File Inventory for the Service Oriented Solution

This section lists subdirectories and source files for the Service Oriented solution. The default installation directory for the Service Oriented solution source files is \Program Files (x86)\Microsoft BizTalk Server <VERSION>SDK\Scenarios\SO. Descriptions before the following tables replace this path with <Install Directory>.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln

File Description
Microsoft.Samples.BizTalk.WoodgroveBank.sln Visual Studio solution file.
ReplacePKToken.vbs VBScript to fix public key tokens in solution files when solution is built.
ReplacePKToken.wsf Windows Script File for the ReplacePKToken VBScript.
SetupBTSSoln.bat Creates a public key, updates references to the public key, and compiles the solution. For information about deploying the solution, see Deploying the Service Oriented Solution.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\BAM

File Description
ServiceLevelTracking.xls Excel spreadsheet for the BAM data.
ServiceLevelTracking.xml Schema defining the types of the BAM data items.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\Bindings

File Description
AdapterSOAOrchBindings.xml Binding files for the adapter version of the solution.
InlineSOAOrchBindings.xml Binding files for the inline version of the solution.
StubSOAOrchBindings.xml Binding files for the stub version of the solution.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\ConfigHelper

File Description
AssemblyInfo.cs Assembly information file.
ConfigHelper.csproj C# project file.
ConfigParameters.cs C# code file for the SSO configuration helper methods.
ConfigPropertyBag.cs C# code file for the property bag used by the SSO configuration helper methods.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\ErrorHelper

File Description
CustomerServiceErrors.cs C# code file for the customer service errors.
ErrorHelper.csproj C# project file.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\InPipeline

File Description
InPipeline.btp Receive pipeline that adds an SSO ticket to the message.
InPipeline.btproj BizTalk project file.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\InPipelineComp

File Description
AssemblyInfo.cs Assembly information file.
InPipelineComp.csproj C# project file.
SSOTicketIssuer.cs C# code file for the pipeline component that issues SSO tickets.
SSOTicketIssuer.resx Resource file.
SSOTicketIssuerIcon.bmp Icon file for pipeline component.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\Maps

File Description
Aggregate_To_CustomerServiceResponse.btm Map to convert the aggregation of the three responses from the back-end systems into a single response message.
Aggregate_To_ErrorResponse.btm Map to convert aggregation of the three responses into a single error response when an error occurs.
CustomerServiceRequest_To_CreditLimiRequest.btm Map to convert customer service request to a message to request the credit limit.
CustomerServiceRequest_To_CreditLimitResponse.btm Map to convert customer service request to a message to respond with the credit limit.
CustomerServiceRequest_To_CustomerServiceResponseDenied.btm Map to convert a customer service request to a request denied message.
CustomerServiceRequest_To_LastPaymentRequest.btm Map to convert customer service request to a message to request the last payment information.
CustomerServiceRequest_To_LastPaymentResponseTimeout.btm Map to convert a customer service request to a last payment response message.
CustomerServiceRequest_To_PendingTransactionResponse.btm Map to convert a customer service request to a pending transaction response message.
CustomerServiceRequest_To_PendingTransactionsRequest.btm Map to convert customer service request to a message to request the pending transaction information.
Maps.btproj BizTalk project file.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\Orchestrations\Adapter

File Description
CustomerService.odx Adapter version of the CustomerService orchestration.
CustomerServiceNativeRequestResponse.odx Adapter version of orchestration serving as front-end to the CustomerService orchestration.
CustomerServiceReceiveSend.odx Adapter version of orchestration serving as front-end to the CustomerService orchestration.
Orchestrations.Adapter.btproj BizTalk project file.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\Orchestrations\Adapter\Web References\PendTransWS

File Description
PendTransWS.disco Generated file.
PendTransWS.wsdl Generated file. Generated file. Generated file
Reference.odx Generated file.
Reference.xsd Generated file.
Reference1.xsd Generated file.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\Orchestrations\Adapter\Web References\StubSAPWS

File Description Generated file. Generated file.
Reference.odx Generated file.
Reference.xsd Generated file.
StubSAPWS.disco Generated file.
StubSAPWS.wsdl Generated file.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\Orchestrations\Inline

