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UTF8Encoding.GetByteCount Method


Calculates the number of bytes produced by encoding a set of characters.



Calculates the number of bytes produced by encoding the specified character span.


Calculates the number of bytes produced by encoding the characters in the specified String.

GetByteCount(Char*, Int32)

Calculates the number of bytes produced by encoding a set of characters starting at the specified character pointer.

GetByteCount(Char[], Int32, Int32)

Calculates the number of bytes produced by encoding a set of characters from the specified character array.



Calculates the number of bytes produced by encoding the specified character span.

 override int GetByteCount(ReadOnlySpan<char> chars);
public override int GetByteCount (ReadOnlySpan<char> chars);
override this.GetByteCount : ReadOnlySpan<char> -> int
Public Overrides Function GetByteCount (chars As ReadOnlySpan(Of Char)) As Integer



The span that contains the set of characters to encode.


The number of bytes produced by encoding the specified character span.


Error detection is enabled, and chars contains an invalid sequence of characters.

A fallback occurred (for more information, see Character Encoding in .NET).


EncoderFallback is set to EncoderExceptionFallback.


To calculate the exact size required by GetBytes to store the resulting bytes, you call the GetByteCount method. To calculate the maximum size, you call the GetMaxByteCount method. The GetByteCount method generally allocates less memory, while the GetMaxByteCount method generally executes faster.

With error detection, an invalid sequence causes this method to throw an ArgumentException exception. Without error detection, invalid sequences are ignored, and no exception is thrown.

To ensure that the encoded bytes are decoded properly when they are saved as a file or as a stream, you can prefix a stream of encoded bytes with a preamble. Inserting the preamble at the beginning of a byte stream (such as at the beginning of a series of bytes to be written to a file) is the developer's responsibility, and the number of bytes in the preamble is not reflected in the value returned by the GetByteCount method.

Applies to



Calculates the number of bytes produced by encoding the characters in the specified String.

 override int GetByteCount(System::String ^ chars);
public override int GetByteCount (string chars);
override this.GetByteCount : string -> int
Public Overrides Function GetByteCount (chars As String) As Integer



The String containing the set of characters to encode.


The number of bytes produced by encoding the specified characters.


chars is null.

The resulting number of bytes is greater than the maximum number that can be returned as an integer.

Error detection is enabled, and chars contains an invalid sequence of characters.

A fallback occurred (for more information, see Character Encoding in .NET)


EncoderFallback is set to EncoderExceptionFallback.


The following example calls the GetMaxByteCount and GetByteCount(String) methods to calculate the maximum and actual number of bytes required to encode a string. It also displays the actual number of bytes required to store a byte stream with a byte order mark.

using System;
using System.Text;

class UTF8EncodingExample {
    public static void Main() {
        String chars = "UTF8 Encoding Example";
        Encoding utf8 = Encoding.UTF8;

        Console.WriteLine("Bytes needed to encode '{0}':", chars);
        Console.WriteLine("   Maximum:         {0}",
        Console.WriteLine("   Actual:          {0}",
        Console.WriteLine("   Actual with BOM: {0}",
                          utf8.GetByteCount(chars) + utf8.GetPreamble().Length);
// The example displays the following output:
//       Bytes needed to encode 'UTF8 Encoding Example':
//          Maximum:         66
//          Actual:          21
//          Actual with BOM: 24
Imports System.Text

Module Example
    Public Sub Main()
        Dim chars As String = "UTF8 Encoding Example"
        Dim utf8 As Encoding = Encoding.UTF8

        Console.WriteLine("Bytes needed to encode '{0}':", chars)
        Console.WriteLine("   Maximum:         {0}",
        Console.WriteLine("   Actual:          {0}",
        Console.WriteLine("   Actual with BOM: {0}",
                          utf8.GetByteCount(chars) + utf8.GetPreamble().Length)
    End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'       Bytes needed to encode 'UTF8 Encoding Example':
'          Maximum:         66
'          Actual:          21
'          Actual with BOM: 24


To calculate the exact array size required by GetBytes to store the resulting bytes, you call the GetByteCount method. To calculate the maximum array size, you call the GetMaxByteCount method. The GetByteCount method generally allocates less memory, while the GetMaxByteCount method generally executes faster.

