Create file or directory picker prompts

File or directory prompts are a simple UI mechanism for prompting the user to select a file or directory path. Prompting the user creates the file dialog from the native OS with custom dialog options to fit the user's specific scenario.

Work with file or directory picker prompts

This guide covers the following scenarios for working with the file or directory pick prompts:

Prompt the user to select a single file to open

To create a file open prompt, call the ShowOpenFileDialogAsync method from the ShellExtensibility object.


The ShowOpenFileDialogAsync method takes two parameters:

Parameter Type Required Description
options FileDialogOptions Yes Defines the file picker prompt options to customize the dialog.
cancellationToken CancellationToken Yes The CancellationToken for the async operation. When triggered, the prompt is force-closed.

ShowOpenFileDialogAsync returns null if the user closes or cancels the dialog.


The following code inside a Command shows a file prompt with default dialog options.

public override async Task ExecuteCommandAsync(IClientContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    FileDialogOptions options = new();
    string? filePath = await this.Extensibility.Shell().ShowOpenFileDialogAsync(options, cancellationToken);

Prompt the user to select one or more files to open

In some cases, it's useful to enable users to select more than one file at a time, which can be done with the ShowOpenMultipleFilesDialogAsync method.


The ShowOpenMultipleFilesDialogAsync method takes two parameters:

Parameter Type Required Description
options FileDialogOptions Yes Defines the file picker prompt options to customize the dialog.
cancellationToken CancellationToken Yes The CancellationToken for the async operation. When triggered, the prompt is force-closed.

ShowOpenMultipleFilesDialogAsync returns null if the user closes or cancels the dialog.


The following code inside a Command shows a file prompt with default dialog options.

public override async Task ExecuteCommandAsync(IClientContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    FileDialogOptions options = new();
    IReadOnlyList<string>? filePath = await this.Extensibility.Shell().ShowOpenMultipleFilesDialogAsync(options, cancellationToken);

Prompt the user to select a file to Save As

Prompting the user for a file name to Save As allows them to specify a custom file name.


The ShowSaveAsFileDialogAsync method takes two parameters:

Parameter Type Required Description
options FileDialogOptions Yes Defines the file picker prompt options to customize the dialog.
cancellationToken CancellationToken Yes The CancellationToken for the async operation. When triggered, the prompt is force-closed.

ShowSaveAsFileDialogAsync returns null if the user closes or cancels the dialog.


The following code inside a Command shows a file prompt with default dialog options.

public override async Task ExecuteCommandAsync(IClientContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    FileDialogOptions options = new();
    string? filePath = await this.Extensibility.Shell().ShowSaveAsFileDialogAsync(options, cancellationToken);

Prompt the user to select a directory to open

To create a file open prompt, call the ShowOpenFolderDialogAsync method from the ShellExtensibility object.


The ShowOpenFolderDialogAsync method takes two parameters:

Parameter Type Required Description
options FolderDialogOptions Yes Defines the file picker prompt options to customize the dialog.
cancellationToken CancellationToken Yes The CancellationToken for the async operation. When triggered, the prompt is force-closed.

ShowOpenFolderDialogAsync returns null if the user closes or cancels the dialog.


The following code inside a Command shows a file prompt with default dialog options.

public override async Task ExecuteCommandAsync(IClientContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    FolderDialogOptions options = new();
    string? folderPath = await this.Extensibility.Shell().ShowOpenFolderDialogAsync(options, cancellationToken);

Use options to customize file or directory prompts

The FileDialogOptions, DialogFilters, and FolderDialogOptions types can be used to customize your prompts:


Property Type Required Description Sample
title string No The title of the dialog. If the title is an empty string, the system uses a default title, which is either "Save As" or "Open". Default is string.Empty "Open a file"
initialFileName string No The file name in the input box of the dialog. For the open file dialog, the filename must exist or the dialog returns an error. If an invalid filename is passed, we use the default. Default is string.Empty. "filename.ext"
filters DialogFilters No The filters used for the dialog. See Examples of prompts with custom options


Term Type Required Description Example
Filters IReadOnlyCollection<DialogFilter> Yes The filters for selecting or saving a file. See Examples of prompts with custom options
DefaultFilterIndex int No Used to set the default filter index of the filter that is selected by default. Default is 0. The minimum index is 0 and the maximum is the number of filters - 1.


Property Type Required Description Sample
title string No The title of the dialog. If the title is an empty string, the system uses a default title, which is either "Save As" or "Open". Default is string.Empty. "Open a file"
initialDirectory string No The directory the dialog should have open, which should be an absolute path. If the initialDirectory is an empty string, the initial directory defaults to the last opened directory. If there is no previously opened directory, the initial directory will default to the root folder. If an initialDirectory is specified, we pass in a flag to the dialog to open to the specified directory instead of the last opened directory. If an invalid directory is passed, we use the default. Default is string.Empty. "path/to/folder"

Examples of prompts with custom options

File picker prompt

DialogFilter[] filters = new DialogFilter[]
    new DialogFilter("Word Files", ".doc", ".docx"),
    new DialogFilter("Excel Files", ".xls", ".xlsx"),
    new DialogFilter("All Files", ".*"),

FileDialogOptions options = new FileDialogOptions()
    Title = "Choose a File To Open".
    InitialDirectory = "absolute/path/to/file",
    InitialFileName = "file.txt",
    Filters = new DialogFilters(filters)
        DefaultFilterIndex = 1,

string? filePath = await Extensibilty.Shell().ShowOpenFileDialogAsync(options, cancellationToken);

Directory picker prompt

FolderDialogOptions options = new FolderDialogOptions()
    Title = "Choose a Folder",
    InitialDirectory = "absolute/path/to/folder"

string? folderPath = await Extensibilty.Shell().ShowOpenFolderDialogAsync(options, cancellationToken);

Next steps

Next, see the FilePickerSample.