Dijeli putem

How to create a connection croup with user-published and globally published packages

Applies to:

  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11

You can create user-entitled connection groups that contain both user-published and globally published packages, using either of the following methods:

Unsupported scenarios and potential issues

Here are some important things to know before you get started:

  • If you add user-published packages in globally entitled connection groups, the connection group will fail.

  • Track the connection groups where you've used a non-optional package before removing it with the Unpublish-AppvClientPackage <package> -global cmdlet.

    In situations where you have a globally published package that's listed as non-optional in a user-published connection group that also appears in other packages, running Unpublish-AppvClientPackage <package> -global cmdlet can unpublish the package from every connection group containing that package. Tracking connection groups can help you avoid unintentionally unpublishing non-optional packages.

How to use Windows PowerShell cmdlets to create user-entitled connection groups

  1. Add and publish packages by using the following commands:

    Add-AppvClientPackage <Package1_AppV_file_Path>
    Add-AppvClientPackage <Package2_AppV_file_Path>
    Publish-AppvClientPackage -PackageId <Package1_ID> -VersionId <Package1_Version_ID> -Global
    Publish-AppvClientPackage -PackageId <Package2_ID> -VersionId <Package2_Version_ID>
  2. Create the connection group XML file. For more information, see About the connection group file.

  3. Add and publish the connection group by using the following commands:

    Add-AppvClientConnectionGroup <Connection_Group_XML_file_Path>
    Enable-AppvClientConnectionGroup -GroupId <CG_Group_ID> -VersionId <CG_Version_ID>

How to use the App-V Server to create user-entitled connection groups

  1. Open the App-V Management Console.

  2. Follow the instructions in How to publish a package by using the Management Console to publish packages globally and to the user.

  3. Follow the instructions in How to create a connection group to create the connection group and add the user-published and globally published packages.