We have created a number of support request options to serve the needs of managing your Service Fabric clusters and application workloads, depending on the urgency of support needed and the severity of the issue.
Self help troubleshooting
This is the material that is referenced by Customer Support Services when a ticket is created, by Service Fabric Site Reliability Engineers responding to an incident, and by users when discovering resolutions to active system issues.
Clusters running on a bronze reliability tier or Single Node Cluster will allow you to run test workloads only. If you experience issues with a cluster running on bronze reliability or Single Node Cluster, the Microsoft support team will assist you in mitigating the issue, but will not perform a Root Cause Analysis. For more information, please refer to the reliability characteristics of the cluster.
For more information about what is required for a production ready cluster, please refer to the production readiness checklist.
Create a support request for standalone Service Fabric clusters
To report issues related to Service Fabric clusters running on-premises or on other clouds, you may open a ticket for professional support on the Microsoft support portal.
Get answers to Service Fabric questions directly from Microsoft engineers, Azure Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs), and members of our expert community.
Microsoft Q&A is Azure's recommended source of community support.
If you can't find an answer to your problem by searching Microsoft Q&A, submit a new question. Be sure to post your question using the azure-service-fabric tag. Here are some Microsoft Q&A tips for writing high-quality questions.
Open a GitHub issue
Report Azure Service Fabric issues at the Service Fabric GitHub. This repo is intended for reporting and tracking issues as well as making small feature requests related to Azure Service Fabric. Do not use this medium to report live-site issues.
Check the StackOverflow forum
The azure-service-fabric tag on StackOverflow is used for asking general questions about how the platform works and how you may use it to accomplish certain tasks.
Service Fabric community Q & A schedule
Join the community call on the following days to hear about new feature releases and key updates and get answers to the questions from the Service Fabric team.
March 30, 2023
May 25, 2023
July 27, 2023
September 28, 2023
January 25, 2024
March 28, 2024
Stay informed of updates and new releases
Learn about important product updates, roadmap, and announcements in Azure Updates.
For the latest releases and updates to the Service Fabric runtime and SDKs, see Service Fabric releases
Como ingeniero de análisis de Fabric asociado, debe tener experiencia en diseño, creación e implementación de soluciones de análisis de datos a escala empresarial.
Service Fabric Explorer es una aplicación para inspeccionar y administrar nodos y aplicaciones en la nube en un clúster de Microsoft Azure Service Fabric.
Aprenda a configurar el clúster administrado de Service Fabric para las actualizaciones automáticas del sistema operativo, las reglas de grupo de seguridad de red y mucho más.