Supported metrics for Microsoft.DocumentDB/cassandraClusters

The following table lists the metrics available for the Microsoft.DocumentDB/cassandraClusters resource type.

Table headings

Metric - The metric display name as it appears in the Azure portal.
Name in Rest API - Metric name as referred to in the REST API.
Unit - Unit of measure.
Aggregation - The default aggregation type. Valid values: Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total, Count.
Dimensions - Dimensions available for the metric.
Time Grains - Intervals at which the metric is sampled. For example, PT1M indicates that the metric is sampled every minute, PT30M every 30 minutes, PT1H every hour, and so on.
DS Export- Whether the metric is exportable to Azure Monitor Logs via Diagnostic Settings.

For information on exporting metrics, see Create diagnostic settings in Azure Monitor.

For information on metric retention, see Azure Monitor Metrics overview.

For a list of supported logs, see Supported log categories - Microsoft.DocumentDB/cassandraClusters

Category Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export
Cassandra Cache cache capacity

Cache capacity (bytes).
cassandra_cache_capacity Bytes Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, cache_name PT1M No
Cassandra Cache cache entries

Total number of cache entries.
cassandra_cache_entries Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, cache_name PT1M No
Cassandra Cache cache hit rate

All time cache hit rate.
cassandra_cache_hit_rate Percent Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, cache_name PT1M No
Cassandra Cache cache hits

Number of cache hits.
cassandra_cache_hits Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, cache_name PT1M No
Cassandra Cache cache miss latency average (microseconds)

Average cache miss latency (microseconds).
cassandra_cache_miss_latency_histogram Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, quantile PT1M No
Cassandra Cache cache miss latency p99 (microseconds)

p99 latency of misses.
cassandra_cache_miss_latency_p99 Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, cache_name PT1M No
Cassandra Cache cache requests

Number of cache requests.
cassandra_cache_requests Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, cache_name PT1M No
Cassandra Cache occupied cache size

Size of occupied cache (bytes).
cassandra_cache_size Bytes Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, cache_name PT1M No
Cassandra Client auth failure (deprecated)

Number of failed client authentication requests.
cassandra_client_auth_failure Count Total (Sum) cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node PT1M No
Cassandra Client auth failure (deprecated)

Number of failed client authentication requests.
cassandra_client_auth_failure2 Count Total (Sum) cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node PT1M No
Cassandra Client client auth failure

Number of failed client authentication requests.
cassandra_client_auth_failure3 Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node PT1M No
Cassandra Client client auth success

Number of successful client authentication requests.
cassandra_client_auth_success Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node PT1M No
Cassandra Client connected native clients

Number of connected native clients.
cassandra_client_connected_native_clients Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node PT1M No
Cassandra Client Request condition not met

Cumulative number of transaction preconditions did not match current values.
cassandra_client_request_condition_not_met Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, request_type PT1M No
Cassandra Client Request contention average

How many contended reads/writes were encountered in average.
cassandra_client_request_contention_histogram Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, request_type PT1M No
Cassandra Client Request contention p99

p99 how many contended writes were encountered.
cassandra_client_request_contention_histogram_p99 Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, request_type PT1M No
Cassandra Client Request failures (deprecated)

Number of transaction failures encountered.
cassandra_client_request_failures Count Total (Sum) cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, request_type PT1M No
Cassandra Client Request failures (deprecated)

Number of transaction failures encountered.
cassandra_client_request_failures2 Count Total (Sum) cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, request_type PT1M No
Cassandra Client Request client failures

Cumulative number of transaction failures encountered.
cassandra_client_request_failures3 Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, request_type PT1M No
Cassandra Client Request client request latency average (microseconds)

Average client request latency (microseconds).
cassandra_client_request_latency_histogram Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, quantile, request_type PT1M No
Cassandra Client Request client request latency max (microseconds)

Maximum client request latency (microseconds).
cassandra_client_request_latency_max Count Maximum ClusterResourceName, DataCenterResourceName, Address, request_type PT1M No
Cassandra Client Request client request latency p99 (microseconds)

p99 client request latency (microseconds).
cassandra_client_request_latency_p99 Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, request_type PT1M No
Cassandra Client Request timeouts (deprecated)

Number of timeouts encountered.
cassandra_client_request_timeouts Count Total (Sum) cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, request_type PT1M No
Cassandra Client Request timeouts (deprecated)

Number of timeouts encountered.
cassandra_client_request_timeouts2 Count Total (Sum) cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, request_type PT1M No
Cassandra Client Request client timeouts

Cumulative number of timeouts encountered in client requests.
cassandra_client_request_timeouts3 Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, request_type PT1M No
Cassandra Client Request unfinished commit

Cumulative number of transactions that were committed on write.
cassandra_client_request_unfinished_commit Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, request_type PT1M No
Cassandra CommitLog Commit latency on waiting average (microseconds).

