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What Are Site Terms?

For the latest version of Commerce Server 2007 Help, see the Microsoft Web site.

A site term is a set of valid values, sometimes known as a domain of values, which are used in conjunction with the Commerce Server 2007 Profiles System. Site terms can be grouped into categories called a site term group. Site term groups make it easy to locate and edit site terms in the Commerce Server Manager.

Commerce Server 2007 installs the following site term groups by default.

Site Term Group


User Site Terms

Contains a listing of site terms that are commonly used in conjunction with users and profiles, such as account status and user roles.

Calendar Site Terms

Contains a listing of site terms that are commonly used in calendars, such as days of the week and months.

Within the default site term groups are site terms that are commonly used in Commerce Server profiles. Site terms are stored as name/value pairs. The following site terms are installed by default.

Site Term

Site Term Group


Account Status

User Site Terms

Status of an account:

0 - Inactive account

1 - Active account

2 - Requires approval

User Role

User Site Terms

Role that is associated with a user profile:

1 - Normal user

2 - Administrator

User Type

User Site Terms

Type of account that is associated with a user profile:

0 - Guest user

1 - Registered user


User Site Terms

Language preference of a user profile. There are more than 100 language values in the Languages site term. They are not listed here for space preservation.


Calendar Site Terms

Day of the week:

0 - Sunday4 - Thursday
1 - Monday5 - Friday
2 - Tuesday6 - Saturday
3 - Wednesday


Calendar Site Terms

Month of the year:

0 - January6 - July
1 - February7 – August
2 – March8 – September
3 – April9 – October
4 – May10 – November
5 – June11 – December

See Also

Other Resources

Managing Site Terms