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Prijavite se na FIT Windows 8 Dev Workshop u Mostaru

U sklopu aktivnosti vezanih za promociju Coding Challenge 2013 takmičenja koje organizira Fakultet informacijskih tehnologija u Mostaru, za subotu, 11. maja, najavljeno je i održavanje Windows 8 Developer Wokshopa za studente, kojeg će voditi kolega Can Bilgin iz CompuSighta.

Kroz ovaj workshop bit će obrađene ukupno četiri tematske cjeline, vezane za WinRT platformu, ključne stavke vezane za dizajn i planiranje Windows Store aplikacija, podrška za application contracts (search, share, settings, play-to), upravljanje životnim ciklusom aplikacija u WinRT okruženju, uz hands-on lab tokom kojeg će studenti dobiti priliku da razviju jednostavnu Windows Store aplikaciju praćenjem instrukcija sa vježbi. Workshop se održava u prostorijama FIT-a u Mostaru u subotu, 11.5.2013. godine u 10 sati, a zbog ograničenog broja mjesta, neophodno je učešće prijaviti putem e-mail adrese

Da bi aktivno učestvovali, preporučuje se nošenje vlastitog notebook računara sa instaliranim Windows 8 operativnim sistemom (probnu verziju na 90 dana možete preuzeti ovdje) uz besplatnu ediciju Visual Studio 2012 Express for Windows 8 razvojnih alata ili boljih.

Predavač, Can Bilgin, radi kao Senior Software Architect u kompaniji CompuSight te je u proteklih 8 godina radio na projektima za kompanije kao što su Microsoft, General Electric, Raiffeisen Bank, Jettainer i Adobe Echosign korištenjem tehnologija kao što su BizTalk, SharePoint, InfoPath, Windows Mobile, Windows Phone, WinRT i WCF. Vrijedi spomenuti i da je Windows Store Adobe Echosign aplikacija na kojoj je radio CompuSight nedavno nagrađena od strane Qualcomma.


1) WinRT – Windows Re-Thought
Windows Runtime stands for the backbone of the Windows 8 operating system. It provides the familiar development platform for developers as well as supplying the bridge for the lower layers of the COM foundation of Windows 8 OS. In this session, different areas of the new development platform will be visited such as design, contracts, threading. The new visual studio and development tools will put under magnifying glass.

2) Application Contracts - When, Where, Why, How
Windows 8 contracts are agreements between Windows 8 and your app that allow you to integrate your app into Windows 8 experience. By means of using contracts, you can make your application become part of the operating system and make it easy for the user to access the information or features that your app can provide. In this session, you'll learn how contracts work and how to implement the built-in contracts such as Search, Share, Settings and Play To.

3) Application Lifecycle Management in WinRT
Learn about the lifecycle of a Windows Store app, from the time it is deployed through its removal. By working with Windows to suspend and resume your app appropriately, you ensure that your customer has the best possible experience with your app. We will also be talking about the connected sleep mode, and different options for you to do work when you application is technically not “working”.

4) Visual Studio Application Templates and Unit Testing (Hands-On)
In this session, we will be building a small media library browser application using the new features and application templates of Visual Studio. The attendants can use their laptops to follow the instructions and distributed code snippets to build the media explorer application.