File Description
CustomerService.odx Inline version of the CustomerService orchestration.
CustomerServiceNativeRequestResponse.odx Inline version of orchestration serving as front-end to the CustomerService orchestration.
CustomerServiceReceiveSend.odx Inline version of orchestration serving as front-end to the CustomerService orchestration.
Orchestrations.Inline.btproj BizTalk project file.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\Orchestrations\Stub

File Description
CustomerService.odx Stub version of the CustomerService orchestration.
CustomerServiceNativeRequestResponse.odx Stub version of orchestration serving as front-end to the CustomerService orchestration.
Orchestrations.Stub.btproj BizTalk project file.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\Orchestrations\Stub\Web References\StubPendTransWS

File Description Generated file. Generated file.
Reference.odx Generated file.
Reference.xsd Generated file.
Reference1.xsd Generated file.
StubPendTransWS.disco Generated file.
StubPendTransWS.wsdl Generated file.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\Orchestrations\Stub\Web References\StubPmntTrckWS

File Description Generated file. Generated file.
Reference.odx Generated file.
Reference.xsd Generated file.
Reference1.xsd Generated file.
StubPmntTrckWS.disco Generated file.
StubPmntTrckWS.wsdl Generated file.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\Orchestrations\Stub\Web References\StubSAPWS

File Description Generated file. Generated file.
Reference.odx Generated file.
Reference.xsd Generated file.
StubSAPWS.disco Generated file.
StubSAPWS.wsdl Generated file.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\OrchProxy\Adapter

File Description
CustomerServicePort.asmx Generated file.
Global.asax Generated file.
Global.asax.resx Generated file.
OrchProxy.Adapter.csproj.webinfo Generated file.
TraceExtension.cs Generated file.
Web.config Generated file.
WsdlExtension.cs Generated file.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\OrchProxy\Adapter\app_code

File Description
assemblyinfo.cs Generated file.
customerserviceport.asmx.cs Generated file.
datatypes.cs Generated file.
global.asax.cs Generated file.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\OrchProxy\Inline

File Description
CustomerServicePort.asmx Generated file.
Global.asax Generated file.
Global.asax.resx Generated file.
OrchProxy.Inline.csproj.webinfo Generated file.
TraceExtension.cs Generated file.
Web.config Generated file.
WsdlExtension.cs Generated file.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\OrchProxy\Inline\app_code

File Description
assemblyinfo.cs Generated file.
customerserviceport.asmx.cs Generated file.
datatypes.cs Generated file.
global.asax.cs Generated file.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\OrchProxy\Stub

File Description
CustomerServicePort.asmx Generated file.
Global.asax Generated file.
Global.asax.resx Generated file.
OrchProxy.Stub.csproj.webinfo Generated file.
TraceExtension.cs Generated file.
Web.config Generated file.
WsdlExtension.cs Generated file.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\OrchProxy\Stub\app_code

File Description
assemblyinfo.cs Generated file.
customerserviceport.asmx.cs Generated file.
datatypes.cs Generated file.
global.asax.cs Generated file.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\PaymentTracker

File Description
App.ico Icon file for the payment tracker simulator.
AssemblyInfo.cs Assembly information file.
MessageProcessor.cs C# code for a class to process payment tracker messages and return appropriate responses.
PaymentTracker.cs C# code for the class simulating the payment tracker system.
PaymentTracker.csproj C# project file.
PaymentTrackerSimulator.cs C# code for the server for the payment tracker simulator.
runit.cmd Command file to start the payment tracker simulator.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\PaymentTrackerCall

File Description
AssemblyInfo.cs Assembly information file.
Exceptions.cs C# code defining exceptions for the payment tracking system.
PaymentTrackerCall.csproj C# project file.
PaymentTrackerCaller.cs C# code to call the payment tracking system inline from orchestrations.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\PendTransCall

File Description
AssemblyInfo.cs Assembly information file.
Exceptions.cs C# code defining exceptions for the pending transactions system.
PendingTransactionsCaller.cs C# code to call the pending transactions system inline from orchestrations.
PendingTransactionsWebService.disco Generated file.
PendingTransactionsWebService.wsdl Generated file.
PendTransCall.csproj C# project file.
WebServiceReference.cs Generated file.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\PmTrkPipeline

