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InstaSurvey 7002 - New Subscriber Downloads content display

The subscriber community provided GREAT feedback and suggestions on the design of the new subscriber downloads experience that we released in July. We were able to incorporate many of your suggestions into the final design, and the feedback we received from you since we released the new downloads experience has been very positive. 

We’re very glad that you like it. The feature we continue to receive the most requests for is the ability to see newly added downloads without leaving the main subscriber experience. We have the New Subscriber Downloads RSS feeds, and we don’t plan to eliminate those feeds. Based on your requests, we are also looking at incorporating a “Newly Added Downloads” TOC category to the new download experience.  We came up with a design concept and we’d love your input on the mockups.

See the mockups here, and give us your feedback (either from there or using either the LIKE or DISLIKE links below. Please copy and paste in the questions and your answers into the mail if you want to include more details on what you do or do not like).

The Subscriptions Delivery Team

InstaSurvey 7002 - Newly Added Downloads Integration Questions (copy and paste them into your email after clicking a mailto link above)

1. Do the mockups reflect how you would expect the Newly Added content to be displayed in the UI? 

If not, what would you expect?

2. Does it make sense to you?

If not, what would make it make more sense?

3. Does it seem like a logical flow?

If not, what would make it a more logical?

4. In combination with the Newly Added RSS feeds, does this meet your needs for seeing new Subscriber content added to the sites - whether you come to the site or not?

If not, what is missing?

5. What other things would you like to see us consider for the "Newly Added Downloads" functionality?

6. What other things would you like to see us to consider for the Subscriber Benefits Portal in general?

7. Which Subscription(s) do you use - MSDN, TechNet, Expression?



November 7, 2008:  

For those of you that responded during the comment period, thank you for your feedback. Here is a summary of the feedback:

Like/Dislike Stats:

  • Like 11
  • Dislike 1

Comments/Suggestions, and [and any Microsoft comments]:

  • Update the RSS more often [New fully programmatic RSS feeds are expected to go live later in November - taking away all latency]
  • Wants 30 days rather than 60 days duration [this would likely come with additional personalization beyond v1.0, but we hear you!]
  • Wants to be able to select his own period for “new” - this month, last month, this week, last week or even a specific date [this would likely come with additional personalization beyond v1.0, but we hear you!]
  • I love it!  I don’t know why this wasn't’t in the new design from the start.  Everyone wants to know, at-a-glance, what is new since whatever date.
  • All aspects of the design make sense to me.  I can’t wait for the implementation!
  • I like it, but it’s not really what I would expect. I would expect just the newly added content to appear. The mock-ups appear to support calling it “products with new content”. [We are looking at some options to address this general criticism.]
  • You get a list of Categories that have changed, but it’s still not a good way to show what items are new (and only what’s new)
  • I would rather see the actual files that have been added, not the categories where there are new files
  • I like the site and appreciate being given the opportunity to influence the features and design. Keep up the good work!

Other Suggestions for the Subscriptions Sites:

  • Ability to select multiple files for download as was possible before.
  • Ability to easily print to file / electronically store all the information on a download page.
  • In the list of product families on the left, it is not currently possible to use the middle mouse button to open the product family in a new tab... that would really help. It used to be possible.


  • Anonymous
    September 25, 2008
    We really appreciate the great feedback that the Subscriber community has provided on the new Subscriber