Import and create multiple one-time vendors and invoices in the public sector
When approval or a contract in the form of a purchase order is not required, you can create an invoice for a new vendor with whom you have no regular relationship, at the same time as creating a record for the vendor. This procedure was created using the PSUS demo company data in the public sector partition.
- Go to Accounts payable > Periodic tasks > Import one-time vendors and invoices.
- Browse for and select the CSV file that contains vendor information.
- In the Account structure field, click the drop-down button to open the lookup.
- In the list, find and select the desired record.
- Click OK.
- The vendor and invoice information is imported. If there are errors, a report will be printed, and you should correct any listed entries in the import file and then reimport the file.
- Go to Accounts payable > Periodic tasks > Process one-time vendors and invoices.
- Duplicate vendor names or Federal tax IDs will be looked for. Important: If you choose not to process duplicate vendors, the related invoices won't be processed either. You can manually create an invoice by using the information in the CSV file.
- Click OK.