Average time spent waiting on CL fsync (microseconds); for Periodic this is only occurs when the sync is lagging its sync interval.
cassandra_commit_log_waiting_on_commit_latency_histogram Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, quantile PT1M No
Cassandra CQL prepared statements executed

Total number of prepared statements executed.
cassandra_cql_prepared_statements_executed Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node PT1M No
Cassandra CQL regular statements executed

Total number of non prepared statements executed.
cassandra_cql_regular_statements_executed Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node PT1M No
Cassandra DroppedMessage dropped messages count

Total count of dropped messages.
cassandra_dropped_message_count Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, message_type PT1M No
Cassandra DroppedMessage cross-node dropped latency

Average dropped latency across nodes.
cassandra_dropped_message_cross_node_latency MilliSeconds Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, message_type PT1M No
Cassandra DroppedMessage cross-node dropped latency p99

99th percentile of dropped latency across nodes.
cassandra_dropped_message_cross_node_latency_p99 MilliSeconds Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, message_type PT1M No
Cassandra DroppedMessage internal dropped latency

Average dropped latency within node.
cassandra_dropped_message_internal_latency MilliSeconds Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, message_type PT1M No
Cassandra DroppedMessage dropped messages rate

Rate of dropped messages.
cassandra_dropped_message_rate Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, message_type PT1M No
Cassandra HintsService hints failed rate

Rate of the hints that failed deliver.
cassandra_hints_failed_rate Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node PT1M No
Cassandra HintsService hints succeeded rate

Rate of the hints successfully delivered.
cassandra_hints_succeeded_rate Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node PT1M No
Cassandra HintsService hints timed out rate

Rate of the hints that timed out.
cassandra_hints_timed_out_rate Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node PT1M No
Cassandra JVM jvm gc count

Total number of collections that have occurred.
cassandra_jvm_gc_count Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node PT1M No
Cassandra JVM jvm gc time

Approximate accumulated collection elapsed time.
cassandra_jvm_gc_time MilliSeconds Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node PT1M No
Cassandra Storage total hints

Cumulative number of total hints in storage.
cassandra_storage_total_hints_counter_total Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node PT1M No
Cassandra Storage total hints in progress

Number of total hints in progress.
cassandra_storage_total_hints_in_progress_counter_total Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node PT1M No
Cassandra Table all memtables live data size

Total amount of live data stored in the memtables (2i and pending flush memtables included) that resides off-heap, excluding any data structure overhead.
cassandra_table_all_memtables_live_data_size Bytes Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table all memtables off heap size

Total amount of data stored in the memtables (2i and pending flush memtables included) that resides off-heap.
cassandra_table_all_memtables_off_heap_size Bytes Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table bloom filter disk space used

Disk space used by bloom filter (bytes).
cassandra_table_bloom_filter_disk_space_used Bytes Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table bloom filter false positives

Number of false positives on table's bloom filter.
cassandra_table_bloom_filter_false_positives Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table bloom filter false ratio

False positive ratio of table's bloom filter.
cassandra_table_bloom_filter_false_ratio Percent Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table bloom filter off-heap memory used

Off-heap memory used by bloom filter.
cassandra_table_bloom_filter_off_heap_memory_used Bytes Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table bytes flushed

Total number of bytes flushed since server [re]start.
cassandra_table_bytes_flushed Bytes Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table cas commit average (microseconds)

Average latency of paxos commit round.
cassandra_table_cas_commit Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table cas commit p99 (microseconds)

p99 latency of paxos commit round.
cassandra_table_cas_commit_p99 Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table cas prepare average (microseconds)

Average latency of paxos prepare round.
cassandra_table_cas_prepare Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table cas prepare p99 (microseconds)

p99 latency of paxos prepare round.
cassandra_table_cas_prepare_p99 Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table cas propose average (microseconds)

