AzureFileCopy@3 - Azure file copy v3 task

Copy files to Azure Blob Storage or virtual machines.

This task is deprecated as this version of the AzureFileCopy task uses a retired version of AzCopy. Use the latest version of the AzureFileCopy task. See AzCopy Migration Guide for v8 to v10.

Copy files to Azure Blob Storage or virtual machines.


# Azure file copy v3
# Copy files to Azure Blob Storage or virtual machines.
- task: AzureFileCopy@3
    SourcePath: # string. Required. Source. 
    azureSubscription: # string. Alias: ConnectedServiceNameARM. Required. Azure Subscription. 
    Destination: # 'AzureBlob' | 'AzureVMs'. Required. Destination Type. 
    storage: # string. Alias: StorageAccountRM. Required. RM Storage Account. 
    #ContainerName: # string. Required when Destination = AzureBlob. Container Name. 
    #BlobPrefix: # string. Optional. Use when Destination = AzureBlob. Blob Prefix. 
    #resourceGroup: # string. Alias: EnvironmentNameRM. Required when Destination = AzureVMs. Resource Group. 
    #ResourceFilteringMethod: 'machineNames' # 'machineNames' | 'tags'. Optional. Use when Destination = AzureVMs. Select Machines By. Default: machineNames.
    #MachineNames: # string. Optional. Use when Destination = AzureVMs. Filter Criteria. 
    #vmsAdminUserName: # string. Required when Destination = AzureVMs. Admin Login. 
    #vmsAdminPassword: # string. Required when Destination = AzureVMs. Password. 
    #TargetPath: # string. Required when Destination = AzureVMs. Destination Folder. 
    #AdditionalArgumentsForBlobCopy: # string. Optional Arguments (for uploading files to blob). 
    #AdditionalArgumentsForVMCopy: # string. Optional. Use when Destination = AzureVMs. Optional Arguments (for downloading files to VM). 
    #enableCopyPrerequisites: false # boolean. Optional. Use when Destination = AzureVMs. Enable Copy Prerequisites. Default: false.
    #CopyFilesInParallel: true # boolean. Optional. Use when Destination = AzureVMs. Copy in Parallel. Default: true.
    #CleanTargetBeforeCopy: false # boolean. Optional. Use when Destination = AzureVMs. Clean Target. Default: false.
    #skipCACheck: true # boolean. Optional. Use when Destination = AzureVMs. Test Certificate. Default: true.
  # Output
    #outputStorageUri: # string. Storage Container URI. 
    #outputStorageContainerSasToken: # string. Storage Container SAS Token. 
    #sasTokenTimeOutInMinutes: # string. SAS Token Expiration Period In Minutes.


SourcePath - Source
string. Required.

Specify the absolute path of the source folder, or file on the local machine, or a UNC share. You can use pre-defined system variables such as $(Build.Repository.LocalPath). Names containing wildcards such as *.zip are not supported. The value or expression you specify should return a single folder or a file name.

azureSubscription - Azure Subscription
Input alias: ConnectedServiceNameARM. string. Required.

Specify the name of an Azure Resource Manager service connection configured for the subscription where the target Azure service, virtual machine, or storage account is located. See Azure Resource Manager overview for more details.

Destination - Destination Type
string. Required. Allowed values: AzureBlob (Azure Blob), AzureVMs (Azure VMs).

Specify the destination type.

storage - RM Storage Account
Input alias: StorageAccountRM. string. Required.

Specify a pre-existing ARM storage account. This is the storage account used as an intermediary for copying files to Azure VMs.

ContainerName - Container Name
string. Required when Destination = AzureBlob.

The name of the container into which files are copied. If the specified container does not exist in the storage account, it will be created.

To create a virtual directory inside the container, use the blob prefix input. For example, for the target location, specify container name mycontainer and blob prefix: vd1/vd2.

BlobPrefix - Blob Prefix
string. Optional. Use when Destination = AzureBlob.

Specify a prefix that can be used to filter files.

Example: You can append a build number to filter the files from all blobs with the same build number.

Example: If you specify a blob prefix myvd1, a virtual directory is created inside the container. Files are copied from the source to

resourceGroup - Resource Group
Input alias: EnvironmentNameRM. string. Required when Destination = AzureVMs.

Specify the name of the target Resource Group into which files will be copied.

ResourceFilteringMethod - Select Machines By
string. Optional. Use when Destination = AzureVMs. Allowed values: machineNames (Machine Names), tags. Default value: machineNames.

Specify a VM host name or tag that identifies a subset of VMs in a resource group. Tags are supported for resources created via the Azure Resource Manager only.

MachineNames - Filter Criteria
string. Optional. Use when Destination = AzureVMs.