File Description
PaymentTrackerReceivePipeline.btp Receive pipeline for the payment tracking system.
PaymentTrackerSendPipeline.btp Send pipeline for the payment tracking system.
PmTrkPipeline.btproj BizTalk project file.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\PmTrkPipelineComp

File Description
AssemblyInfo.cs Assembly information file.
MQSeriesHeaderSetter.cs C# code for a pipeline component to handle some MQSeries message header settings for messages going to or coming from the payment tracking system..
MQSeriesHeaderSetter.resx Resource file.
PmTrkPipelineComp.csproj C# project file.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\SchemaClasses

File Description
AssemblyInfo.cs Assembly information file.
BAPI_BANKACCT_GET_DETAIL.cs Generated from the corresponding schema (.xsd) file.
CustomerServiceRequest.cs Generated from the corresponding schema (.xsd) file.
CustomerServiceResponse.cs Generated from the corresponding schema (.xsd) file.
LastPaymentRequest.cs Generated from the corresponding schema (.xsd) file.
LastPaymentResponse.cs Generated from the corresponding schema (.xsd) file.
PendingTransactionsRequest.cs Generated from the corresponding schema (.xsd) file.
PendingTransactionsResponse.cs Generated from the corresponding schema (.xsd) file.
SchemaClasses.csproj C# project file.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\Schemas

File Description
BAPI_BANKACCT_GET_DETAIL.xsd Schema for the SAP request and response message.
CustomerServiceRequest.xsd Schema for the customer service request message.
CustomerServiceResponse.xsd Schema for the customer service response message.
genClasses.cmd Command file to generate C# class files from schemas.
LastPaymentRequest.xsd Schema for the last payment request message.
LastPaymentResponse.xsd Schema for the last payment response message.
PendingTransactionsRequest.xsd Schema for the pending transaction request message.
PendingTransactionsResponse.xsd Schema for the pending transaction response message.
Schemas.btproj BizTalk project file.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\Scripts

File Description
ConfigStoreApp.xml XML file defining the SSO configuration values.
CreateInitialConfigInSSO.cmd Command file to create the initial SSO configuration values.
DeployAllBinding.cmd Command file to deploy all of the assemblies.
DeployStubBinding.cmd Command file to deploy the stub version of the assemblies.
PendTransAffApp.xml XML file defining the values for the pending transaction affiliate application.
PendTransUserMap.xml XML file defining credential mapping for users for the pending transaction affiliate application.
PmntTrckAffApp.xml XML file defining the values for the pending transaction affiliate application.
PmntTrckUserMap.xml XML file defining credential mapping for users for the payment tracking affiliate application.
RemoveReceivePort.vbs General VBScript to remove a receive port.
RemoveSendPort.vbs General VBScript to remove a send port.
SetConfigValuesInSSO.cmd Command file to set the configuration values in SSO.
StartAll.vbs Command file to enlist and start all orchestrations.
StartStub.vbs Command file to enlist and start the stub versions of orchestrations.
UndeployAll.cmd Command file to undeploy all of the assemblies.
UndeployStub.cmd Command file to undeploy the stub versions of assemblies.
UnEnlistAll.vbs Command file to unenlist all orcehstrations.
UnEnlistStub.vbs Command file to unenlist stub versions of orcehstrations.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\ServiceLevelTracking

File Description
AssemblyInfo.cs Assembly information file.
ServiceLevelTracking.cs C# helper functions for service level BAM tracking.
ServiceLevelTracking.csproj C# project file.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\SimpleClient

File Description
AdapterCustomerServicePort.disco Generated file.
AdapterCustomerServicePort.wsdl Generated file.
App.ico Icon file for simple client application.
AssemblyInfo.cs Assembly information file.
InlineCustomerServicePort.disco Generated file.
InlineCustomerServicePort.wsdl Generated file.
SimpleClient.cs Simple Windows Forms application for making requests.
SimpleClient.csproj C# project file.
SimpleClient.resx Resource file.
WebServiceReferences.cs Generated file.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\StubWebServices\PaymentTrack

