * 2 |> Array.zeroCreate
numbers.CopyTo(array2, numbers.Count)

// Create a second queue, using the constructor that accepts an
// IEnumerable(Of T).
let queueCopy2 = Queue array2

printfn $"\nContents of the second copy, with duplicates and nulls:"
for number in queueCopy2 do
    printfn $"{number}"
printfn $"""\nqueueCopy.Contains "four" = {queueCopy.Contains "four"}"""

printfn $"\nqueueCopy.Clear()"
printfn $"queueCopy.Count = {queueCopy.Count}"

// This code example produces the following output:
//       one
//       two
//       three
//       four
//       five
//       Dequeuing 'one'
//       Peek at next item to dequeue: two
//       Dequeuing 'two'
//       Contents of the first copy:
//       three
//       four
//       five
//       Contents of the second copy, with duplicates and nulls:
//       three
//       four
//       five
//       queueCopy.Contains "four" = True
//       queueCopy.Clear()
//       queueCopy.Count = 0
Imports System.Collections.Generic

Module Example

    Sub Main

        Dim numbers As New Queue(Of String)

        ' A queue can be enumerated without disturbing its contents.
        For Each number As String In numbers

        Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Dequeuing '{0}'", numbers.Dequeue())
        Console.WriteLine("Peek at next item to dequeue: {0}", _
        Console.WriteLine("Dequeuing '{0}'", numbers.Dequeue())

        ' Create a copy of the queue, using the ToArray method and the
        ' constructor that accepts an IEnumerable(Of T).
        Dim queueCopy As New Queue(Of String)(numbers.ToArray())

        Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Contents of the first copy:")
        For Each number As String In queueCopy
        ' Create an array twice the size of the queue, compensating
        ' for the fact that Visual Basic allocates an extra array 
        ' element. Copy the elements of the queue, starting at the
        ' middle of the array. 
        Dim array2((numbers.Count * 2) - 1) As String
        numbers.CopyTo(array2, numbers.Count)
        ' Create a second queue, using the constructor that accepts an
        ' IEnumerable(Of T).
        Dim queueCopy2 As New Queue(Of String)(array2)

        Console.WriteLine(vbLf & _
            "Contents of the second copy, with duplicates and nulls:")
        For Each number As String In queueCopy2

        Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "queueCopy.Contains(""four"") = {0}", _

        Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "queueCopy.Clear()")
        Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "queueCopy.Count = {0}", _
    End Sub
End Module

' This code example produces the following output:
'Dequeuing 'one'
'Peek at next item to dequeue: two
'Dequeuing 'two'
'Contents of the copy:
'Contents of the second copy, with duplicates and nulls:
'queueCopy.Contains("four") = True
'queueCopy.Count = 0


The capacity of a Queue<T> is the number of elements that the Queue<T> can store. Count is the number of elements that are actually in the Queue<T>.

The capacity is always greater than or equal to Count. If Count exceeds the capacity while adding elements, the capacity is increased by automatically reallocating the internal array before copying the old elements and adding the new elements.

Retrieving the value of this property is an O(1) operation.

Applies to