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team resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

A team in Microsoft Teams is a collection of channel objects. A channel represents a topic, and therefore a logical isolation of discussion, within a team.

Every team is associated with a Microsoft 365 group. The group has the same ID as the team - for example, /groups/{id}/team is the same as /teams/{id}. For more information about working with groups and members in teams, see Use the Microsoft Graph REST API to work with Microsoft Teams.


Method Return Type Description
Create teamsAsyncOperation Create a team from scratch.
Create team from group team Create a new team, or add a team to an existing Microsoft 365 group.
Get team Retrieve the properties and relationships of the specified team.
Update team Update the properties of the specified team.
Delete None Delete the team and its associated group.
List members conversationMember collection Get the list of members in the team.
Add member conversationMember Add a new member to the team.
Add members in bulk actionResultPart collection Add multiple members to the team in a single request.
Get member conversationMember collection Get a member in the team.
Get primary channel channel The general channel for the team.
Update member conversationMember Change a member to an owner or back to a regular member.
Remove member None Remove an existing member from the team.
Archive team teamsAsyncOperation Put the team in a read-only state.
Unarchive team teamsAsyncOperation Restore the team to a read-write state.
Clone team teamsAsyncOperation Copy the team and its associated group.
List your teams team collection List the teams you are a member of.
List your associated teams associatedTeamInfo collection Get the list of teams in Microsoft Teams that a user is associated with.
List all teams in an organization team collection List all teams in an organization.
Complete migration for team team Removes migration mode from the team and makes the team available to users to post and read messages.
List all channels channel collection Get the list of channels either in this team or shared with this team (incoming channels).
List channels channel collection Get the list of channels in a team.
List incoming channels channel collection Get the list of incoming channels (channels shared with a team).
Remove incoming channel None Remove an incoming channel (a channel shared with a team) from a team.
List apps in team teamsAppInstallation collection List apps installed in a team.
Add app to team None Add (install) an app to a team.
Get app installed in team teamsAppInstallation Get the specified app installed in a team.
Upgrade app installed in team None Upgrade the app installed in a team to the latest version.
Remove app from team None Remove (uninstall) an app from a team.
List permission grants resourceSpecificPermissionGrant collection List permissions that have been granted to apps to access the team.


Property Type Description
id string The unique identifier of the team. The group has the same ID as the team. This property is read-only, and is inherited from the base entity type.
classification string An optional label. Typically describes the data or business sensitivity of the team. Must match one of a pre-configured set in the tenant's directory.
classSettings teamClassSettings Configure settings of a class. Available only when the team represents a class.
createdDateTime dateTimeOffset Timestamp at which the team was created.
description string An optional description for the team. Maximum length: 1024 characters.
displayName string The name of the team.
funSettings teamFunSettings Settings to configure use of Giphy, memes, and stickers in the team.
guestSettings teamGuestSettings Settings to configure whether guests can create, update, or delete channels in the team.
internalId string A unique ID for the team that has been used in a few places such as the audit log/Office 365 Management Activity API.
isArchived Boolean Whether this team is in read-only mode.
memberSettings teamMemberSettings Settings to configure whether members can perform certain actions, for example, create channels and add bots, in the team.
messagingSettings teamMessagingSettings Settings to configure messaging and mentions in the team.
specialization teamSpecialization Optional. Indicates whether the team is intended for a particular use case. Each team specialization has access to unique behaviors and experiences targeted to its use case.
summary teamSummary Contains summary information about the team, including number of owners, members, and guests.
tenantId string The ID of the Microsoft Entra tenant.
visibility teamVisibilityType The visibility of the group and team. Defaults to Public.
webUrl string (readonly) A hyperlink that will go to the team in the Microsoft Teams client. This is the URL that you get when you right-click a team in the Microsoft Teams client and select Get link to team. This URL should be treated as an opaque blob, and not parsed.

Instance attributes

Instance attributes are properties with special behaviors. These properties are temporary and either a) define behavior the service should perform or b) provide short-term property values, like a download URL for an item that expires.

Property name Type Description
@microsoft.graph.teamCreationMode string Indicates that the team is in migration state and is currently being used for migration purposes. It accepts one value: migration. Note: In the future, Microsoft may require you or your customers to pay additional fees based on the amount of data imported.

For a POST request example, see Request (create team in migration state).


Relationship Type Description
allChannels channel collection List of channels either hosted in or shared with the team (incoming channels).
channels channel collection The collection of channels and messages associated with the team.
incomingChannels channel collection List of channels shared with the team.
installedApps teamsAppInstallation collection The apps installed in this team.
members conversationMember collection Members and owners of the team.
operations teamsAsyncOperation collection The async operations that ran or are running on this team.
photo profilePhoto The profile photo for the team.
primaryChannel channel The general channel for the team.
schedule schedule The schedule of shifts for this team.
tags teamworkTag collection The tags associated with the team.
template teamsTemplate The template this team was created from. See available templates.
permissionGrants resourceSpecificPermissionGrant collection A collection of permissions granted to apps to access the team.

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

Note: If the team is of type class, a classSettings property is applied on the team.

  "classSettings": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.teamClassSettings"},
  "classification": "String",
  "createdDateTime": "DateTimeOffset",
  "description": "String",
  "displayName": "String",
  "funSettings": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.teamFunSettings"},
  "guestSettings": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.teamGuestSettings"},
  "internalId": "String",
  "isArchived": "Boolean",
  "memberSettings": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.teamMemberSettings"},
  "messagingSettings": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.teamMessagingSettings"},
  "specialization": "String",
  "tenantId": "String",
  "visibility": "String",
  "webUrl": "String (URL)"