Provide a list of VM names or tag names that identify the VMs the task will target. Valid filter criteria includes:

  • The name of an Azure Resource Group.
  • An output variable from a previous task.
  • A comma-delimited list of tag names or VM names.
  • Format VM names using a comma-separated list of FQDNs or IP addresses.
  • Format tag names for a filter as {TagName}:{Value}. Example: Role:DB;OS:Win8.1, ffweb, ffdb, or tags like Role:DB, Web, OS:Win8.1.

Note: Valid delimiters for tags include ,(comma), :(colon) and ;(semicolon). When providing multiple tags, the task will run only in the VMs that contain the specified tags. By default, the task runs in all VMs.

vmsAdminUserName - Admin Login
string. Required when Destination = AzureVMs.

Provide the user name of an account with administrative permissions on all of the target VMs.

  • Supported formats include: username, domain\username, machine-name\username, and .\username.
  • UPN formats including and built-in system accounts such as NT Authority\System are not supported.

vmsAdminPassword - Password
string. Required when Destination = AzureVMs.

Provide the administrator password of the VMs.

Valid input includes variables defined in build or release pipelines such as $(passwordVariable). To secure a password, mark it as secret.

TargetPath - Destination Folder
string. Required when Destination = AzureVMs.

Specify the path to the folder in the Azure VMs into which files will be copied.

Environment variables such as $env:windir and $env:systemroot are supported. Examples: $env:windir\FabrikamFiber\Web and c:\FabrikamFiber

AdditionalArgumentsForBlobCopy - Optional Arguments (for uploading files to blob)

Provide additional arguments to AzCopy.exe that can be applied when uploading to Blobs such as /NC:10.

If no optional arguments are specified, the following arguments are added by default.

  • /Y
  • /SetContentType
  • /Z
  • /V
  • /S - Added when the container name is not $root.
  • /BlobType:page -Added when the specified storage account is a premium account.
  • /Pattern - Added when the source path is a file. Included with any other specified optional arguments.

AdditionalArgumentsForVMCopy - Optional Arguments (for downloading files to VM)
string. Optional. Use when Destination = AzureVMs.

Provide additional arguments to AzCopy.exe that can be applied when downloading to VMs such as /NC:10.

If no optional arguments are specified, the following are added by default.

  • /Y
  • /S
  • /Z
  • /V

enableCopyPrerequisites - Enable Copy Prerequisites
boolean. Optional. Use when Destination = AzureVMs. Default value: false.

When enabled, uses a self-signed certificate to configure a Windows Remote Management (WinRM) listener on port 5986 instead of the HTTPS protocol. Required for performing copy operation on Azure VMs. If the target VMs use a load balancer, configure inbound NAT rules for the target port (5986). Applies only for ARM VMs. On target VMs associated with a Network Security Group (NSG), configure an inbound security rule to allow access on port 5986.

CopyFilesInParallel - Copy in Parallel
boolean. Optional. Use when Destination = AzureVMs. Default value: true.

Specify true to copy files in parallel to the target VMs. Using this value can reduce the overall time taken to perform the action.

CleanTargetBeforeCopy - Clean Target
boolean. Optional. Use when Destination = AzureVMs. Default value: false.

Setting this value to true cleans the destination folder before performing the copy action.

skipCACheck - Test Certificate
boolean. Optional. Use when Destination = AzureVMs. Default value: true.

The default value will not validate if the server certificate was signed by a trusted CA before connecting over HTTPS.

outputStorageUri - Storage Container URI

Specify the name of the variable used for the storage container URI to which files were copied. Valid only when the selected destination is an Azure Blob.

outputStorageContainerSasToken - Storage Container SAS Token

Specify the name of the variable used for the storage container SAS token that accesses the files that were copied. Use this variable as an input to subsequent tasks. By default, the SAS token expires after 4 hours.

sasTokenTimeOutInMinutes - SAS Token Expiration Period In Minutes

Specify the time in minutes after which the SAS token will expire. Valid only when the selected destination is Azure Blob.

Task control options

All tasks have control options in addition to their task inputs. For more information, see Control options and common task properties.

Output variables



What's new in Version AzureFileCopy@3

  • AzureFileCopy@3 supports Az Module and stopped supporting the Azure classic service endpoint.

  • The task is used to copy application files and other artifacts that are required to install the app such as PowerShell scripts, PowerShell-DSC modules, and more.

  • When the target is Azure VMs, the files are first copied to an automatically generated Azure Blob container and then downloaded into the VMs. The container is deleted after the files are successfully copied to the VMs.

  • The task uses AzCopy, the command-line utility built to quickly copy of data from and into Azure storage accounts. The task version 3 or below uses AzCopy V7.