Average latency of paxos propose round.
cassandra_table_cas_propose Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table cas propose p99 (microseconds)

p99 latency of paxos propose round.
cassandra_table_cas_propose_p99 Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table col update time delta average

Average column update time delta on this table.
cassandra_table_col_update_time_delta_histogram Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table col update time delta p99

p99 column update time delta on this table.
cassandra_table_col_update_time_delta_histogram_p99 Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table compaction bytes written

Total number of bytes written by compaction since server [re]start.
cassandra_table_compaction_bytes_written Bytes Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table compression metadata off-heap memory used

Off-heap memory used by compression metadata.
cassandra_table_compression_metadata_off_heap_memory_used Bytes Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table compression ratio

Current compression ratio for all SSTables.
cassandra_table_compression_ratio Percent Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table coordinator read latency average (microseconds)

Average coordinator read latency for this table.
cassandra_table_coordinator_read_latency Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table coordinator read latency p99 (microseconds)

p99 coordinator read latency for this table.
cassandra_table_coordinator_read_latency_p99 Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table coordinator scan latency average (microseconds)

Average coordinator range scan latency for this table.
cassandra_table_coordinator_scan_latency Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table coordinator scan latency p99 (microseconds)

p99 coordinator range scan latency for this table.
cassandra_table_coordinator_scan_latency_p99 Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table dropped mutations (deprecated)

Number of dropped mutations on this table.
cassandra_table_dropped_mutations Count Total (Sum) cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table dropped mutations (deprecated)

Number of dropped mutations on this table.
cassandra_table_dropped_mutations2 Count Total (Sum) cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table dropped mutations

Total number of dropped mutations on this table.
cassandra_table_dropped_mutations3 Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table estimated column count average

Estimated number of columns in average.
cassandra_table_estimated_column_count_histogram Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table estimated column count p99

p99 estimated number of columns.
cassandra_table_estimated_column_count_histogram_p99 Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table estimated partition count

Approximate number of keys in table.
cassandra_table_estimated_partition_count Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table estimated partition size average

Estimated partition size in average.
cassandra_table_estimated_partition_size_histogram Bytes Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, quantile, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table estimated partition size p99

p99 estimated partition size (bytes).
cassandra_table_estimated_partition_size_histogram_p99 Bytes Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table index summary off-heap memory used

Off-heap memory used by index summary.
cassandra_table_index_summary_off_heap_memory_used Bytes Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table key cache hit rate

Key cache hit rate for this table.
cassandra_table_key_cache_hit_rate Percent Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table live disk space used

Disk space used by SSTables belonging to this table (bytes).
cassandra_table_live_disk_space_used Bytes Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table live scanned average

Average live cells scanned in queries on this table.
cassandra_table_live_scanned_histogram Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table live scanned p99

p99 live cells scanned in queries on this table.
cassandra_table_live_scanned_histogram_p99 Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table live sstable count

Number of SSTables on disk for this table.
cassandra_table_live_sstable_count Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table max partition size

Size of the largest compacted partition (bytes).
cassandra_table_max_partition_size Bytes Maximum cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table mean partition size

Size of the average compacted partition (bytes).
cassandra_table_mean_partition_size Bytes Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table memtable columns count

Total number of columns present in the memtable.
cassandra_table_memtable_columns_count Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table memtable off heap size

Total amount of data stored in the memtable that resides off-heap, including column related overhead and partitions overwritten.
cassandra_table_memtable_off_heap_size Bytes Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table memtable on heap size

Total amount of data stored in the memtable that resides on-heap, including column related overhead and partitions overwritten.
cassandra_table_memtable_on_heap_size Bytes Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table memtable switch count

Number of times flush has resulted in the memtable being switched out.
cassandra_table_memtable_switch_count Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table min partition size

Size of the smallest compacted partition (bytes).
cassandra_table_min_partition_size Bytes Minimum cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table pending compactions (deprecated)

Estimate of number of pending compactions for this table.
cassandra_table_pending_compactions Count Total (Sum) cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table pending compactions (deprecated)

Estimate of number of pending compactions for this table.
cassandra_table_pending_compactions2 Count Total (Sum) cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table pending compactions

Estimate of number of pending compactions for this table.
cassandra_table_pending_compactions3 Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table pending flushes (deprecated)

