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Matt Powell

Web Platform and Tools

Problem with the WSE 3.0 July CTP

Two problems were found with the just published WSE 3.0 July CTP. 1. The Add Web Reference feature...

Author: mattpo Date: 07/21/2005

WSE 3.0 July CTP

The WSE team has put out an update to their earlier WSE 3.0 technical preview, but before you rush...

Author: mattpo Date: 07/20/2005

Questions about WSE 3.0

One of the most common questions I'm getting here at TechEd is, "What's new in WSE 3.0?" The single...

Author: mattpo Date: 06/09/2005

If you are at Tech Ed, Stop by and say Hi.

I'm currently workin' the booth at Tech Ed USA here in Orlando, Florida. I'm spending a bunch of my...

Author: mattpo Date: 06/07/2005

The first look at WSE 3.0

Today we released a Community Technical Preview of WSE 3.0. Check out the release notes for details...

Author: mattpo Date: 06/03/2005

Wanted: MSDN Content Strategists

I currently have two open positions here at MSDN for Content Strategists that can potentially cover...

Author: mattpo Date: 05/31/2005

Excellent News Around Web Service Federation

Yesterday we published two articles on the concepts of a federated identity metasystem on the MSDN...

Author: mattpo Date: 05/13/2005

The Identity Metasystem: Who are you?

Who? Who? Who? Who? Today we published two articles Identity on the MSDN Web Services Developer...

Author: mattpo Date: 05/12/2005

Give Us Your Feedback on WSE and Indigo

Some of you may be familiar with the MSDN Product Feedback Center that has been used to allow the...

Author: mattpo Date: 04/08/2005

He's everywhere!

At the risk of being accused of stalking, I've got another Ari link on Indigo for everyone. This...

Author: mattpo Date: 03/17/2005

What is the Status of the WS-* Specs?

Jorgen put together a mapping of the current state of affairs when it comes to the WS-*...

Author: mattpo Date: 03/04/2005

Children and Humor

It occured to me recently that one of the greater joys I have of my children growing is to see their...

Author: mattpo Date: 03/03/2005

WSE Policy Advisor from MS Research

The folks at Microsoft Research have put together a tool, the WSE Policy Advisor, that looks at your...

Author: mattpo Date: 03/02/2005

MSDN Magazine Web Services Issue

In case you haven't caught it yet, the entire March MSDN Magazine is now online. Subject: Web...

Author: mattpo Date: 02/24/2005

Recent Web Service Specification News

We've added a new section on the MSDN Web Services Developer Center homepage called "WS...

Author: mattpo Date: 02/14/2005

WS-Security UsernameToken Best Practices

We just published an article by Keith Brown on how to properly use WS-Security UsernameTokens for...

Author: mattpo Date: 02/01/2005

MTOM reaches W3C Recommendation

Congratulations to everyone involved in the MTOM effort. Today it became an official W3C...

Author: mattpo Date: 01/25/2005 might want to grab a kleenex...

I was out sick yesterday with something my daughters gave me. I woke up this morning feeling much...

Author: mattpo Date: 01/19/2005

Mark Fussell on Binary XML

Mark Fussell, currently working on WSE, let's loose on the W3C work on binary XML. Mark makes some...

Author: mattpo Date: 01/19/2005

Omri on the Web Services Architecture

Omri talks about the Web services architecture on Channel 9. -Matt

Author: mattpo Date: 01/11/2005

New Feature of the MSDN Web Services Developer Center

Many of the folks who read this blog read it on the home page of the MSDN Web Services Developer...

Author: mattpo Date: 01/10/2005

Web Services in 2005

Back from a two week vacation (okay, I was back yesterday, but I was really busy yesterday), I...

Author: mattpo Date: 01/05/2005

And Speaking of WSDL...

How many jokes have a WSDL as a punchline? minOccurs = '1' -Matt

Author: mattpo Date: 12/15/2004

Will the real WSDL please stand up?