With error detection, an invalid sequence causes this method to throw an ArgumentException exception. Without error detection, invalid sequences are ignored, and no exception is thrown.

To ensure that the encoded bytes are decoded properly when they are saved as a file or as a stream, you can prefix a stream of encoded bytes with a preamble. Inserting the preamble at the beginning of a byte stream (such as at the beginning of a series of bytes to be written to a file) is the developer's responsibility, and the number of bytes in the preamble is not reflected in the value returned by the GetByteCount method.

See also

Applies to

GetByteCount(Char*, Int32)



This API is not CLS-compliant.

Calculates the number of bytes produced by encoding a set of characters starting at the specified character pointer.

 override int GetByteCount(char* chars, int count);
public override int GetByteCount (char* chars, int count);
public override int GetByteCount (char* chars, int count);
public override int GetByteCount (char* chars, int count);
public override int GetByteCount (char* chars, int count);
override this.GetByteCount : nativeptr<char> * int -> int
override this.GetByteCount : nativeptr<char> * int -> int
override this.GetByteCount : nativeptr<char> * int -> int
override this.GetByteCount : nativeptr<char> * int -> int



A pointer to the first character to encode.


The number of characters to encode.


The number of bytes produced by encoding the specified characters.



chars is null.

count is less than zero.


The resulting number of bytes is greater than the maximum number that can be returned as an integer.

Error detection is enabled, and chars contains an invalid sequence of characters.

A fallback occurred (see Character Encoding in .NET for a complete explanation).


EncoderFallback is set to EncoderExceptionFallback.


To calculate the exact array size required by the GetBytes method to store the resulting bytes, you call the GetByteCount method. To calculate the maximum array size, you call the GetMaxByteCount method. The GetByteCount method generally allocates less memory, while the GetMaxByteCount method generally executes faster.

With error detection, an invalid sequence causes this method to throw an ArgumentException exception. Without error detection, invalid sequences are ignored, and no exception is thrown.

To ensure that the encoded bytes are decoded properly when they are saved as a file or as a stream, you can prefix a stream of encoded bytes with a preamble. Inserting the preamble at the beginning of a byte stream (such as at the beginning of a series of bytes to be written to a file) is the developer's responsibility, and the number of bytes in the preamble is not reflected in the value returned by the GetByteCount method.

See also

Applies to

GetByteCount(Char[], Int32, Int32)


Calculates the number of bytes produced by encoding a set of characters from the specified character array.

 override int GetByteCount(cli::array <char> ^ chars, int index, int count);
public override int GetByteCount (char[] chars, int index, int count);
override this.GetByteCount : char[] * int * int -> int
Public Overrides Function GetByteCount (chars As Char(), index As Integer, count As Integer) As Integer



The character array containing the set of characters to encode.


The index of the first character to encode.


The number of characters to encode.


The number of bytes produced by encoding the specified characters.


chars is null.

index or count is less than zero.


index and count do not denote a valid range in chars.


The resulting number of bytes is greater than the maximum number that can be returned as an integer.

Error detection is enabled, and chars contains an invalid sequence of characters.

A fallback occurred (for more information, see Character Encoding in .NET)


The EncoderFallback property is set to EncoderExceptionFallback.


