Tutorial: Configure routing preference for a VM using Azure PowerShell
This tutorial shows you how to configure routing preference for a virtual machine. Internet bound traffic from the VM will be routed via the ISP network when you choose Internet as your routing preference option. The default routing is via the Microsoft global network.
In this tutorial, you learn how to:
- Create a public IP address configured for Internet routing preference.
- Create a virtual machine.
- Verify the public IP address is set to Internet routing preference.
- An Azure account with an active subscription. Create an account for free.
- Azure PowerShell installed locally or Azure Cloud Shell
If you choose to install and use PowerShell locally, this article requires the Azure PowerShell module version 5.4.1 or later. Run Get-Module -ListAvailable Az
to find the installed version. If you need to upgrade, see Install Azure PowerShell module. If you're running PowerShell locally, you also need to run Connect-AzAccount
to create a connection with Azure.
Create a resource group
An Azure resource group is a logical container into which Azure resources are deployed and managed.
Create a resource group with New-AzResourceGroup named TutorVMRoutePref-rg in the westus2 location.
New-AzResourceGroup -Name 'TutorVMRoutePref-rg' -Location 'westus2'
Create a public IP address
Use New-AzPublicIpAddress to create a standard zone-redundant public IPv4 address named myPublicIP in TutorVMRoutePref-rg. The Tag of Internet is applied to the public IP address as a parameter in the PowerShell command enabling the Internet routing preference.
## Create IP tag for Internet and Routing Preference. ##
$tag = @{
IpTagType = 'RoutingPreference'
Tag = 'Internet'
$ipTag = New-AzPublicIpTag @tag
## Create IP. ##
$ip = @{
Name = 'myPublicIP'
ResourceGroupName = 'TutorVMRoutePref-rg'
Location = 'westus2'
Sku = 'Standard'
AllocationMethod = 'Static'
IpAddressVersion = 'IPv4'
IpTag = $ipTag
Zone = 1,2,3
New-AzPublicIpAddress @ip
Create virtual machine
Use New-AzVM to create a virtual machine. The public IP address created in the previous section is added as part of the PowerShell command and is attached to the VM during creation.
## Create virtual machine. ##
$vm = @{
ResourceGroupName = 'TutorVMRoutePref-rg'
Location = 'West US 2'
Name = 'myVM'
PublicIpAddressName = 'myPublicIP'
New-AzVM @vm
Verify internet routing preference
Use Get-AzPublicIpAddress to verify that Internet routing preference is configured for the public IP address.
$ip = @{
ResourceGroupName = 'TutorVMRoutePref-rg'
Name = 'myPublicIP'
Get-AzPublicIPAddress @ip | select -ExpandProperty IpTags
Clean up resources
When you're done with the virtual machine and public IP address, delete the resource group and all of the resources it contains with Remove-AzResourceGroup.
Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name 'TutorVMRoutePref-rg'
Next steps
Advance to the next article to learn how to create a virtual machine with mixed routing preference: