

Thanks for your dedication to learning about Power Apps and making it to the final module of this learning path! In this learning module, we're going to learn about managing your Power Apps. Specifically, we're going to cover app versions, how to share your apps with others, and about environments, which are essentially containers for your apps and other resources.

Manage app versions

When you create an app from the Power Apps home page, Power Apps saves it to the cloud. Power Apps assists you by keeping track of versions when you save your app. The beauty of publishing an app in Power Apps is that all app users will see the published version the next time they use the app. If you need to roll back to a previous version, Power Apps allows you to do that. We'll show you how.

Share apps

Now that you've created some apps, you'll want to share them with specific users, groups, or everyone in your organization. Power Apps makes this process easy! Sharing your app allows others to run your app, and optionally, to edit and even reshare it. We'll walk through this process with you.


Environments are containers for your apps and other resources, such as data sources. Environments help you to organize resources by purpose, region, or audience. For example, you can create different environments for development, testing, and production.

While you can create and manage environments from the Power Platform admin center, you need to have the correct role to do that. Only the roles of Environmental Admin or Power Platform Admin can create and manage environments. If you don't currently have one of these roles, we'll learn what you'll need to equip people to assist you.

In summary, Power Apps makes it easy to be your own app manager. With the knowledge you learn in this unit, you should be able to do that for your organization.

Let's keep it going!