William T points out some gaffs from different sites on what WSDL really stands for. As I read...

Author: mattpo Date: 12/15/2004

PDC 2005: Los Angeles - Sept. 11 - 16, 2005

That's pretty much all we know about PDC '05 so far. But watch this space for more information....

Author: mattpo Date: 12/08/2004

Taking the Dentist Thing One Step Further

Chris' post on trauma at the dentist reminded me of my mother's recent experience - not with the...

Author: mattpo Date: 12/06/2004

National Weather (Web) Service

NOAA is doing XML! It does my heart well to see our government going the SOAP route. Get your...

Author: mattpo Date: 12/06/2004

Hands on Labs for WSE --Also in VB!!!

Hidden deep on the WSE page of the MSDN Web Services Developer Center are two Hands On Labs for...

Author: mattpo Date: 12/03/2004

It's Here! WSE 2.0 SP2

Today Microsoft released Service Pack 2 for Web Services Enhancements 2.0. Update your install...

Author: mattpo Date: 12/03/2004

More Random Good Stuff from Don

Don digs into more ins and outs of manipulating ASMX Web methods to do what you want. A pretty neat...

Author: mattpo Date: 11/29/2004

WSE 2.0 and Whidbey?

Hervey reports that w/ the upcoming SP2 release of WSE 2.0 that some of the problems with running...

Author: mattpo Date: 11/29/2004

The Universal Webmethod

Don Box posted the Universal Webmethod for ASMX Web services (gives you the SOAP body of the request...

Author: mattpo Date: 11/29/2004

SoapMail for WSE 2.0

We had an article on MSDN a few months ago which used WSE to send SOAP messages over SMTP...

Author: mattpo Date: 11/18/2004

MTOM goes to Proposed Recommendation So roughly 4 weeks until it is final. -Matt

Author: mattpo Date: 11/16/2004


John created! I can see this being a great resource for WSE developers although it is...

Author: mattpo Date: 11/15/2004

Mark Takes over WSE

Mark Fussell, former program manager for the System.Xml namespace, has moved over to be the program...

Author: mattpo Date: 11/15/2004

Did you know there is a new TechNet Magazine?

From the people who gave you (and continue giving you) MSDN Magazine, a new kid on the block has...

Author: mattpo Date: 10/27/2004

WinDev - Here I Am

I just arrived in Boston for WinDev 2004. This looks like an exceptional conference this year and...

Author: mattpo Date: 10/25/2004

Message Based Security is Way Cool

Here at the Applied XML Developers Conference in the center of the unknown world, Stevenson, WA,...

Author: mattpo Date: 10/21/2004

VB Content Strategist will need to live in Redmond

I seem to be getting this question from everyone. Yes the Visual Basic Content Strategist position I...

Author: mattpo Date: 10/18/2004

Wanted: VB Content Strategist

Congratulations to Duncan for the life-changing event. But Duncan has decided to make another change...

Author: mattpo Date: 10/13/2004

WS-Management Released

Microsoft, Sun, AMD, and DELL released the WS-Management specification last Friday. Check out Omri's...

Author: mattpo Date: 10/12/2004

WS-Security Interop: This is a Big Deal

Last week we published Simon's new Web Services Interop page. He published a total of 3 articles on...

Author: mattpo Date: 10/07/2004

Real Web Services Interoperability

Mr. Web Services Interoperability, Simon Guest, has just published 3 articles on real...

Author: mattpo Date: 09/30/2004

Gartner's Magic Quadrant Analysis says Msft Leads the Way

[UPDATE]: You can now get the report here. I didn't actually purchase the document, but the...

Author: mattpo Date: 09/30/2004

C'mon people, it's a NOTE!

I wander over to some of the other Web services sites once in awhile and see what they are saying....

Author: mattpo Date: 09/29/2004

$11 billion to spend on Web service projects

Want a piece of this? -Matt

Author: mattpo Date: 09/23/2004

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