संपादित करें

इसके माध्यम से साझा किया गया

TraceEventType Enum


Identifies the type of event that has caused the trace.

public enum class TraceEventType
public enum TraceEventType
type TraceEventType = 
Public Enum TraceEventType


Critical 1

Fatal error or application crash.

Error 2

Recoverable error.

Information 8

Informational message.

Resume 2048

Resumption of a logical operation.

Start 256

Starting of a logical operation.

Stop 512

Stopping of a logical operation.

Suspend 1024

Suspension of a logical operation.

Transfer 4096

Changing of correlation identity.

Verbose 16

Debugging trace.

Warning 4

Noncritical problem.


TraceEventType is used to identify the event that caused a trace in calls to the TraceSource.TraceEvent methods.

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