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How to Configure the Catalog Transport Properties for a Send Endpoint

For the latest version of Commerce Server 2007 Help, see the Microsoft Web site.

Before you can configure the transport properties for a Commerce Server Catalog send adapter, you must create an appropriate send port within the BizTalk Server Administration Console. For information about the aspects of these tasks specific to Commerce Server adapters, see How to Configure a Send Endpoint for a BizTalk Adapter.

Almost all the configuration properties associated with Commerce Server Catalog send adapter endpoints are configured within the Transport Properties dialog box associated with the send port you have created for this adapter. This topic explains these properties and how to set them.

To configure the Commerce Server Catalog transport properties for a send port

  1. In the BizTalk Server Administration Console, in the left pane, navigate to your Commerce Server send port or ports.


    You may also perform these steps in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 or Visual Studio 2008.

  2. In the right pane, right-click the appropriate Catalog send port, and then click Properties.

    The Send Port Properties dialog box opens.

  3. Select the General tab in the left pane. In the Transport box in the right pane, click the Configure button associated with the Type selection (in which you have previously selected Commerce Server Catalog).

    The Commerce Server Catalog Transport Properties dialog box opens.

  4. In the Commerce Server Catalog Transport Properties dialog box, configure the operation of this Catalog send adapter endpoint.


    By default, when you configure transport properties for Commerce Server adapter endpoints, no Web service calls are made to validate the parameters you specify. However, you can set a key in the registry that will instruct the adapters to perform additional parameter validation that includes several Web service calls. For more information about this registry key, see Endpoint Configuration Validation.

    Transport property


    Adapter Endpoint Parameters - Registry Subkey

    A required string that is used as a unique subkey within the following registry location:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Commerce Server 2007 BizTalk Adapters\Catalog

    This location, ending with the provided subkey, is used by the Commerce Server Catalog send adapter to store information such as the date and time this adapter endpoint was last run and the GUID it uses for tracing.

    Adapter Endpoint Parameters - Error Threshold

    An integer that specifies the number of import errors that are allowed before an import operation is aborted.

    The default value is 100.

    Adapter Endpoint Parameters - Export Schema with Query Results

    A drop-down list choice that determines whether Commerce Server will include schema information when providing catalog data in response to a query. The possible values are:

    • All Schema. All Catalog System schemas are included in the query response.

    • No Schema. No Catalog System schemas are included in the query response.

    • Relevant Schema. Only the relevant Catalog System schemas are included in the query response.

    The default value is All Schema.

    Adapter Endpoint Parameters - Generate Search Indexes

    A Boolean value that determines whether Commerce Server will generate the full text search indexes after catalog import operations, with True specifying generation.

    The default value is False.

    Adapter Endpoint Parameters - Import Directory

    A string that specifies the name of a file system folder that this send port can use for temporary files. This property is required when the Endpoint Message Type property is set to Catalog Import or From Context.

    There is no default value.

    The specified directory, if any, must allow writes by the account under which the BizTalk Server host instance is running. This is likely to be a different account than the one you log in with when you set this transport property.

    Adapter Endpoint Parameters - Import Mode

    A drop-down list choice that determines whether import operations will replace existing Commerce Server catalogs or make incremental changes to them. The possible values are:

    • Replace. Imported catalog data completely replaces any existing catalog data.

    • Incremental. Imported catalog data supplements any existing catalog data.

    The default value isReplace.

    Adapter Endpoint Parameters - Import Schema Changes

    A Boolean value that determines whether any schema changes present in an import operation will be allowed, with True specifying that schema changes should be allowed. If schema changes are not allowed and an import message includes schema changes, the import operation will fail.

    The default value is False.

    Adapter Endpoint Parameters - Namespace

    A string that specifies a namespace to be used in conjunction with the solicit and response messages associated with this send adapter endpoint.

    For more information about how this property is used, see Using the Namespace Transport Property.

    Adapter Endpoint Parameters - Overwrite Relationships

    A Boolean value that determines whether relationships can be overwritten during a catalog import operation, with True specifying that overwriting is allowed.

    The default value is False.

    Adapter Endpoint Parameters - Product Catalogs

    A string that specifies a list of product catalogs that are managed by this Catalog send adapter endpoint. The default value is blank, which indicates that this Catalog send adapter endpoint can manage any and all Commerce Server catalogs.

    Adapter Endpoint Parameters - Properties to Import

    A string that specifies a comma-separated list of property names, which indicate the properties that may be imported by this send adapter. The default value is blank, which indicates that this Catalog send adapter endpoint can import any Commerce Server catalog properties.

    Adapter Endpoint Parameters - Set Export Ready

    A Boolean value that determines whether the Export Ready flag will be set for imported catalog items. This flag can be used in subsequent export operations by the Catalog receive adapter.

    Adapter Endpoint Parameters - Transaction Mode

    A drop-down list choice that determines whether operations will be transactional at the catalog level. The possible values are:

    • Transaction. Treat entire operations as a single transaction, completely succeeding or leaving the catalogs unchanged.

    • NonTransaction. Do not treat entire operations as a single transaction, and therefore do not roll back changes in the event of a failure.

    The default value is Transaction.

    Adapter Message Type - Endpoint Message Type

    A drop-down list choice that determines which of the possible Catalog message types will be handled by this send adapter. The possible values are:

    • CatalogImport. Only process messages of type CommerceServerCatalogImport. Query operations, if required, will need to be processed by a different Catalog send adapter.

    • CatalogQueries. Only process messages of type CommerceServerCatalogQuery. Import operations, if required, will need to be processed by a different Catalog send adapter.

    • FromContext. Process both import and query messages, using the context property CommerceServerMessageType to determine the type of each message.

    The default value is Catalog Import.

    Connection Information - Web Service URL

    A required string that specifies the URL of the Commerce Server Catalog Web Service.

    The default URL of the Catalog Web Service is http://hostname/CatalogWebService/CatalogWebService.asmx.

    Connection Information - Connection Timeout

    A number that specifies the Web service time-out duration, in seconds. Use "-1" to specify that there is no time-out duration.

    The default value is 100.

    Connection Information - Proxy Connection Information - Local bypass

    A Boolean value that specifies whether to bypass the proxy server when you use a local address, with True specifying to bypass the proxy server.

    The default value is False.

    Connection Information - Proxy Connection Information - Port

    A string that specifies the port number on the proxy server through which you connect to the Catalog Web Service. There is no default value.

    Connection Information - Proxy Connection Information - Proxy Password

    A string that specifies the password to use when logging on to the proxy server.

    Connection Information - Proxy Connection Information - Proxy Server

    A string that specifies the URL of the proxy server, if any. Proxy server URLs must begin with "http://" or "https://".

    Connection Information - Proxy Connection Information - Proxy Username

    A string that specifies the user name to use when logging on to the proxy server.

    Connection Information - Web Service Password

    A string that specifies the password to use when logging on to the Catalog Web Service. This property is relevant only when a value is specified for the Web Service Username property.

    Connection Information - Web Service Username

    A string that specifies the user name to use when logging on to the Catalog Web Service. If a name is not specified, BizTalk Server will use the running host instance credentials when logging on to the Catalog Web Service.

    For more information about host instances, see the BizTalk Server documentation.

    User Defined Context Properties - Site name

    A string that specifies the name of the Web site that this send adapter supports. There is no default value.

See Also

Other Resources

How to Add a BizTalk Adapter

How to Configure a Send Endpoint for a BizTalk Adapter

Configuring a Catalog Adapter Endpoint