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Sync Trigger Events for UE-V 2.x

Microsoft User Experience Virtualization (UE-V) 2.0, 2.1, and 2.1 SP1 lets you synchronize your application and Windows settings across all your domain-joined devices. Sync trigger events define when the UE-V Agent synchronizes those settings with the settings storage location. UE-V 2 introduces a new Sync Method called the SyncProvider. For more information about Sync Method configuration, see Sync Methods for UE-V 2.x.

UE-V 2 Sync Trigger Events

The following table explains the trigger events for classic applications and Windows settings.

UE-V 2 Trigger Event



Windows Logon

  • Application and Windows settings are imported to the local cache from the settings storage location.

  • Asynchronous Windows settings are applied.

  • Synchronous Windows settings will be applied during the next Windows logon.

  • Application settings will be applied when the application starts.

  • Application and Windows settings are read directly from the settings storage location.

  • Asynchronous and synchronous Windows settings are applied.

  • Application settings will be applied when the application starts.

Windows Logoff

Store changes locally and cache and copy asynchronous and synchronous Windows settings to the settings storage location server, if available

Store changes to asynchronous and synchronous Windows settings storage location

Windows Connect (RDP) / Unlock

Synchronize any asynchronous Windows settings from settings storage location to local cache, if available.

Apply cached Windows settings

Download and apply asynchronous windows settings from settings storage location

Windows Disconnect (RDP) / Lock

Store asynchronous Windows settings changes to the local cache.

Synchronize any asynchronous Windows settings from the local cache to settings storage location, if available

Store asynchronous Windows settings changes to the settings storage location

Application start

Apply application settings from local cache as the application starts

Apply application settings from settings storage location as the application starts

Application closes

Store any application settings changes to the local cache and copy settings to settings storage location, if available

Store any application settings changes to settings storage location

Sync Controller Scheduled Task or “Sync Now” is run from the Company Settings Center

Application and Windows settings are synchronized between the settings storage location and the local cache.


Settings changes are not cached locally until an application closes. This trigger will not export changes made to a currently running application.

For Windows settings, this means that any changes will not be cached locally and exported until the next Lock (Asynchronous) or Logoff (Asynchronous and Synchronous).

Settings are applied in these cases:

  • Asynchronous Windows settings are applied directly.

  • Application settings are applied when the application starts.

  • Both asynchronous and synchronous Windows settings are applied during the next Windows logon.

  • Windows app (AppX) settings are applied during the next refresh. See Monitor Application Settings for more information.


Asynchronous Settings updated on remote store*

Load and apply new asynchronous settings from the cache.

Load and apply settings from central server

Technical Reference for UE-V 2.x

Changing the Frequency of UE-V 2.x Scheduled Tasks

Choose the Configuration Method for UE-V 2.x