
Dijeli putem

ImageFlags Enum


Specifies the attributes of the pixel data contained in an Image object. The Flags property returns a member of this enumeration.

This enumeration supports a bitwise combination of its member values.

public enum class ImageFlags
public enum ImageFlags
type ImageFlags = 
Public Enum ImageFlags


Caching 131072

The pixel data can be cached for faster access.

ColorSpaceCmyk 32

The pixel data uses a CMYK color space.

ColorSpaceGray 64

The pixel data is grayscale.

ColorSpaceRgb 16

The pixel data uses an RGB color space.

ColorSpaceYcbcr 128

Specifies that the image is stored using a YCBCR color space.

ColorSpaceYcck 256

Specifies that the image is stored using a YCCK color space.

HasAlpha 2

The pixel data contains alpha information.

HasRealDpi 4096

Specifies that dots per inch information is stored in the image.

HasRealPixelSize 8192

Specifies that the pixel size is stored in the image.

HasTranslucent 4

Specifies that the pixel data has alpha values other than 0 (transparent) and 255 (opaque).

None 0

There is no format information.

PartiallyScalable 8

The pixel data is partially scalable, but there are some limitations.

ReadOnly 65536

The pixel data is read-only.

Scalable 1

The pixel data is scalable.

Applies to