ReceivePort (ReceivePortCollection Node)

The ReceivePort node of the ReceivePortCollection node of a binding file contains specific information about a receive port that is exported with the binding file.

Nodes in the ReceivePort node

The following table lists the properties that can be set for this node of a binding file:

Name Node Type Data Type Description Restrictions Comments
Name Attribute xs:string Specifies the name of the receive port. Not required Default value: empty
IsTwoWay Attribute xs:boolean Specifies whether the receive port is one way or is request-response (two way). Required Default value: none

Possible values are in the MSBTS_SendPort.IsTwoWay Property (WMI) in the UI guidance and developers API namespace reference
BindingOption Attribute xs:int Specifies the type of binding for the orchestration port. Required Default value: none

Possible values are in the Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.BindingType enumeration.
Description Element xs:string Specifies a description for the receive port. Required Default value: empty
ReceiveLocations Record ArrayOfReceiveLocation (ComplexType) Container node for the receive locations associated with this receive port. Not required. Default value: none
TransmitPipeline (ReceivePort Node) Record PipelineRef (ComplexType) Specifies the send pipeline associated with the receive port if the receive port is a two way receive port. Not required Default value: none
SendPipelineData Element xs:string Specifies the custom configuration specific to this instance of the usage of the pipeline. Not required Default value: empty.
Authentication Element xs:int Specifies an enumeration value indicating whether authentication is needed at this receive port. Required Default value: none

Possible values are in the Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.AuthenticationType enumeration.
Tracking Element xs:int Specifies the level of document tracking for the receive port Required Default value: none

Possible values are in the Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.TrackingTypes enumeration.
Transforms (ReceivePort Node) Record ArrayOfTransform (ComplexType) Specifies the collection of inbound transforms of a one way receive port. Not required Default value: none
OutboundTransforms Record ArrayOfTransform (ComplexType) Specifies the collection of outbound transforms to apply to documents on a two-way receive port Not required Default value: none
RouteFailedMessage Element xs:boolean Specifies whether or not failed messages are routed to failed message subscribers. Required Default value: none

Possible values are in the MSBTS_SendPort.RouteFailedMessage Property (WMI) in the UI guidance and developers API namespace reference
ApplicationName Element xs:string Specifies the name of the application associated with the receive port. Required Default value: empty

Possible values are in the ISSOMapping Interface (COM) in the UI guidance and developers API namespace reference