Custom domain names and bring your own certificates in Azure Container Apps
Azure Container Apps allows you to bind one or more custom domains to a container app.
Every domain name must be associated with a TLS/SSL certificate. You can upload your own certificate or use a free managed certificate.
Certificates are applied to the container app environment and are bound to individual container apps. You must have role-based access to the environment to add certificates.
If you're using a new certificate, you must have an existing SNI domain certificate file available to upload to Azure.
Navigate to your container app in the Azure portal
Verify that your app has ingress enabled by selecting Ingress in the Settings section. If ingress isn't enabled, enable it with these steps:
Set HTTP Ingress to Enabled.
Select the desired Ingress traffic setting.
Enter the Target port.
Select Save.
Under the Settings section, select Custom domains.
Select the Add custom domain button.
In the Add custom domain and certificate window, in TLS/SSL certificate, select Bring your own certificate.
In domain, enter the domain you want to add.
Select Add a certificate.
In the Add certificate window, in Certificate name, enter a name for this certificate.
In Certificate file section, browse for the certificate file you want to upload.
Select Validate.
Once validation succeeds, select Add.
In the Add custom domain and certificate window, in Certificate, select the certificate you just added.
Select the Hostname record type based on the type of your domain.
Domain type
Record type
Apex domain
A record
An apex domain is a domain at the root level of your domain. For example, if your DNS (Domain Name System) zone is, then is the apex domain.
A subdomain is a domain that is part of another domain. For example, if your DNS zone is, then is an example of a subdomain that can be configured in the zone.
Using the DNS provider that is hosting your domain, create DNS records based on the Hostname record type you selected using the values shown in the Domain validation section. The records point the domain to your container app and verify that you own it. The setup depends on whether you're using custom domains with the private endpoint (preview) feature:
If you selected A record, create the following DNS records:
Record type
The IP address of your Container Apps environment.
The domain verification code.
If you selected CNAME, create the following DNS records:
Record type
The subdomain (for example, www)
The generated domain of your container app.
asuid. followed by the subdomain (for example, asuid.www)
The domain verification code.
If you selected A record, you need to have a private DNS zone which has the same DNS zone name as your public DNS. Create the following DNS record on your private DNS zone:
Record type
The Private IP of your private endpoint on your container apps environment.
In addition, you'll need to add the following record to your public DNS zone.
Record type
The domain verification code.
If you selected CNAME, create the following DNS records on your public DNS zone:
Record type
The subdomain (for example, www)
The generated domain of your container app.
asuid. followed by the subdomain (for example, asuid.www)
The domain verification code.
Select the Validate button.
Once validation succeeds, select the Add button.
Once the operation is complete, you see your domain name in the list of custom domains with a status of Secured. Navigate to your domain to verify that it's accessible.
For container apps in internal Container Apps environments, extra configuration is required to use custom domains with VNET-scope ingress.
Container Apps supports apex domains and subdomains. Each domain type requires a different DNS record type and validation method.
Domain type
Record type
Validation method
Apex domain
A record
An apex domain is a domain at the root level of your domain. For example, if your DNS zone is, then is the apex domain.
A subdomain is a domain that is part of another domain. For example, if your DNS zone is, then is an example of a subdomain that can be configured in the zone.
Log in to Azure with the Azure CLI.
Azure CLI
az login
Next, install the Azure Container Apps extension for the CLI.
Azure CLI
az extension add --name containerapp --upgrade
Set the following environment variables. Replace the <PLACEHOLDERS> with your values.
Replace <CERTIFICATE_LOCAL_PATH> with the local path of your certificate file.
Replace <CERTIFICATE_LOWERCASE_NAME> with a lowercase certificate name that is unique within the environment.
Replace <TARGET_PORT> with the port that your container app is listening on.
Verify that your container app has HTTP ingress enabled.
Azure CLI
az containerapp ingress show \
If ingress isn't enabled, enable it with these steps:
Azure CLI
az containerapp ingress enable \
--type external \
--target-port$TARGET_PORT \
--transport auto
If you're configuring an apex domain, get the IP address of your Container Apps environment.
Azure CLI
az containerapp env show \
-o tsv \
If you're configuring a subdomain, get the automatically generated domain of your container app.
Azure CLI
az containerapp show \
-o tsv \
Get the domain verification code.
Azure CLI
az containerapp show \
-o tsv \
Using the DNS provider that is hosting your domain, create DNS records based on the record type you selected using the values shown in the Domain validation section. The records point the domain to your container app and verify that you own it. The setup depends on whether you're using custom domains with the private endpoint (preview) feature:
If you're configuring an A record, replace <VALIDATION_METHOD> with HTTP.
If you're configuring a CNAME, replace <VALIDATION_METHOD> with CNAME.
It might take several minutes to issue the certificate and add the domain to your container app.
Once the operation is complete, navigate to your domain to verify that it's accessible.
Managing certificates
You can manage certificates via the Container Apps environment or through an individual container app.
The Certificates window of the Container Apps environment presents a table of all the certificates associated with the environment.
You can manage your certificates through the following actions:
Select the Add certificate link to add a new certificate.
Select the trash can icon to remove a certificate.
The Health status field of the table indicates that a certificate is expiring soon within 60 days of the expiration date. To renew a certificate, select the Renew certificate link to upload a new certificate.
Container app
The Custom domains window of the container app presents a list of custom domains associated with the container app.
You can manage your certificates for an individual domain name by selecting the ellipsis (...) button, which opens the certificate binding window. From the following window, you can select a certificate to bind to the selected domain name.
Pridružite se seriji susreta kako biste s kolegama programerima i stručnjacima izgradili skalabilna rješenja umjetne inteligencije temeljena na stvarnim slučajevima upotrebe.
This module guides users through creating, configuring, and managing Container Apps and their environments. It also explores ingress options, scaling, instance management, and security considerations with best practices for configuring Azure Container Apps.