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HotSpot Class


Implements the basic functionality common to all hot spot shapes.

public ref class HotSpot abstract : System::Web::UI::IStateManager
public abstract class HotSpot : System.Web.UI.IStateManager
type HotSpot = class
    interface IStateManager
Public MustInherit Class HotSpot
Implements IStateManager


You cannot directly create instances of the abstract HotSpot class. Instead, this class is inherited by the CircleHotSpot, RectangleHotSpot, and PolygonHotSpot classes to provide the common basic functionality for a hot spot. You must derive from the HotSpot class to create a custom hot spot class that represents a unique shape that you define. However, you can define most shapes using the CircleHotSpot, RectangleHotSpot, and PolygonHotSpot classes.

When a HotSpot in an ImageMap control is clicked, the page either navigates to a URL, generates a postback to the server, or does nothing. The HotSpotMode property specifies this behavior. To navigate to a URL, set the HotSpotMode property to HotSpotMode.Navigate. Use the NavigateUrl property to specify the URL to navigate to. To post back to the server, set the HotSpotMode property to HotSpotMode.PostBack. Use the PostBackValue property to specify a name for the HotSpot object. This name will be passed in the ImageMapEventArgs event data when the HotSpot object is clicked. If you want the HotSpot object to have no behavior set the HotSpotMode property to HotSpotMode.Inactive.

Alternately, you can use the HotSpotMode property on the containing ImageMap control to specify a HotSpot object's behavior. For more information, see HotSpotMode.

Notes to Implementers

When you inherit from HotSpot, you must override the following members: GetCoordinates() and MarkupName.



Initializes a new instance of the HotSpot class.



Gets or sets the access key that allows you to quickly navigate to the HotSpot region.


Gets or sets the alternate text to display for a HotSpot object in an ImageMap control when the image is unavailable or renders to a browser that does not support images.


Gets or sets the behavior of a HotSpot object in an ImageMap control when the HotSpot is clicked.


Gets a value indicating whether the HotSpot object is tracking its view-state changes.


When overridden in a derived class, gets the string representation for the HotSpot object's shape.


Gets or sets the URL to navigate to when a HotSpot object is clicked.


Gets or sets the name of the HotSpot object to pass in the event data when the HotSpot is clicked.


Gets or sets the tab index of the HotSpot region.


Gets or sets the target window or frame in which to display the Web page content linked to when a HotSpot object that navigates to a URL is clicked.


Gets a dictionary of state information that allows you to save and restore the view state of a HotSpot object across multiple requests for the same page.



Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.

(Inherited from Object)

When overridden in a derived class, returns a string that represents the coordinates of the HotSpot region.


Serves as the default hash function.

(Inherited from Object)

Gets the Type of the current instance.

(Inherited from Object)

Restores the HotSpot object's previously saved view state to the object.


Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.

(Inherited from Object)

Saves the changes to the HotSpot object's view state since the time the page was posted back to the server.


Returns the String representation of this instance of a HotSpot object.


Causes the HotSpot object to track changes to its view state so they can be stored in the object's StateBag object. This object is accessible through the ViewState property.

Explicit Interface Implementations


Gets a value indicating whether the HotSpot object is tracking its view-state changes.


Restores the HotSpot object's previously saved view state to the object.


Saves the changes to the HotSpot object's view state since the last time the page was posted back to the server.


Instructs the HotSpot region to track changes to its view state.

Applies to

See also