Estimated number of flush tasks pending for this table.
cassandra_table_pending_flushes Count Total (Sum) cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table pending flushes (deprecated)

Estimated number of flush tasks pending for this table.
cassandra_table_pending_flushes2 Count Total (Sum) cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table pending flushes

Estimated number of flush tasks pending for this table.
cassandra_table_pending_flushes3 Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table percent repaired

Percent of table data that is repaired on disk.
cassandra_table_percent_repaired Percent Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table range latency average (microseconds)

Average local range scan latency for this table.
cassandra_table_range_latency Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table range latency p99 (microseconds)

p99 local range scan latency for this table.
cassandra_table_range_latency_p99 Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table read latency average (microseconds)

Average local read latency for this table.
cassandra_table_read_latency Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table read latency p99 (microseconds)

p99 local read latency for this table.
cassandra_table_read_latency_p99 Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table row cache hit

Number of table row cache hits.
cassandra_table_row_cache_hit Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table row cache hit out of range

Number of table row cache hits that do not satisfy the query filter, thus went to disk.
cassandra_table_row_cache_hit_out_of_range Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table row cache miss

Number of table row cache misses.
cassandra_table_row_cache_miss Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table speculative retries

Number of times speculative retries were sent for this table.
cassandra_table_speculative_retries Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table sstables per read average

Average number of sstable data files accessed per single partition read. SSTables skipped due to Bloom Filters, min-max key or partition index lookup are not taken into account.
cassandra_table_sstables_per_read_histogram Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table sstables per read p99

p99 number of sstable data files accessed per single partition read. SSTables skipped due to Bloom Filters, min-max key or partition index lookup are not taken into account.
cassandra_table_sstables_per_read_histogram_p99 Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table tombstone scanned average

Average tombstones scanned in queries on this table.
cassandra_table_tombstone_scanned_histogram Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table tombstone scanned p99

p99 tombstones scanned in queries on this table.
cassandra_table_tombstone_scanned_histogram_p99 Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table total disk space used (deprecated)

Total disk space used by SSTables belonging to this table, including obsolete ones waiting to be GC'd.
cassandra_table_total_disk_space_used Bytes Total (Sum) cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M, PT5M, PT15M, PT30M, PT1H, PT6H, PT12H, P1D No
Cassandra Table total disk space used (deprecated)

Total disk space used by SSTables belonging to this table, including obsolete ones waiting to be GC'd.
cassandra_table_total_disk_space_used2 Bytes Total (Sum) cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M, PT5M, PT15M, PT30M, PT1H, PT6H, PT12H, P1D No
Cassandra Table total disk space used

Total disk space used by SSTables belonging to this table, including obsolete ones waiting to be GC'd.
cassandra_table_total_disk_space_used3 Bytes Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table view lock acquire time average

Average time taken acquiring a partition lock for materialized view updates on this table.
cassandra_table_view_lock_acquire_time Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table view lock acquire time p99

p99 time taken acquiring a partition lock for materialized view updates on this table.
cassandra_table_view_lock_acquire_time_p99 Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table view read time average

Average time taken during the local read of a materialized view update.
cassandra_table_view_read_time Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table view read time p99

p99 time taken during the local read of a materialized view update.
cassandra_table_view_read_time_p99 Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table waiting on free memtable space average

Average time spent waiting for free memtable space, either on- or off-heap.
cassandra_table_waiting_on_free_memtable_space Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table waiting on free memtable space p99

p99 time spent waiting for free memtable space, either on- or off-heap.
cassandra_table_waiting_on_free_memtable_space_p99 Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table write latency average (microseconds)

Average local write latency for this table.
cassandra_table_write_latency Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra Table write latency p99 (microseconds)

p99 local write latency for this table.
cassandra_table_write_latency_p99 Count Average cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace PT1M No
Cassandra ThreadPool active tasks

Number of tasks being actively worked on by this pool.
cassandra_thread_pools_active_tasks Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, pool_name, pool_type PT1M No
Cassandra ThreadPool currently blocked tasks (deprecated)

Number of tasks that are currently blocked due to queue saturation but on retry will become unblocked.
cassandra_thread_pools_currently_blocked_tasks Count Total (Sum) cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, pool_name, pool_type PT1M No
Cassandra ThreadPool currently blocked tasks (deprecated)

