How to create a package accelerator by using Windows PowerShell
Applies to:
- Windows 10
- Windows 11
App-V Package Accelerators automatically sequence large, complex applications. Also, when you apply an App-V Package Accelerator, you don't have to manually install an application to create the virtualized package.
Create a package accelerator
Install the App-V sequencer. For more information about installing the sequencer, see How to install the sequencer.
To open a Windows PowerShell console, select Start and enter PowerShell. Right-click Windows PowerShell and select Run as Administrator.
Ensure there's the App-V package to create an accelerator from the installation media or installation files. You can also optionally use a readme file for the accelerator's users to reference.
Enter the New-AppvPackageAccelerator cmdlet.
The following parameters are required to use the package accelerator cmdlet:
InstalledFilesPath specifies the application installation path.
Installer specifies the path to the application installer media.
InputPackagePath specifies the path to the App-V package.
Path specifies the output directory for the package.
The following example cmdlet shows how you can create a package accelerator with the App-V package and the installation media:
New-AppvPackageAccelerator -InputPackagePath <path to the .appv file> -Installer <path to the installer executable> -Path <directory of the output path>
You can also use the following optional parameter with the New-AppvPackageAccelerator cmdlet:
AcceleratorDescriptionFile specifies the path to user-created package accelerator instructions. The package accelerator instructions are .txt or .rtf description files that will be included in the package created by the package accelerator.