The following example populates an array with a Latin uppercase and lowercase characters and calls the GetByteCount(Char[], Int32, Int32) method to determine the number of bytes needed to encode the Latin lowercase characters. It then displays this information along with the total number of bytes needed if a byte order mark is added. It compares this number with the value returned by the GetMaxByteCount method, which indicates maximum number of bytes needed to encode the Latin lowercase characters.

using System;
using System.Text;

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      int uppercaseStart = 0x0041;
      int uppercaseEnd = 0x005a;
      int lowercaseStart = 0x0061;
      int lowercaseEnd = 0x007a;
      // Instantiate a UTF8 encoding object with BOM support.
      Encoding utf8 = new UTF8Encoding(true);

      // Populate array with characters.
      char[] chars = new char[lowercaseEnd - lowercaseStart + uppercaseEnd - uppercaseStart + 2];
      int index = 0;
      for (int ctr = uppercaseStart; ctr <= uppercaseEnd; ctr++) {
         chars[index] = (char)ctr;
      for (int ctr = lowercaseStart; ctr <= lowercaseEnd; ctr++) {
         chars[index] = (char)ctr;

      // Display the bytes needed for the lowercase characters.
      Console.WriteLine("Bytes needed for lowercase Latin characters:");
      Console.WriteLine("   Maximum:         {0,5:N0}",
                        utf8.GetMaxByteCount(lowercaseEnd - lowercaseStart + 1));
      Console.WriteLine("   Actual:          {0,5:N0}",
                        utf8.GetByteCount(chars, uppercaseEnd - uppercaseStart + 1,
                                          lowercaseEnd - lowercaseStart + 1));
      Console.WriteLine("   Actual with BOM: {0,5:N0}",
                        utf8.GetByteCount(chars, uppercaseEnd - uppercaseStart + 1,
                                          lowercaseEnd - lowercaseStart + 1) +
// The example displays the following output:
//       Bytes needed for lowercase Latin characters:
//          Maximum:            81
//          Actual:             26
//          Actual with BOM:    29
Imports System.Text

Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
      Dim uppercaseStart As Integer = &h0041
      Dim uppercaseEnd As Integer = &h005a
      Dim lowercaseStart As Integer = &h0061
      Dim lowercaseEnd As Integer = &h007a
      ' Instantiate a UTF8 encoding object with BOM support.
      Dim utf8 As New UTF8Encoding(True)
      ' Populate array with characters.
      Dim chars(lowercaseEnd - lowercaseStart + uppercaseEnd - uppercaseStart + 1) As Char
      Dim index As Integer = 0
      For ctr As Integer = uppercaseStart To uppercaseEnd
         chars(index) = ChrW(ctr)
         index += 1
      For ctr As Integer = lowercaseStart To lowercaseEnd
         chars(index) = ChrW(ctr)
         index += 1

      ' Display the bytes needed for the lowercase characters.
        Console.WriteLine("Bytes needed for lowercase Latin characters:")
        Console.WriteLine("   Maximum:         {0,5:N0}",
                          utf8.GetMaxByteCount(lowercaseEnd - lowercaseStart + 1))
        Console.WriteLine("   Actual:          {0,5:N0}",
                          utf8.GetByteCount(chars, uppercaseEnd - uppercaseStart + 1,
                                            lowercaseEnd - lowercaseStart + 1))
        Console.WriteLine("   Actual with BOM: {0,5:N0}",
                          utf8.GetByteCount(chars, uppercaseEnd - uppercaseStart + 1,
                                            lowercaseEnd - lowercaseStart + 1) +
   End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'       Bytes needed for lowercase Latin characters:
'          Maximum:            81
'          Actual:             26
'          Actual with BOM:    29


To calculate the exact array size required by GetBytes to store the resulting bytes, you call the uses GetByteCount method. To calculate the maximum array size, you call the GetMaxByteCount method. The GetByteCount method generally allocates less memory, while the GetMaxByteCount method generally executes faster.

With error detection, an invalid sequence causes this method to throw an ArgumentException exception. Without error detection, invalid sequences are ignored, and no exception is thrown.

To ensure that the encoded bytes are decoded properly when they are saved as a file or as a stream, you can prefix a stream of encoded bytes with a preamble. Inserting the preamble at the beginning of a byte stream (such as at the beginning of a series of bytes to be written to a file) is the developer's responsibility, and the number of bytes in the preamble is not reflected in the value returned by the GetByteCount method.

See also

Applies to