File Description
Global.asax Generated file.
Global.asax.resx Generated file.
StubPmntTrck.csproj.webinfo Generated file.
StubPmntTrckWS.asmx Generated file.
StubPmntTrckWS.asmx.resx Generated file.
Web.config Generated file.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\StubWebServices\PaymentTrack\app_code

File Description
assemblyinfo.cs Assembly information file.
global.asax.cs Generated file.
StubPmntTrckWS.asmx.cs Generated file.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\StubWebServices\PendingTrans

File Description
Global.asax Generated file.
Global.asax.resx Generated file.
StubPendTransWS.asmx Generated file.
StubPendTransWS.asmx.resx Generated file.
StubPendTransWS.csproj.webinfo Generated file.
Web.config Generated file.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\StubWebServices\PendingTrans\app_code

File Description
assemblyinfo.cs Generated file.
global.asax.cs Generated file.
StubPendTransWS.asmx.cs Generated file.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\StubWebServices\SAP

File Description
Global.asax Generated file.
Global.asax.resx Generated file.
StubSAP.csproj.webinfo Generated file.
StubSAPWS.asmx Generated file.
StubSAPWS.asmx.resx Generated file.
Web.config Generated file.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\StubWebServices\SAP\app_code

File Description
assemblyinfo.cs Assembly information file.
global.asax.cs Generated file.
stubsapws.asmx.cs Generated file.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\StubWebServices\StubSAPCall

File Description
AssemblyInfo.cs Assembly information file.
Exceptions.cs C# code defining the stub SAP call timeout exception.
StubSAPCall.csproj C# project file.
StubSAPCallHelper.cs C# code for a helper assembly to call the stub SAP web service.
StubSAPWSProxy.cs C# code for a helper assembly to call the stub SAP web service.

Files in <Install Directory>\BTSSoln\Utilities

File Description
AssemblyInfo.cs Assembly information file.
CustomerServiceHelper.cs C# code for helper methods and classes.
ReceivePipelineHelper.cs C# code for helper assembly for calling pipelines from orchestratoins.
Utilities.csproj C# project file.

Files in <Install Directory>\MFAccess

File Description
Microsoft.Samples.BizTalk.WoodgroveBank.MainframeAccess.sln Visual Studio solution file.
SetupMFAccess.bat Batch file to build the mainframe access components of the solution.

Files in <Install Directory>\MFAccess\HISTIComponent

File Description
bizcbl.txt COBOL program to run on the mainframe.
HISTIComponent.tiproj Transaction Integrator project file.
MainFrameProgramVTCS2Description.txt Transaction Integrator export file.
SOHISTIUsingCOM.TLB Type library.

Files in <Install Directory>\MFAccess\HISTISimpleTester

File Description
App.ico Icon file
AssemblyInfo.cs Assembly information file.
Form1.cs Windows Forms program to test connection to the mainframe.
Form1.resx Resource file
HISTISimpleTester.csproj C# project file.
Interop.SOHISTIUsingCOM.dll.reg DLL registration file.

Files in <Install Directory>\MFAccess\PendingTransactions

File Description
AssemblyInfo.cs Assembly information file.
Global.asax Generated file.
Global.asax.cs Generated file.
Global.asax.resx Generated file.
PendingTransactions.csproj C# project file.
PendingTransactions.csproj.webinfo Generated file.
PendTransWS.asmx Generated file.
PendTransWS.asmx.cs Generated file.
PendTransWS.asmx.resx Generated file.
Web.config Generated file.

Files in <Install Directory>\MFAccess\SchemaClasses

File Description
AssemblyInfo.cs Assembly information file.
BAPI_BANKACCT_GET_DETAIL.cs C# class generated from the corresponding schema (.xsd) file.
CustomerServiceRequest.cs C# class generated from the corresponding schema (.xsd) file.
CustomerServiceResponse.cs C# class generated from the corresponding schema (.xsd) file.
LastPaymentRequest.cs C# class generated from the corresponding schema (.xsd) file.
LastPaymentResponse.cs C# class generated from the corresponding schema (.xsd) file.
PendingTransactionsRequest.cs C# class generated from the corresponding schema (.xsd) file.
PendingTransactionsResponse.cs C# class generated from the corresponding schema (.xsd) file.
SchemaClasses.csproj C# project file.

See Also

Components of the Service Oriented Solution
Service Oriented Solution Reference