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AccessKeyManager Class


Maintains the registration of all access keys and the handling of interop keyboard commands between Windows Forms, Win32, and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).

public ref class AccessKeyManager sealed
public sealed class AccessKeyManager
type AccessKeyManager = class
Public NotInheritable Class AccessKeyManager


An AccessKeyManager object is created on demand with one per Dispatcher.

The AccessKeyManager is attached as an event handler for PostProcessInput and exposes methods to Register and Unregister access keys.

When the registered access key is pressed, the AccessKeyManager calls the OnAccessKey method on the target element.

An element can be associated with any number of access keys.



Identifies the AccessKeyPressed routed event.


AddAccessKeyPressedHandler(DependencyObject, AccessKeyPressedEventHandler)

Adds a handler for the AccessKeyPressed attached event.


Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.

(Inherited from Object)

Serves as the default hash function.

(Inherited from Object)

Gets the Type of the current instance.

(Inherited from Object)
IsKeyRegistered(Object, String)

Indicates whether the specified key is registered as an access keys in the specified scope.


Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.

(Inherited from Object)
ProcessKey(Object, String, Boolean)

Processes the specified access keys as if a KeyDown event for the key was passed to the AccessKeyManager.

Register(String, IInputElement)

Associates the specified access keys with the specified element.

RemoveAccessKeyPressedHandler(DependencyObject, AccessKeyPressedEventHandler)

Removes the specified AccessKeyPressed event handler from the specified object.


Returns a string that represents the current object.

(Inherited from Object)
Unregister(String, IInputElement)

Disassociates the specified access keys from the specified element.

Attached Events


Occurs when the access key is pressed.

Applies to

See also