New Windows 7 App Compat Resource for ISVs in Ireland / Northern Ireland
Windows 7 is coming and excitement is building among consumers and enterprises. Therefore, as an ISV it is critical that your solution is compatible with Windows 7 - now is the right time to ensure you are ready for the Windows 7 wave. If you have a solution on either the Windows Vista or Windows XP operating system, Innovate On has resources which will help you to ensure your solution lights up on Windows 7. With an application quality cookbook, forums, and Windows compatibility tests you can achieve compatibility easily and also explore how to make your solution shine with the new features Windows 7 provides.
Get compatible by checking out the resources on Innovate On, and if you’re interested in becoming eligible to display the Windows 7 Software Logo on your solution please feel free to contact me for more details. The good news is it’s become a lot easier! We will also be running some (free) classroom training on Windows 7 development in June 2009, along with a remediation workshop to work through any issues you may run into – again, feel free to contact me for more details.