Azure Blob storage bindings for Azure Functions overview
Azure Functions integrates with Azure Storage via triggers and bindings. Integrating with Blob storage allows you to build functions that react to changes in blob data as well as read and write values.
In a variation of this model, Functions can be run using C# scripting, which is supported primarily for C# portal editing. To update existing binding extensions for C# script apps running in the portal without having to republish your function app, see Update your extensions.
The functionality of the extension varies depending on the extension version:
This version allows you to bind to types from Azure.Storage.Blobs. Learn more about how these new types are different from WindowsAzure.Storage and Microsoft.Azure.Storage and how to migrate to them from the Azure.Storage.Blobs Migration Guide.
Azure Blobs, Azure Queues, and Azure Tables now use separate extensions and are referenced individually. For example, to use the triggers and bindings for all three services in your .NET in-process app, you should add the following packages to your project:
Previously, the extensions shipped together as Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.Storage, version 4.x. This same package also has a 5.x version, which references the split packages for blobs and queues only. When upgrading your package references from older versions, you may therefore need to additionally reference the new Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.Tables NuGet package. Also, when referencing these newer split packages, make sure you are not referencing an older version of the combined storage package, as this will result in conflicts from two definitions of the same bindings.
Working with the trigger and bindings requires that you reference the appropriate NuGet package. Install the Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.Storage NuGet package, version 4.x. The package is used for .NET class libraries while the extension bundle is used for all other application types.
Functions 1.x apps automatically have a reference the Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs NuGet package, version 2.x.
In Functions 1.x, the Storage triggers and bindings use version 7.2.1 of the Azure Storage SDK (WindowsAzure.Storage NuGet package). If you reference a different version of the Storage SDK, and you bind to a Storage SDK type in your function signature, the Functions runtime may report that it can't bind to that type. The solution is to make sure your project references WindowsAzure.Storage 7.2.1.
This version allows you to bind to types from Azure.Storage.Blobs. Learn more about how these new types are different from WindowsAzure.Storage and Microsoft.Azure.Storage and how to migrate to them from the Azure.Storage.Blobs Migration Guide.
This version supports configuration of triggers and bindings through .NET Aspire integration.
Azure Blobs, Azure Queues, and Azure Tables now use separate extensions and are referenced individually. For example, to use the triggers and bindings for all three services in your .NET isolated-process app, you should add the following packages to your project:
Previously, the extensions shipped together as Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker.Extensions.Storage, version 4.x. This same package also has a 5.x version, which references the split packages for blobs and queues only. When upgrading your package references from older versions, you may therefore need to additionally reference the new Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker.Extensions.Tables NuGet package. Also, when referencing these newer split packages, make sure you are not referencing an older version of the combined storage package, as this will result in conflicts from two definitions of the same bindings.
If you're writing your application using F#, you must also configure this extension as part of the app's startup configuration. In the call to ConfigureFunctionsWorkerDefaults() or ConfigureFunctionsWebApplication(), add a delegate that takes an IFunctionsWorkerApplication parameter. Then within the body of that delegate, call ConfigureBlobStorageExtension() on the object:
let hostBuilder = new HostBuilder()
hostBuilder.ConfigureFunctionsWorkerDefaults(fun (context: HostBuilderContext) (appBuilder: IFunctionsWorkerApplicationBuilder) ->
appBuilder.ConfigureBlobStorageExtension() |> ignore
) |> ignore
Functions version 1.x doesn't support isolated worker process.
Install bundle
The Blob storage binding is part of an extension bundle, which is specified in your host.json project file. You may need to modify this bundle to change the version of the binding, or if bundles aren't already installed. To learn more, see extension bundle.
Earlier versions of the extension exposed types from the now deprecated Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob namespace. Newer types from Azure.Storage.Blobs are exclusive to extension 5.x and higher.
This version of the Azure Blobs extension supports parameter types according to the table below.
A client connected to the blob. This set of types offers the most control for processing the blob and can be used to write back to the blob if the connection has sufficient permission.
A client connected to the blob. This set of types offers the most control for processing the blob and can be used to write back to it if the connection has sufficient permission.
When you want the function to process multiple blobs from a container, the blob input binding can bind to the following types:
T[] or List<T> where T is one of the single blob input binding types
An array or list of multiple blobs. Each entry represents one blob from the container. You can also bind to any interfaces implemented by these types, such as IEnumerable<T>.
A client connected to the container. This type offers the most control for processing the container and can be used to write to it if the connection has sufficient permission.
Earlier versions of extensions in the isolated worker process only support binding to string parameters. Additional options are available to extension 5.x and higher.
This section describes the function app configuration settings available for functions that use this binding. These settings only apply when using extension version 5.0.0 and higher. The example host.json file below contains only the version 2.x+ settings for this binding. For more information about function app configuration settings in versions 2.x and later versions, see host.json reference for Azure Functions.
This section doesn't apply to extension versions before 5.0.0. For those earlier versions, there aren't any function app-wide configuration settings for blobs.
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