Available Mobile Device Management (MDM) settings for App-V
Starting with Windows 10 version 1703, you can configure, deploy, and manage your App-V apps with the following Mobile Device Management (MDM) settings. For the full list of available settings, see the EnterpriseAppVManagement CSP page.
Policy name | Supported versions | URI full path | Data type | Values |
Name | Windows 10/11 | ./Vendor/MSFT/EnterpriseAppVManagement/ AppVPackageManagement/<enterprise_id>/ <package_family_name>/<package_full_name>/Name | String | Read-only data, provided by your App-V packages. |
Version | Windows 10/11 | ./Vendor/MSFT/EnterpriseAppVManagement/ AppVPackageManagement/<enterprise_id>/ <package_family_name>/<package_full_name>/Version | String | Read-only data, provided by your App-V packages. |
Publisher | Windows 10/11 | ./Vendor/MSFT/EnterpriseAppVManagement/ AppVPackageManagement/<enterprise_id>/ <package_family_name>/<package_full_name>/Publisher | String | Read-only data, provided by your App-V packages. |
InstallLocation | Windows 10/11 | ./Vendor/MSFT/EnterpriseAppVManagement/ AppVPackageManagement/<enterprise_id>/ <package_family_name>/<package_full_name>/InstallLocation | String | Read-only data, provided by your App-V packages. |
InstallDate | Windows 10/11 | ./Vendor/MSFT/EnterpriseAppVManagement/ AppVPackageManagement/<enterprise_id>/ <package_family_name>/<package_full_name>/InstallDate | String | Read-only data, provided by your App-V packages. |
Users | Windows 10/11 | ./Vendor/MSFT/EnterpriseAppVManagement/ AppVPackageManagement/<enterprise_id>/ <package_family_name>/<package_full_name>/Users | String | Read-only data, provided by your App-V packages. |
AppVPackageID | Windows 10/11 | ./Vendor/MSFT/EnterpriseAppVManagement/ AppVPackageManagement/<enterprise_id>/ <package_family_name>/<package_full_name>/AppVPackageID | String | Read-only data, provided by your App-V packages. |
AppVVersionID | Windows 10/11 | ./Vendor/MSFT/EnterpriseAppVManagement/ AppVPackageManagement/<enterprise_id>/ <package_family_name>/<package_full_name>/AppVVersionID | String | Read-only data, provided by your App-V packages. |
AppVPackageUri | Windows 10/11 | ./Vendor/MSFT/EnterpriseAppVManagement/ AppVPackageManagement/<enterprise_id>/ <package_family_name>/<package_full_name>/AppVPackageUri | String | Read-only data, provided by your App-V packages. |
LastError | Windows 10/11 | ./Vendor/MSFT/EnterpriseAppVManagement/ AppVPublishing/LastSync/LastError |
String | Read-only data, provided by your App-V packages. |
LastErrorDescription | Windows 10/11 | ./Vendor/MSFT/EnterpriseAppVManagement/ AppVPublishing/LastSync/LastErrorDescription | String | - 0: No errors returned during publish. - 1: Unpublish groups failed during publish. - 2: Publish no-group packages failed during publish. - 3: Publish group packages failed during publish. - 4: Unpublish packages failed during publish. - 5: New policy write failed during publish. - 6: Multiple non-fatal errors occurred during publish. |
SyncStatusDescription | Windows 10/11 | ./Vendor/MSFT/EnterpriseAppVManagement/ AppVPublishing/LastSync/SyncStatusDescription | String | - 0: App-V publishing is idle. - 1: App-V connection groups publish in progress. - 2: App-V packages (non-connection group) publish in progress. - 3: App-V packages (connection group) publish in progress. - 4: App-V packages unpublish in progress. |
SyncProgress | Windows 10/11 | ./Vendor/MSFT/EnterpriseAppVManagement/ AppVPublishing/LastSync/SyncProgress | String | - 0: App-V Sync is idle. - 1: App-V Sync is initializing. - 2: App-V Sync is in progress. - 3: App-V Sync is complete. - 4: App-V Sync requires device reboot. |
PublishXML | Windows 10/11 | ./Vendor/MSFT/EnterpriseAppVManagement/ AppVPublishing/Sync/PublishXML |
String | Custom value, entered by admin. |
Policy | Windows 10/11 | ./Vendor/MSFT/EnterpriseAppVManagement/ AppVDynamicPolicy/configurationid/Policy |
String | Custom value, entered by admin. |