
Dijeli putem

QuicError Enum


Defines the various error conditions for QuicListener, QuicConnection, and QuicStream operations.

public enum class QuicError
public enum QuicError
type QuicError = 
Public Enum QuicError


AddressInUse 4

The local address is already in use.

AlpnInUse 13

Another QUIC listener is already listening on one of the requested application protocols on the same port.

CallbackError 15

An error occurred in the user provided callback.

ConnectionAborted 2

The connection was aborted by the peer. This error is associated with an application-level error code.

ConnectionIdle 10

The connection timed out from inactivity.

ConnectionRefused 8

The server refused the connection.

ConnectionTimeout 6

The connection timed out waiting for a response from the peer.

HostUnreachable 7

The server is currently unreachable.

InternalError 1

An internal implementation error occurred.

InvalidAddress 5

Failed to bind to the socket, likely caused by a family mismatch between the local and remote address.

OperationAborted 12

The operation has been aborted.

ProtocolError 11

A QUIC protocol error occurred.

StreamAborted 3

The read or write direction of the stream was aborted by the peer. This error is associated with an application-level error code.

Success 0

No error.

TransportError 14

The operation failed because a peer transport error occurred.

VersionNegotiationError 9

A version negotiation error occurred.

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