Administration and Run-Time Tools
Microsoft BizTalk Server and Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for RosettaNet (BTARN) provide a set of tools for performing administrative and run-time tasks, such as deployment, configuration management, administration, business-rule management, and monitoring. For more information about BizTalk Server tools, see MicrosoftBizTalk Server Help.
BizTalk Explorer
You use BizTalk Explorer to configure and manage projects, parties, and orchestrations. BizTalk Explorer displays the contents of the Configuration database, showing items such as assemblies, ports, and parties.
BizTalk Accelerator for RosettaNet Management Console
You use the BTARN Management Console to manage the BTARN implementation, including the following:
Process configuration settings, home organizations, partners, and agreements
BizTalk and BTARNSQL Server databases
Performance logs and alerts
Business Rule Engine
The BizTalk Business Rule Engine (BRE) is a run-time inference engine that you can use to evaluate rules against facts and initiate actions based on the results of the evaluation.
BizTalk Administration Console
You can use BizTalk Administration Console for reporting, analyzing, and debugging live business data and optimize for your business processes. You can also use BizTalk Administration Console to monitor the health of a BizTalk Server farm, and to track and view specific events and messages.
Windows Performance Monitors
BTARN supports using Windows performance monitors for connection status and throughput.