Number of tasks that are currently blocked due to queue saturation but on retry will become unblocked.
cassandra_thread_pools_currently_blocked_tasks2 Count Total (Sum) cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, pool_name, pool_type PT1M No
Cassandra ThreadPool currently blocked tasks

Number of tasks that are currently blocked due to queue saturation but on retry will become unblocked.
cassandra_thread_pools_currently_blocked_tasks3 Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, pool_name, pool_type PT1M No
Cassandra ThreadPool max pool size

Maximum number of threads in this pool.
cassandra_thread_pools_max_pool_size Count Maximum cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, pool_name, pool_type PT1M No
Cassandra ThreadPool pending tasks

Number of queued tasks queued up on this pool.
cassandra_thread_pools_pending_tasks Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, pool_name, pool_type PT1M No
Cassandra ThreadPool total blocked tasks

Total number of tasks that were blocked due to queue saturation.
cassandra_thread_pools_total_blocked_tasks Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, pool_name, pool_type PT1M No
System CPU usage active

CPU usage (active).
cpu Percent Average ClusterResourceName, DataCenterResourceName, Address, Kind, CPU PT1M Yes
System disk utilization

Disk utilization rate.
disk_utilization Percent Average ClusterResourceName, DataCenterResourceName, Address PT1M Yes
System disk I/O merged reads

Cumulative disk I/O merged reads.
diskio_merged_reads Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count ClusterResourceName, DataCenterResourceName, Address, Kind PT1M No
System disk I/O merged writes

Cumulative disk I/O merged writes.
diskio_merged_writes Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count ClusterResourceName, DataCenterResourceName, Address, Kind PT1M No
System disk I/O read bytes

Cumulative disk I/O read bytes.
diskio_read_bytes Bytes Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count ClusterResourceName, DataCenterResourceName, Address, Kind PT1M No
System disk I/O read time (milliseconds)

Cumulative disk I/O read time (milliseconds).
diskio_read_time MilliSeconds Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count ClusterResourceName, DataCenterResourceName, Address, Kind PT1M No
System disk I/O read counts

Cumulative disk I/O read counts.
diskio_reads Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count ClusterResourceName, DataCenterResourceName, Address, Kind PT1M No
System disk I/O write bytes

Cumulative disk I/O write bytes.
diskio_write_bytes Bytes Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count ClusterResourceName, DataCenterResourceName, Address, Kind PT1M No
System disk I/O write time (milliseconds)

Cumulative disk I/O write time (milliseconds).
diskio_write_time MilliSeconds Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count ClusterResourceName, DataCenterResourceName, Address, Kind PT1M No
System disk I/O write counts

Cumulative disk I/O write counts.
diskio_writes Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count ClusterResourceName, DataCenterResourceName, Address, Kind PT1M No
System network received bytes

Cumulative network received bytes.
ethtool_rx_bytes Bytes Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count ClusterResourceName, DataCenterResourceName, Address, Kind PT1M No
System network received packets

Cumulative network received packets.
ethtool_rx_packets Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count ClusterResourceName, DataCenterResourceName, Address, Kind PT1M No
System network transmitted bytes

Cumulative network transmitted bytes.
ethtool_tx_bytes Bytes Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count ClusterResourceName, DataCenterResourceName, Address, Kind PT1M No
System network transmitted packets

Cumulative network transmitted packets.
ethtool_tx_packets Count Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count ClusterResourceName, DataCenterResourceName, Address, Kind PT1M No
System IOPS (including throughput)

I/O operations and bytes per second.
iops Count Average ClusterResourceName, DataCenterResourceName, Address, Kind PT1M Yes
System memory utilization

Memory utilization rate.
percent_mem Percent Average ClusterResourceName, DataCenterResourceName, Address PT1M Yes
System RAID array degraded

Whether RAID array is degraded. 1 means degraded, 0 means not degraded.
raid_array_degraded Count Average, Maximum, Minimum DataCenterResourceName, Address, RaidArrayName, RaidArrayType PT1M No
System RAID array rebuild

Percentage of RAID array rebuild.
raid_array_rebuild Percent Average, Minimum, Maximum DataCenterResourceName, Address, RaidArrayName, RaidArrayType PT1M No
System average CPU usage active

Average CPU usage (active) across all the CPUs.
total_cpu Percent Average ClusterResourceName, DataCenterResourceName, Address, Kind PT1M Yes