  • To dynamically deploy Azure Resource Groups that contain virtual machines, use the Azure Resource Group Deployment task. This task has a sample template that can perform the required operations to set up the WinRM HTTPS protocol on VMs, open port 5986 in the firewall, and install the test certificate.


If you're deploying to Azure Static Websites as a container in Blob storage, use Version 2 or higher in order to preserve the $web container name.


What are the Azure PowerShell prerequisites for using this task?

The task requires that Azure PowerShell is installed on the machine running the automation agent. The recommended version is 1.0.2, but the task works with version 0.9.8 and higher. Use Azure PowerShell Installer v1.0.2 to get the recommended version.

What are the WinRM prerequisites for this task?

The task uses the WinRM HTTPS protocol to copy the files from the storage Blob container to the Azure VMs. The WinRM HTTPS service must be configured on the VMs, and a suitable certificate installed.

If the VMs are created without opening the WinRM HTTPS ports, follow these steps:

  1. Configure an inbound access rule to allow HTTPS on port 5986 of each VM.
  2. Disable UAC remote restrictions.
  3. Specify the credentials for the task to access the VMs using an administrator-level login formatted as username without any domain reference.
  4. Install a certificate on the machine that runs the automation agent.
  5. Set the Test Certificate parameter of the task for a self-signed certificate.

What type of service connection should I choose?

The following table lists storage account types and the associated service connections. To identify whether a storage account is based on the classic APIs or the Resource Manager APIs, log into the Azure portal and search for Storage accounts (Classic) or Storage accounts.

Storage account type Azure Service Connections in TFS/TS
Resource Manager Azure Resource Manager service connection
Classic Azure service connection with certificate-based or credentials-based authentication using a school or work account
  • For Azure classic resources, use an Azure service connection type with certificate or credentials-based authentication. If you're using credentials-based authentication, ensure that the credentials are for a school or work account. Microsoft accounts such as and are not supported.

  • For Azure Resource Manager VMs, use an Azure Resource Manager service connection type. For more details, see Automating Azure Resource Group deployment using a Service Principal.

  • If using an Azure Resource Manager service connection type, or an Azure service connection type with certificate-based authentication, the task automatically filters the appropriate classic storage accounts, newer Azure Resource Manager storage accounts, and other fields. For example, the Resource Group or cloud service, and the virtual machines.


Currently an Azure service connection type with credentials-based authentication does not filter the storage, Resource Group or cloud service, and virtual machine fields.

How do I fix failure '403: This request is not authorized to perform this operation using this permission'?

When Azure DevOps creates and authorizes the service connection to Azure, it creates an App Registration in your subscription's Active Directory. This identity is automatically added with a Contributor role to all resources in the Resource Group you chose to authorize. In order to upload Blobs to a storage account, being a Contributor is not enough. You must manually assign the Storage Blob Data Contributor role to the app registration identity.

Copy the app identity from the existing inherited entry as Contributor that you'll see in the IAM pane and search explicitly for it in the Add role assignment UI. The identity is not listed in the dropdown, you must search for its identifier.

What happens if my Resource Group contains both Classic and Resource Manager VMs?

If the specified Resource Group contains both Azure Resource Manager and Classic VMs, the set of VMs that are targeted depends on the connection type.

  • For certificate-based connections and credentials-based connections, the copy operation is only performed on Classic VMs.
  • For Service Principal Name based connections, the copy operation is performed only on Resource Manager VMs.

How do I create a school or work account for use with this task?

A suitable account can be easily created for use in a service connection:

  1. Use the Azure portal to create a new user account in Azure Active Directory.
  2. Add the Azure Active Directory user account to the co-administrators group in your Azure subscription.
  3. Sign into the Azure portal with this user account and change the password.
  4. Use the new credentials for this account in the service connection. Deployments will be processed using this account.


# Example: Upload files from Pipeline staging directory to blob storage.
- task: AzureFileCopy@3
  displayName: 'Example Step Name'
    sourcePath: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/BlobsToUpload'
    additionalArgumentsForBlobCopy: |
      '/Y' # Supresses all AZCopy Confirmations. Used here to allow overwrites
      '/Pattern:*' # Pattern of files to copy.
      '/S' # Recursive Copy
    azureSubscription: 'Subscription Name'
    destination: AzureBlob
    storage: storageaccountname
    containerName: storagecontainername
    blobPrefix: targetdirectoryincontainer


Requirement Description
Pipeline types YAML, Classic build, Classic release
Runs on Agent, DeploymentGroup
Demands Self-hosted agents must have capabilities that match the following demands to run jobs that use this task: azureps
Capabilities This task does not satisfy any demands for subsequent tasks in the job.
Command restrictions Any
Settable variables Any
Agent version 1.103.0 or greater
Task category Deploy